not a chapter 64i

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violet moon pack: Frederick Pov: In the alpha office: We were currently gathered in the alpha office as the Alpha had ordered us to do so. I am certain that it was all about the run away case. “does anyone knew who was the one that broke the ties with us and went rogue?? “, uncle Todd Gary, the current gamma and the father of Chance Gary asked in annoyance as everyone just kept silence. I just took a peek at the Alpha, William Bentick, who was silent till now. But I know for sure that he was fuming in anger and that he knew that it was Aurora that went rogue. ***he is the Alpha for a reason and more importantly, he was the father of Aurora. Once she went rogue but cutting ties, he would know for sure as they share blood ties between them. When Aurora cut her ties with the entire violet moon pack, she served her ties with her family too. Hence they will immediately feel her absence, since they were blood related. Alpha William Bentick can refuse to be associated with her all he wanted but in truth he is her father, in flesh and blood. No one can deny it. “You are in charge of the patrolling guards and if I am correct, it was your responsibility that it has happened “, Chance Gary put the blame on me. Even though he was right in every aspect, I was like, what in the darn hell??. ‘who in the f*****g hell told him to open his darn mouth right at this moment and pour oil in the Alpha’s anger, who was already in the verge of losing his s**t???. That jerk?? ‘, I thought but I kept my mouth shut as I could not rebuke him openly. ***’ for the moon goddess sake, I don’t want a crazy angry Alpha to be on my tail’, I thought. “Then do you know who was the one that made a fool of our patrol guards and ran away from our pack, you useless future beta? “, uncle Todd Gary asked me sarcastically, making my dad to fume in anger. “Mind your tone about my son, Todd”, my dad Thomson snapped at him making uncle Todd Gary to shut up immediately. “Everyone shut the hell up”, The Alpha bellowed and banged his hand in the office desk making a loud noise. “It was that useless piece of disgrace that ran away from the pack. The one, that lived in the attic”, Alpha William Bentick said in annoyance. “ It’s Aurora, uncle Todd Gary “, Sebastian, the future alpha and Aurora’s elder brother opened his mouth for the first time and cleared the confusion of uncle Todd Gary, who seemed clueless till now. For the first time I looked at Sebastian since I entered the Alpha office. He looked a little bit sad and confused too. Even though he tried to hide it, I could easily see through him as his eyes gave him away. I am his best friend for a reason. He really didn’t hated Aurora to the extent of letting her die alone in the outside world. He hated her for sure. I know that. It’s because he didn’t have anyone else to blame for the loss of their mother. So once he get to know that Aurora was the cause of their mom’s accident, he blamed his sister. Later that evil b***h, papa’s favorite girl, Andrea manipulated him and made him hate their little sister. “What??. It was her??? “, Chance yelled making me come out of my own world. “We should immediately sent search parties to bring her back “, Chance Gary said the next second, making every one surprised. “why do you say that, son?. Let that b***h go and die somewhere. She was really a curse on this pack. It’s good that she went away from our pack on her own. Lets just think that our bad luck was over”, Uncle Todd Gary said so casually. “No dad!!. We must bring her back “, Chance Gary said hastily making me more suspicious. “Why??? “, uncle Todd Gary asked again, which was also the question that ran through my mind. ‘Why?? ‘. “it’s… . Its because she made a fool of us and ran away. How dare she defy our Alpha and have the guts to insult his authority, by running away. She tricked our patrol guards and made our security system look like a joke. Just think what would other packs think about us??. It’s an insult to us. We should bring her and punish her for her actions. I am saying the right thing, didn’t I, Alpha??”, Chance Gary said clearly instigating Alpha William Bentick against Aurora. ***’why was this jerk was hell bent on bringing her back?? ‘, I thought in annoyance. “Yes. I can’t let that good for nothing slave to make our pack look like a joke to the others. She insulted and hurt my pride. For that she should be punished severely. Send two of our trackers to hunt her down “, Alpha William Bentick ordered making Chance Gary to smile in victory. “And I don’t care what method they use. All I want them to do is bring her back at all costs. Even if it meant hurting her, I don’t f*****g care!!!! “, Alpha William Bentick said in a determined voice and told us to go to our rooms. *~* oopsie......angry alpha on Aurora's tail..... ** Violet moon pack: Fredrick Pov: I just rolled in my bed without even a bit of sleep in my eyes. I was anxious and frustrated to say the least. It’s all because of the order, the Alpha William Bentick issued. It’s been a day and we didn’t receive any news from our trackers. Not knowing about the situation made me crazy and I was on the verge of losing my mind. The Alpha had sent two of our trackers in search of Aurora and ordered them to bring her back at all costs. It’s more like he ordered them to hunt her down. I was afraid that Aurora would get caught by them and will be brought back to this hell hole again. Her life here before was already hard enough for her. And I don’t even want to think about what would happen if she was ever brought back here again. I know for sure that it will be even more unbearable for her. As the Alpha was hell bent on punishing her as he thinks that she had hurt his ego. I really regret now that I didn’t go with her. I really do. I secretly liked her all these years. I didn’t know at first whether it was pity or like I had for her. But as years passed, seeing her getting hurt made my heart to sting in pain. Her tears made me feel hurt and all I wanted was to wipe her tears and hug her into my embrace. All I wanted to do was to hide her in my