Chapter 93- The Reawakening

1387 Words

"Are you ready?" Karen demanded, giving me a look. It was finally time. I don't know what exactly she planned to do but I was ready for everything. I needed Voss back no matter what. I can't win without him at any cost. "What do I need to do?" I asked. "Manage to stay alive, I guess," she answered flatly as she took me through the forest into god knows where. I frankly had no idea where I was and it wasn't rocket science to understand that Karen didn't like me. She was only helping because of Alexis. That didn't matter to me. As long as she was helping. "How bad can it get?" I pressed, because no matter what, I was sure no werewolf would ever want to go through the first phasing ever again. It was death at it's best. "I have no idea, Gordon," Karen grumbled. "I am not a werewolf. I

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