Chapter 90- Welcome Home, Baby!

2118 Words

Noah Rose was eerily silent and brooding as we headed back home. Aurora was sleeping in my arms after listening to me talk with the utmost concentration. We sync so well and she was turning out pretty well to be daddy's princess. I was so going to spoil her, the mere thought excited me. I turned my eyes to Rose while idly playing with Aurora's teeny fingers and a part of me couldn't believe she was back and sitting beside me. I owed Astraea my life, but unfortunately it doesn't matter now. And I know she was the reason why Rose was so silent. She was undoubtedly blaming herself for Astraea's death. I know she has grown attached to her in the short time we have known her. But I also knew if Astraea took such a drastic decision, there must be a reason behind that. "It's not your fault, R

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