Chapter-67.1 Sabrina's Verdict (Part 2)

1972 Words

"Eli!" I called. He halted, frowned and then, turning on his heels, jogged back to us. "Morning alphas," he nodded at us. My eyes scanned him quickly and a part of me almost kicked back the idea brewing in my head. Eli was just twenty-one but he looked as old as Ash with a strong body. And his goofy smile somehow reminded me of Andrew Garfield. He was funny too. Girls like funny, right? "Ha! Are you jealous and wary after everything?" Noel scoffed. "You rotten bag of expired s**t," I blinked and quickly shook my head. What the f**k was I doing? "How's it going, Eli?" Logan smiled. Eli was the son of the head of gammas and hence the future head. If he gets elected, that is. He was almost best friends with Asher and was the one who accompanied me when I was hunting down the slave trader

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