Chapter-88 Bad News

1038 Words

Later at night, after taking a long, warm shower, I waited for Braiden to arrive. It was quite late and safe enough, especially with Alexis on the perimeter duty. Braiden has been sleeping with me ever since Gordon died because, regardless of his cold exterior, he was worried about me and the baby. "You haven't gone to bed yet?" Braiden muttered, shutting the door behind him. He was wearing a loose gym vest and those low-hanging sweatpants, looking delectable as always. He was probably working out. He was always working out. "No, waiting for you," I smiled, patting the bed beside me. "Let me take a quick shower. I am all sweaty," he said, and I watched, my mouth going dry as he pulled out of his clothes, all flawless muscles and tattoos, and I wished he would just f**k me senseless l

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