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Storm "This isn't a good idea." I tried to convince my human. I trusted this alpha more than any other, enough to show him who we really were. I know I'm not one who trusts that easily and have built a wall around my human to stop her making mistakes, but this f'n ridiculous. She needs someone strong around her and I know this alpha will give her just that. He respects the moon goddess and he respects me as her descendant. She needs to realise that this alpha will protect her till his last breath. I am not sure how he got to know who we were, but I'm glad he did. I know this alpha and his pack will protect us from the storm that is about to come. She just needs to realise that he is on our side and he is not our enemy, but our protector. "We have to do this Storm. It's best to be as far away from here as possible. I can sense something is off." "There's nothing off Abby. I trust him with everything inside me. He's not like the others. You have to trust me on this." "I wish I could Storm. But we need to go. We need to get away from here. I don't feel safe, he's near." "The Rogue king?" "Yes, but not just him. I know you feel them too. We need to go and hide, we need to be safe and out of sight. I don't want this pack fighting our battles and don't need our s**t to be involved in their lives." "He will protect us, Abby." "How do you know that, Storm? How can you possibly know that?" "I can feel it even if you can't." "That maybe, but you can't just go on a feeling Storm things just don't feel right here." "They'll protect us. He'll protect us." "Maybe, but I don't like this feeling I'm having. I need to get out of here. I need to breathe." I sighed, my human was surely stubborn after that asshole alpha. I would have thought that she'd be grateful that at least one alpha respected her, respected us and what we stood for, but I've never had a chance to explain to her her importance, her heirs' importance. We need a serious talk. "Please don't argue with me, Storm. My mind is made up." "Fine." I huffed, irritated. "But once we find somewhere to stay we are talking, young lady." She laughed. "Sure, old lady." Damn cheek, we're the same age. "Mind link Serenity and Sergo and we'll get on our way." "Are you sure about this, Abby?' "I am, something is off and I don't intend to stick around to find out. " "Okay." I said before minlinking Serenity and Sergo. "They're on their way." I nodded The twins came running into the room. "What's going on mom, why did you call for us? Did you relapse?" I chuckled they're always looking out for their mother and never themselves. "I'm fine, but we are getting out of here." "Why?" They groaned, in unison. I chuckled. These two, they're proper twins. They know exactly what each other is thinking. And when the other is hurting. "Why are we going, mom?" "We like it here, mom." "Something is off with this place. I just don't trust anyone here, even if Storm does. We need to get out. I can't breathe." "We trust you mom. Whatever you decide, we are happy with." "Thanks. We need to get out of here before the alpha or anyone comes looking." "How are we exactly going to get out of there mom?" I looked out of the window and smiled. "Follow me." They nodded and followed Abby. She opened the window which led onto the balcony. We slipped out one by one, closing the window. We looked down. At least there were no guards around. They all jumped, changing into their wolves and ran across the ground keeping an eye out for the alpha or the pack until we made it into the forest. We had to keep going. Whatever was heading our way wasn't good. We headed over the stream and passed the pack's borders as we heard howling. s**t, they found out we were all gone. This wasn't good, but I knew that we could outrun that pack. My old pack hadn't found us in sixteen years and neither would this one. We continued running through the woods until we came upon a hut it would do for tonight, but we had to continue in the morning to find a safe place for us to lie low. I had to mask our scent. It was one thing I had learned to do to keep enemies at bay. I wasn't entirely happy about this situation, but I had to trust my human when she said she felt something off. Though I trusted their Alpha. I wasn't entirely sure that I could trust his pack; it was like they were planning something and that something wasn't good. We looked up at the hut, then Abby, linked Serenity and Sergo and we all changed back into our human form, heading into the hut. ~ "I'm tired mom, I'm going to find somewhere to sleep." "Me too." Abby smiled at them. "Okay kids. If you need anything, just shout " "Will do mom." They headed off in search of somewhere to sleep, leaving Abby alone and Storm was able to talk to her. "We need to talk Abby." "Not now, Storm. I'm tired." "We're talking about this, now!" I said, snapping. "Okay, okay, take a chill pill, will ya?” "There's a lot of things you don't know, Abby. I need to tell you. I wanted to tell you once we shifted but you were carrying the twins and everything was so hectic and I never trained that alpha jerk. " "Okay, what was so important that you had to wait until now to tell me about it?" "You're special Abby, like I'm a very special wolf. You know you're a descendant of the moon goddess. You have very special powers, ones you need to keep to yourself and only show them to those who you trust the most. Do you understand what I'm saying, Abby?" "Yes. I understand." "The only other time you will show them is if you think or know you're in danger. You can teleport, you have the power to lift heavy objects, you have ultimate speed, you can also protect those around you by using a shield. You have lots of powers, Abby. You are not just an ordinary wolf. You are a witch. You possess a very strong magical current but you need to know how to use it or it could be catastrophic. Do you understand?" "Yes." "I know it's a lot to take in, but I will help you understand your abilities." "So. My parents weren't my parents?" "No Abby. They kidnapped you. Your brother isn't your brother either. They knew your powers but chose to abuse their rights as your parents. Your brother abused you and your trust. That beta jerk was no better. If I'd been strong enough, I would've snapped his neck and the same goes for that alpha jerk, and his friends. I need to tell you something, Abby, and you need to listen to me." "Okay." "They are all coming for us, there is going to be a war. That alpha jerk from our old pack is power thirsty and will do anything to get you and gain more power. The Rogue King has his own intentions the same as that beta asshole and our second-chance mate will want you back when he realises what he has lost. He is power thirsty, unlike alpha Lincoln, but you were right. There is something off there. I am not sure what, but there is something definitely off about that pack we won't be returning. That is a promise, he will follow and protect you, but there will be several threats we have to be alert and aware of. Are you ready for what is coming our way?" "I will have to be. For my kids." "We will protect our pups with our lives, Abby. They know how to fight. Let's hope they don't go off the rails. Their powers are growing stronger day by day. We need to keep an eye on them. They need to be prepared for the storm ahead." "Agreed."
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