Chapter 54.1 Alana's Proposal (Part 2)

2063 Words

"You really going to meet that b***h of a woman?" Logan demanded as we headed out after breakfast. "Yeah, let's see what she has to say. I also want to give her my two cents," I hissed. "Still can't believe one woman can do that to another," Logan grimaced. "Does Rose know?" "No," I shook my head. "I need to know what she is upto first before I tell her. Don't need her worrying," "Fair enough," he agreed. "Asher is doing a good job with the guards," I turned my gaze to the practice ground where Asher was training the guards, all drenched in sweat, and nodded my head. "Yeah, he is growing up," I agreed. "He will make a great alpha, no doubt." "Why is it so hard for you to say this stuff to his face?" Logan demanded. "You are way too cold towards him, Noah. He loves you so much, you kn

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