Chapter 54

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Zion Xavier Pov: “ Don’t kid around, dear Alpha. I should go, and plan that date amazingly well. It must be her first date. I want to make it memorable for her. And that Sam guy, he really looks handsome and manly. He and Aurora really make such a nice pair”, saying that, Casey stood up, and went to open the door to my office room. “She became my matter, when I first laid my eyes on her. She is MINE. Did you hear that??. She IS my mate. AURORA IS MY MATE!!!”, I yelled at my annoying gamma female, who only grinned from her ear to ear, instead of being shocked, as I had expected her to be now. I thought back to the time, on how I met my lovely little mate, Aurora, for the first time in the meadow in the forest, and how I had brought her back to our pack, the Night howlers pack. After I had yelled out the secret that I have been keeping from them, that Aurora was my destined mate, which I was hiding till now, I moved, and went towards the open window in my room, and stood in front of it. I blinked my eyes several times, and looked out from the room, at the vast lush green forest outside, through the window in my office room. I decided to tell the full truth about that girl to my family. “yes… It’s the truth. What you guys were thinking was really right. That girl, Aurora, she is my mate “, I broke the news all to sudden without giving them enough time to adjust, and said in a sombre tone, that made all of them to have doubts on the words, that I had said just now. Because I literally said to them, that I have found out who my mate was, my other part of the soul, the one person, for whom all the werewolf teens would yearns for to find, since they turn 18 years of age, in a tone, as if telling them that I had found a normal advertisement pamphlet on the floor. Sighing, I turned to look at their reactions on my big revelation, only to be stunned by their actions. “WHAT!!!??? “, Clint yelled in shock, at the top of his voice, while Kevin unceremoniously slipped to the ground, from the spot he was sitting a moment ago, on the couch. Zander looked totally taken aback by the sudden news, thus he sat at a loss of words, and with a confused look on his face, while Casey squealed happily like a five year old kid, that got her favorite toy as a present on the Christmas Eve, and started jumping on her toes. She looked like a happy little bunny, that was given a new piece of carrot treat to munch on. “I told you so. I told you guys before itself, you thick headed knuckle heads. But you guys did not believe in my words. My love indicating special radar was spot on, as always, and predicted it correctly”, Casey said proudly, with a bright smile on her face. ***She and her stupid skills. The skills which she never let the chance to slip through her hands from bragging about it so proudly. “Then why are you not making it public. Why didn’t you tell us about your mate till now?. Why are you not telling that she is your mate, openly to the entire pack?. Why are you behaving like a dork, and act as if you are not her mate, giving opportunity to other people to approach her?. Are you trying to reject her, or what???“, Casey asked questions after questions continuously, with a serious look on her face. “no….never!!…. I am not going to reject her. Not in this lifetime of mine. I am just confused, and does not know what to do now. I am just thinking. Because she does not behave like she knows that I am her mate, to begin with, which bothers me hell a lot“, I said my doubt out loud, and sighed in defeat. ***this was what was eating me out from the inside, for the entire time that I had known that she was my mate. It was also so confusing, and keeping me on a dilemma for the most of the time, from the day I had seen her for the very first time, in the middle of the meadow. “hearing about it now, it really is weird, and more confusing to me too “, Zander said, looking at Zion’s exhausted look. “Well, to think about this matter…..It must be because she must be still under the adult werewolf age, and did not reach her 18th birth day, you dumb guy!!!”, Clint said in a 'I know it all' tone, making me to threw a nasty glare at him. But on the second thought, I pondered about what he was trying to tell me. “you know, 18th birthday is equal to, or also the day, when we get our inner wolf soul, and will be able to find our mate, or sense their scent on our own”, Clint said, and air quoted the words with his fingers. “ yes…. I too think that it might be the reason in this, brother. Take a good look at her. She really looks too young, with that petite figure of hers. She must be still below the adult werewolf age”, Zander said in a positive tone, trying to lift up my bad mood. “But what if….just, what if….in case she was faking it. What about that??. Like…like she knows that I am her destined mate, and that she does not want me, or acknowledge me as her destined mate”, I said out all those things that ran through my mind, for a very long time. “And why is that? “, Kevin asked in a confused yet curious tone. But before I could answer his question, I was stopped, even before I could open my mouth. “Why in the freaking hell are you spouting stupid non sense like that???“, Casey snapped at me, both in confusion, and annoyance, upon hearing my words. For which, I won’t blame her for that though. “She must have heard the rumours about me, Casey. About how cruel I am. That I am a nasty monster. She must have thought that she did not want a cruel monster as me, as her mate. Look at how timid, and scared she is around everyone. Just from the scared character of hers, I could tell that she must hate violence, and must have kept a good distance from all those cruel things through out her life in the past. And here I am. I am the definition of cruel and violence, which the other pack members have branded me as. Like who in their right mind, would want to live with a person, with such a label stamped on him”, I said in a low spirit. Because I had partly convinced myself that it must be the reason, due to which she was not recognising me as her mate. "No..Never…. I don't think so, Zion... Aurora does not look like a girl, who would believe all those stupid rumours. I admit that she is afraid of everything, and have a timid personality. But, as far as I have seen, She did not look to me like the type of girl, who did not want you as her destined mate, just because of some baseless, and stupid rumours.", Casey vouched with full confidence for Aurora as usual… I still don’t know what was the deal in between these two girls, Casey, and Aurora… it was like they have an invisible, and unbreakable bond in between them. If Aurora was mentioned in any topic, then Casey would close her eyes, and blindly support her, that too with such a confidence. From the very start, Casey was the one who supported, and believed in Aurora blindly…Maybe Casey must have felt the Luna bond with Aurora. But I am not sure of that possibility though. “I too, second that, bro. Based on her character, and the way she behaves lovingly with the kids in the play school of the pack, and how she cherishes her relationship with Casey, and Zara, she looks like, she is not the type of girl to reject her mate, or does not acknowledge her mate bond”, Clint said with a serious look on his face. “Because I know for sure, that for a person to win over these two girls, then only if she was true to her feelings, it is possible to win the trust, and love from our girls. If Aurora had known about you, and faked her feelings, our girls might have caught it by now. And aside from that, both Casey and Zara must have felt something was not right, instantly, as our girls are highly sensitive, when it comes to emotional bonding, and feelings”, Clint said. “there must be a good solid reason for her, for not acknowledging the mate bond in between the you two of you, and in her not accepting you as her destined mate. Or like the most possible, and practical reason, like that guy had said, she must be still under the werewolf mating age “, Kevin said in a meaningful tone. Kevin was always the most reasonable, and level headed guy, who looks at the solid facts to draw out a clear conclusion. He was the perfect guy, who was cut out to be the Delta of the pack, and I was very grateful for the fact that I have him in our pack. I sighed hearing all these different things. But at the same time, I felt a little bit more relaxed, and stress free, as I have told my family about Aurora being my mate. The burden of keeping them in the dark had ate me out. *** happy reading❤❤❤
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