Chapter-21 Narrow Escape

3553 Words

This was it. This was just how long I could survive before hell breaks loose for me again. I couldn't breathe, my body literally shaking as she stood just behind me. What in heaven's name was she doing here? Do they invite enemy packs to things like this as well? And if she was here that meant.... Gordon was here too. I felt so weak, my head starting to spin with fear that it took all my strength to not throw up. There was nothing saving me now. There was no way I could escape her. Maybe Alana wouldn't out me to Gordon but she also wouldn't just sit back and watch. She hated me. She has to. No person would do what she did to me unless there was hate. And right now, the most possible thing she could do to ruin my life further was to tell Noah everything and paint me as a spy, just like

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