Chapter 14 The Council: Part 2

2841 Words

Noah's fingers tightened around mine while he raised his free hand and knocked smartly before stalking inside, dragging me with him. I was blown to see all the people around, their eyes instantly flitting at me, Noah's hand around mine before finally settling down on him. On a raised platform in front of us, three men in sharp black suits stood up and nodded, which Noah reciprocated equally politely before turning to his brothers standing to the right, looking grim. "Good afternoon," Noah said, his voice sharp and clear. I risked a peek at him and couldn't help but marvel at the confidence he eluded, standing straight, head high and eyes fixed on the three men as if he owned them. And the rest of the room. "Long time," the guy in the middle muttered, giving him a formal smile. "I hope

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