Chapter 28 Visitors In The Morning

2301 Words

Rose I don't know why my eyes opened. It could be the pattering of raindrops on the window or something, but suddenly I was wide awake. The fire was still burning in the fireplace and it was so warm and comfortable in here. Maybe a bit too warm. I lay silently and watched the fire dancing in the fireplace and this was literally the most peaceful I have felt in years. Like everything in this world was perfect. Like I wasn't going to die in a few months. I sighed and frankly, I just couldn't care any less if I live or die. I just needed this little life to be okay. And yes, if something was breaking my heart, that was the fact that I might not get to spend time with my child or build the future I was fighting so hard for. And more than anything, he will never know me. What will happen

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