Chapter Twenty Three

1525 Words

Liam “Liam, why in the f**k are you flaunting around with a traitor?” Gwen said, standing up from an armchair in the sitting area. Goddess, why can’t she just listen? Azalea stopped and turned to her, slowly paling as the blood drained from her face. Her eyes were wide, and she began to shake a little. I stepped in front of her, blocking her from Gwen’s view. “I told you to drop it, Gwen. This is none of your concern,” I said to her, my anger rising. “It does concern me if you are playing around with this little b***h. Seriously Liam, just because you aren’t mated doesn’t mean you need to stoop so low,” she spat. “Hold your tongue, now, Gwen,” I threatened. “We are supposed to be here watching the humans, and I find you here messing around with that wolf-less piece of trash. Do y

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