embrace, shielding her from all the evils of the world. Only then I really realized that I liked her. I hoped and even prayed to the moon goddess that she should be my mate. Then I would really do all that I had said above. I made a promise to myself that if she really happened to be my mate, I will make her get the respect she deserved. If not, I would leave this pack taking her along with me. I eagerly waited for my 18th birthday. But it turned out she was not my mate. I was sad that she was not my mate. The moon goddess must have thought that I didn’t deserve such an innocent soul as my mate, as I didn’t help her when she was tortured. It’s my punishment that I didn’t get her as my mate as I was a selfish bastard. Even my wolf mocked me that day for being a coward and selfish jerk. My wolf taunted me that we didn’t get her as our mate as I said that only if she was our mate, then I would save Aurora from her misery. I was being selfish instead of saving her. ‘That’s the reason that the moon goddess didn’t see us fit enough to protect that innocent angel. You deserved this, you selfish and coward jerk', my wolf taunted me when I was sad knowing that Aurora was not my mate. I know that I didn’t deserve her. But still I really liked her. But my Wolf’s remark about me being selfish jerk and a coward was right though. I didn’t express my feelings and didn’t accompanied her, as I didn’t want to give her hope only to hurt her in the end. I didn’t want to make a promise to Aurora and give her hope, that I will be with her and only love her all my life. Because that would be impossible. As I know for sure that I have my own mate waiting for me out there, somewhere. If I find my mate, then I will only love her, as she would be the other part of my soul. If that happens, then I will have to leave Aurora for my mate. I would be hurting Aurora in the worst way possible, by giving her hope and then destroying it. If I expressed my feelings for Aurora and followed her, then I would definitely hurt two girls with my selfishness. I can’t be so selfish and hurt both Aurora and my future mate. That’s the reason that I hid my feelings for her till the very end and didn’t go with Aurora. I just hope that she was far away from our pack and found a place that was safe to stay for her. I don’t want her to get caught by the trackers sent by our Alpha William Bentick. “Dear moon goddess. Please be with her and protect her”, I prayed from the bottom of my heart. Then I slowly closed my eyes in tiredness as all these mental stress made me weak. Without me knowing, I fell into a deep slumber. *** Aurora pov: ‘ I am dead', I thought when I saw the rogue wolf growling and leaped in my direction while snapping its jaw at me angrily. I closed my eyes and screamed in fear while lowering myself on the ground as my legs shook violently due to the terror that gripped me. Just then I heard another Wolf’s angry roar that was full of power and dominance from the other side of me. The angry roar was loud enough that it shook the ground beneath me, making all the hairs on my body to rise in terror. Even in my terrified state, my curiosity or the inner self made me want to see what the other sound was. There stood a black wolf in a size so big that even if I stood in my full height, I won’t be able to match it’s height. The black wolf looked more powerful and held a dominating aura to it. I thought that the rogue wolf was strong. But now this black wolf looked even more stronger than the rogue wolf in every aspect. All of a sudden the rogue wolf growled and lunged towards me, to attack me. Each and every fiber of my body was filled with pure unadulterated fear, that made my heart to stop beating, and making me freeze over. Just then when I thought that I was in the last moments of my life and met with death face to face, I prayed the great moon goddess for help and pleaded for something or anything you happen….some miracle to happen. Just then a new black wolf, that was larger than my entire body, leaped above me from my behind, and stood in front of me in a protective stance, while snarling at the rogue wolf which tried to attack me. The black wolf was clearly threatening the rogue wolf and daring it not to take a step further in the forward direction towards us. But the rogue wolf defied the threat and lunged towards the new black wolf, with the two wolves getting themselves into a nasty and fiercely bloody fight. Within a few seconds, the black wolf that protected me, dominated the whole fight and killed the rogue wolf mercilessly by snapping its throat. When the black wolf and the rogue wolf were fighting each other, I slowly got up with my legs still shaking endlessly as it had lost all it’s power and senses and were like a smooth jelly stick. I stood at a distance, away from the fighting wolves, in fear of getting caught in between them. But seeing those two wolves fighting with each other brought back the traumatic and the painful memories that I had buried deep within my mind since a long time ago. These two wolves fighting brought back the memories back from the time when my mother, Luna Lily died. The time when I was a little child and was happened to witness the cruel death of my dearest mom with my eyes at such a tender age. It reminded me of how helpless and hopeless I was when I was unable to save her. All those memories from the rogue attack began to play in front of my eyes scene by scene, making it hard for me to breathe. I panicked so much that I forgot to take breath making me lungs to cry out in need. I was brought out of my memory lane, when I heard the growl of a wolf before me. I looked up while pressing my chest as it was paining terribly. The first thing I saw was the bright silver grey eyes that shone brightly in the dark night black back ground. Those pair of eyes looked so beautiful and mysterious that it can make someone lose themselves in its mystery. But the next thing I saw made me freak out in pure terror. When I took a closer look, I could clearly see the anger in those pair of silver grey eyes shinning brightly. And the appearance of the black wolf with blood coated teeth was so similar