Don`t forget about your dutchess

1009 Words

"Love is like the measles we all have to go through it." ~ Jerome Klapka Jerome *** Angelo Le roux. "Why are you doing this Angelo ?" my sister Alma hissed at me. "Doing what ?" I acted innocent. "You know what am saying you i***t !" I rolled my eyes running my hands through my hair. "You have broken her heart too many times before without even realising it sometimes because you have never cared. You ruined her once please don't ruin her again." Alma genuinely said. "Your point is ?" I grabbed her cup of coffee and drank from it then gave her back. Not my type of coffee. "Stop Angelo just stop with your games, stop leading her on." She spat. "What ?!? f**k no she is the one leading me on." I exclaimed. "Oh right I believe you." She crossed her arms with a sly grin of mocking acro

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