Chapter Two-3

1381 Words

“There you are, Mr, Dobbins,” Mr. Getty said. “No one can say fairer than that. If you asks me, you were born under a lucky star, findin’ somebody as can cook just at the moment when you really needs it.” “I agree with you.” Mr. Dobbins smiled. He turned to Manella. “Are you prepared, miss, to come up to The Castle with me right away?” He hesitated before he addressed her as ‘miss’ and Manella saw him glance at her hand to see if she was wearing a Wedding ring. She was just about to acquiesce and confirm that she would go with him when Flash moved beside her. “There is one condition I must make, Mr. Dobbins,” she said, “and that is if I come and cook for the Marquis, I can bring my horse and my dog with me.” She thought that there was a look of incredulity on Mr. Dobbin’s face. The

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