Just Jitters

2974 Words

Savannah “Mate!” The chocolate brown wolf hisses. I am jolted awake by my mother knocking on my door. “Savannah,” She opens the door. “Are you up?” “No,” I grumble. I look at my clock, and it is nearly seven am. I sigh and sit up. “Well, your father wanted you to be out front when the wolves from the Dark Knights Pack get here,” She stands near my bed. I hold my head, “I know, Mom.” “Skylar was also asking for you,” She sighs. “Poor guy can’t get the hint, huh?” I shake my head. “I’ll be downstairs, Mom.” “Okay,” She smiles and saunters out of my room. I slowly get out of bed. My head is a mess. I have been dreaming about my mate for a week. Aja has been adamant about being with him and not the twins. I look at a picture of me between Skylar and Tyler. I pick it up and stare at

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