A gift

624 Words
 3 months later  *Raven*  "You need a haircut, honey. I love your curls, but even I think it's starting to be a little too much". She let her hands slide into his hair and pulled it lightly, making him groan lowly.  It was early morning and they were lying close together in bed. He had just come home the night before after having been away for almost a month and she had missed him terribly.  His hair was rather long and was a purr of soft curls, but the advantage was that it was perfect to pull. "Yeah I know ... I'm just too lazy to do anything about it".  "It surely has to be cut before Canada hasn't it, for the role I mean ?" She asked and pulled it again.  He groaned and the look he sent her, said that if she didn't leave his hair in peace, she would not get out of bed any time soon. "Yes and about Canada, there was something I wanted to ask you".  "What sweetie ?" He was off to Canada in a few weeks, filming a miniseries, he would be away around 10 weeks and she definitely did not look forward to it.  He bit his lip and then took a deep breath. "The last time away from you was hell, I can not foresee having to do without you for so long ... Please come with me ?"  "Do you mean it Jayce ? I am not going to be in the way or something ?" She looked at him, she had feared having to do without him for so long.  He kissed her gently. "You will never be in the way, love, actually, I hope that in the future, you will always be by my side when I have to travel".  "I'd love to, Jayce … both in Canada and in the future." She replied and kissed him warmly.  He pulled her to him, running his hands over her body. "I Love You Birdie".  "And I love you too, even if you insist on calling me Birdie”. She replied, shaking her head grinning.  He kissed down her neck, his voice warm. "But you are my Birdie and you always will be. I was actually thinking that we should take a spontaneous holiday here now ? 2 weeks in a warm place, what do you say ?" He looked at her.  She got a feeling that there was something behind it, but it sounded quite appealing. "Well it doesn't sound bad, I just have to see if I can afford it".  "Don't think about money baby, it's a present okay ? For being with me". He said, grinning and kissed her down between the breasts and down over the stomach.  She writhed, it tickled. "Okay, although it certainly does not require expensive gifts being with you, you are a gift all in yourself”.  "Thanks darling, especially since I may already have ordered the trip, we fly out tomorrow morning”. He said with an innocent grin.  She ran her hand up into his hair and gave it a rather hard jerk, triggering the expected deep growl from him. "It was quite courageously done, what if I had said no ?"  "I'm quite brave and if you had said no, I would have persuaded you". He replied and grabbed her hips with a teasing grin.  Her breathing was already gasping. "And how were you going to do that ?"  "How about like this ?" He raised one eyebrow and let his hot mouth find its way down between her thighs and she knew that when he did that, it was rather difficult for her to say no to anything.
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