No Damsel Here

2129 Words

Tyler “Go after her,” Phyllis encourages Skylar and me. Castor pushes me to go after our mate. We are hurt by what she said, but I must find her. I take off running with Skylar right behind me. I look back to see Amber’s dad and uncle behind us as well. I sniff the air, catch the scent, and take off. Castor pushes forward, and I allow him to take control and shift. Skylar has shifted as well. I see that Flynt and Henry are also in wolf form. Henry’s large black wolf stands out against Flynt’s smaller grey one. I turn my attention to the trail. Her scent is heavy in the air, and I get a bad feeling. I hear twigs snapping ahead of us and hope that it is Amber. We all stop right at the edge of the territory. Amber’s scent is all around, but she is nowhere to be found. ‘Taken,’ A whis

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