to the moment from the past, where the rogue wolf that killed my mom turned to look at me after killing my mom right in front of my eyes, with my mother’s blood dripping from its jaws. I couldn’t think clearly and now all I could see was the rogue wolf approaching me with blood dripping jaws. I screamed in terror and the next second black spots appeared in front of my eyes and I fainted in panic. ...... Zion Xavier POV: It was another tired day. The entire day passed with me dealing with tons and tons of paper works. Since the Night Howlers pack was a large pack, we have many needs abs issues that needed to be addressed daily. Today I was occupied by the paper works that belonged to the businesses I run. I had to see through the financial works and needed to allot funds for the next month. Since I was dealing with paper works that was related to money, it was even more tiring than the normal work load. ‘now I know why those two knucklehead friends of mine, Clint and Kevin always made some excuses and shoved the paper works related to our packs financial details to me every single time', I thought and cursed myself for falling into their trap every single time. ***those sly jerks. 'They must be chilling or goofing around while making me work like a machine’, I grumbled to myself and cracked the knots in my fingers casually. ‘wait till I get my hands on those two goofers. I should teach them a lesson during our training in the evening’, I thought. When I was planning my sweet revenge, the future victim of my revenge plan happened to come into my office. “Hey there Zion. Are you having fun? “, Clint asked leisurely while munching on a nutrition nut bar. I only raised my eyebrow at him in annoyance. He went and sat on the couch near the window and kept his legs on the tea table before him. “Hmm… looks like you are enjoying yourself. It’s good.. I know you loves to do paper work “, Clint said slyly and smiled sheepishly at me. ***’the nerve of this guy… he just came here to rub salt on my wounds, doesn’t he??. How dare that duffer??? ‘, I thought and cursed him silently. I just took the paper weight from the office desk and threw at his face squarely but that darn duffer caught it before the paper weight could give him a nice and round black bruise, which will make him look even more beautiful. “Okay… before you kill me with your deadly glares, I will tell the reason I voluntarily came to the devil’s den for. Here, take a look at this file “, Clint said and threw a folder at me. ****that duffer called me devil!!!. Mumbling to myself about my work load, I opened the file to see that it was about the rogue attacks that had happened in the neighborhood packs. The details about where the rogues were often seen lurking around, and all about their sightings in and around the whole region was meticulously recorded neatly in this file. Well, I must say the one who managed to organize this file was a great person. “ Well Buddy. We got these details from all the neighborhood pack's Alphas. They shared their intel with with in exchange for the details about the rogues we got and also for the help we did for them”, Clint said lazily. “ Thanks bro. Let’s go and visit these places either by ourselves or we shall send our trackers to these places just in case we would be able to catch those rogues and track their camping site”, I said in a sure tone as I felt deep down that this may lead us to the one we were trying to get our hands on, the leader of this rogue camp. “sure thing, dude. See you around. Now happily bury yourself in your lovely paper work… . Bye… bye”, Clint waved his hand and dashed out of my office. He should have acted a little bit slow, then the paper weight I had thrown at him would have kissed his face instead of hitting my office door and lying in the floor right now. ** It took me the whole evening to finish up all the paper work that needed mu immediate response. After having dinner, I quickly retired to my room to have a little rest. After a few hours of sleep, I woke up in the middle of the night, as I felt weird and anxious out of no where. I rolled around in the bed, but still I was wide wake with no means of going back to my sleep. I thought that it was all due to the stress and heavy work load and stood up from my bed as the sleep had long said goodbye to me and I know for sure that I won’t be getting any ounce of sleep anymore. I looked to my left and saw the windows were open and the cool night breeze came through it and touched my skin, making me feel like I was in heaven. So to feel and enjoy more of the night wind, I went snd stood near the window while leaning on the window sill. I looked outside the window and saw the whole expand of the forest near our pack house. The gentle caress of the night’s cool wind made me more greedy for it and thus I followed my heart and decided to go for a run. My inner wolf too jumped around in happiness as he loves to go on a run. Once I was out of the pack house and near the tree line leading to the forest area further, I quickly stripped myself and shifted into my wolf within seconds. Since it has been a long time I got my wolf and as I shifted often, it took me only a few seconds to shift into my wolf form. My wolf form was larger than a normal Alpha wolf with thick and silky fur in black color giving me a great advantage to hide myself in the night back ground. I had the same human eye color even in my wolf form, silver grey eyes, shinning in contrast against my Wolf’s black fur. My wolf shook his entire body lightly to warm up and then raised his head towards the night sky and howled happily. I ran around inside our pack's territory. I ran for hours as the cool night breeze caressing and sweeping inside my thick Wolf’s fur while I was running gave me a strange kind of peace reducing my stress, thus making me run for a few extra minutes. Just when I was about to return to the lack house after checking the southern border of the pack, I found something lurking at a distance, away from our pack’s border, clearing watching our pack patrolling guards. **** happy reading❤❤❤
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