Deep Kisses, Deep Troubles

1345 Words
My heart skipped beats and I felt my knees grow weak. For our first night. I and Fabian. Even worse than before, the consequences of everything I was about to do started to dawn on me. What exactly it meant to be a wife. What it meant to be.... I swallowed hard, tears starting to fill my eyes. I closed them, my mind treacherously envisioning everything. It started to dawn on me the real meanings on his earlier words. "If I had been patient, you could have given me a lifetime." My chest constricted harder, just as a small knock came on the door again. Before I could stand up however, Dad walked in, his fingers slowly pulling at his tie. I immediately blinked everything back, then stood up, pushing the note into my fist. "They came already?" I mode. "It is...almost sunset now." He sighed. "The hospital air is just the same. Your mother's caretaker is there now, and I came back to rest." I nodded, watching as he sat on the couch opposite me. "You need it." He nodded. "Have you checked your dress? Tomorrow..." "Yes," I said, cutting him off. "Yes, they are already tagged, so...I just need to wear them tomorrow." He smiled, a mixture of gratitude and order and he leaned back on the couch. "There is...a suit for you too." He laughed. "Must be Gerald. I can't believe I kept such friends away and that bastard close." I only swallowed, and without another word, I turned and walked away to my room. It was a sleepless night and it went by way too fast. Like everything was trying to usher in the dawn of my misery. Before I knew it, dad was knocking on my door. I sighed, pulling myself up. I passed by the mirror, catching only a glimpse. I had dark circles, and my hair looked rather outrageous. I opened the door anyway. "Good morning." He gave a small sigh. "They are here to take you. Wear anything and go. I will come when the engagement is about to start." My brows furrowed. "But I thought..." "I know. But there is obviously a place for you there now and you are wasting time. Get ready." I swallowed hard as he walked away, obviously nervous. I closed the door, then took a quick, hot bath, hoping the water would melt me away. But I stepped out intact, my hair now wet, my eyes sunken. My chest felt tight. And I pounded on it as I donned a simple hoodie and joggers, then tied my hair before walking out. Father nodded at me, and I noticed the boxes of engagement dresses were missing. I sighed and walked to the door. Two cars were waiting. And I was ushered to the one behind. Once I got in, the car started. I turned to the house. Dad was waving at me, his head leaned on the door. I gave a weak smile and turned away. I was taken to the Stone Hotel we had been in yesterday, and then taken to the suite. As I understood, the engagement would hold in the big event hall inside the hotel. The stylists required that I take another bath and change into a robe. I did it again, and they sat me in front of the mirror. Slowly, they started to dry my hair, while others worked on looking for the appropriate theme. "We are going with the baby pink and black dress, while her make up will be nude. The neckline will reach up, so we will pile up her hair in a bun...." I tuned out of the conversation, my eyes fixed on their reflection in the illuminated mirror, my eyes searching for something. The courage to walk out of this. I found none. In about two hours, they were done. The make up around my eyes were light, so the pitch black of my eyes were the highlight of it. Slowly, one of them helped me up, then started to bring the dress to me. I slowly wore it. It was a beautiful silk number, and had a high neck. The back was exposed however, and the top hugged my figure. The waist down opened up into a sightly large silk opening, then gradually burnt into pink at the bottom. It was truly beautiful. I gave a small sigh. If only I was wearing this to a man I love. "We can go now. You are all set, and the event has started." I nodded, and then adjusting my feet in the shoes, I walked out of the room. The head event planner followed me, and I stopped in front off the grand door. I couldn't hear anything, and it only made me even more anxious. The door slowly opened, and I walked in, my fingers clenching fistfuls of my dress. Everyone was standing around in classy, elegant dresses. The hall itself was beautifully decorated, the massive chandelier falling in the middle of it all. Bouquets of floral arrangements graced the spiral stairs, and a large wall to the right flaunted a beautiful placard that carried our names on it. But I didn't find Fabian. It helped me breathe. "You look stunning," Gerald said as he came up to me, his smile big. I managed a smile back. "Thank you. The dress is beautiful." He looked down at it, then smiled. "I agree. Fabian insisted on choosing it, even though I didn't think black was a good color for such a joyous occasion. It felt like he knew what would fit you." My lips parted, but no words came out of it. I swallowed hard, then slowly shook my head. "I...uhh..." "He is here." I turned, just as Gerald moved away. Fabian was talking to someone, a wine glass in hand. His hair was combed in lazy brushed up and back waves, his hand elegantly tucked in his pockets. He had a small dimpled smile, his classy dark grey suit fitted for him. His light blue eyes twinkled lightly, the gold bracelet on his left hand moving back and forth with his subtle hand movements. I swallowed. If only I didn't know how terrible he was. My heart skipped two beats when he suddenly turned to Gerald who had walked up to him, and his eyes darted to me. His smile immediately gave way for a more sinister one, his lips slightly parting, his eyes considerably darkening. I swallowed hard, as he kept the wine on the nearest glass table, then slowly walked up to me. I moved backwards a step, but he moved further, his lips curling up in a small smirk. "Do you find it weird that even after eight years...I still want to ask you for a night?" I swallowed. "Fabian..." "Did you like the dress? The one I intend on seeing you in on our first night?" I met his eyes this time, my lips pursed in a straight line. His eyes were dark, unreadable, his scent strong and overwhelming. Before I could sum up a reply, his hand slowly came up to my chin. I looked down at his fingers and he smirked a little again, his fingers slowly moving around the small bit of skin. "What are you doing?" I asked, my teeth clenching hard. He said nothing as he slowly leaned in, his head slightly tilted to the right. I felt the dread crawl up my chest and he smirked. Without a word, he moved and placed a small kiss on my cheek. He slowly pulled away, but not quite enough. His head remained tilted and close, his eyes darting from my eyes to my lips. Suddenly, he moved close and I instinctively moved back, my chest heaving, my eyes wide. He raised a brow at the failed attempt of a kiss, before moving away. He grabbed a glass from a passing server and downed it in one gulp, before walking away, like nothing had happened. I knew I was in deep, deep trouble.
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