Chapter 49

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Aurora Pov: It has been two weeks since I came to the Night howlers pack. I heard from Casey that this was the rumoured, “the Night howlers pack “. Yes. It is true, that I am currently living in the infamous Night howlers pack. In the following days since I came here, both Casey, and Zara told me everything about the Night howlers pack, and about them too. Zion Xavier, as I had predicted was the Alpha of the Night howlers pack, and his siblings were Zander, and Zara Xavier. While Zander was the beta of the pack, Clint, and Kevin were the gamma, and Delta of the pack. When I was surprised to hear that there was a Delta ranking position in this pack, Casey told me, that it was to make it easier for them to manage such a big pack, and it’s numerous pack members. Back when I was in the Violet Moon pack, Well this Night Howlers pack was said to be the most powerful pack in the Southern Region, and was also famous for being the most cruelest pack in the region too. It was said that the famous Night howlers pack was the largest pack, with the highest number of pack members, and also have a large land area to support everyone in the pack. I have heard from the gossips that the pack members of the Night howlers pack were cruel, and they were also powerful warriors. It was said that anyone, or any rogue wolf happens to cross the borders of the Night Howlers pack, then those wolves were killed without any second thoughts, and without any mercy, as it was said that the Alpha of the Night Howlers pack was a monster himself. But all those gossip news turned out to be some baseless rumours as the pack members of the Night Howlers pack were so sweet, and kind, when compared to my old pack members. And more importantly, they treat me, a rogue, more friendlier, and even with more respect than I was treated back in my old pack. ***who would have thought that a rogue like me would be getting treated with respect in the pack, which was said to be the dangerous pack in the region. Definitely not me though... but like they say, we should not believe in rumours blindly without seeing it with our own eyes to confirm the facts. And the Alpha of the pack, Zion Xavier, well he does look intimidating, with his serious look, and dominating aura, but he was the one, who saved me from that nasty rogue wolf, and more so, he even allowed me to stay here in his pack, well aware of the fact that I was a rogue. And he does not know anything more than that about me. But what I really like about him was that he gave me the respect, I deserved. Last week, I went to see him in his alpha office, as I was summoned by him. I was scared out of my wits, as I was really scared to be in the presence of an Alpha, after my experience with my own Alpha, aka my father. But all my fears went out of the window, when I realized that he only called me to ask about my well being, and how well I was adjusting in this pack. And more importantly, he gave me, my salary to me, as I was cooking their meals, saying that I earned that money, and that I should take that salary, instead of refusing, to fulfill my personal needs. I was so happy, when I received my first salary with my own efforts, and what made it even more personal to me, was that the work that I did was recognized by them. That recognition I got for myself spoke volumes, more than the salary. Well I am cooking for everyone in the private pack house since that day, as every one loved my cooking, and asked for more. Since I felt a little bit embarrassed to take the money as my salary, I asked The Alpha whether I can help the pack in some other way, as I was already staying here, and free loading. Thus Alpha Zion suggested that I can help Casey in her duties, if Casey gave any work to me. And that was how I ended up baby sitting in the play school, where I am currently working. Now I cook their meals, and work in the play school in shifts. When I was lost in my thoughts, Zara came, and dragged me outside saying that my shift in the play school was over a long time ago. Well, what can I say about this over dramatic, and over excited girl. She got close to me real quick, and proudly said out loud that I am her best friend. And I too feel happy as she is the first, and only friend I have after a very long time. And Casey too was included in that list. But now she was pestering me to go for shopping, as she found out that the Alpha had given me my salary. But I have been refusing her for a long time now, saying that the clothes both she, and Casey gave me were more than enough for me. And I was telling the truth too. I had owned only a few pairs of dresses in the past, and the new clothes that I have now, were really more for me. Finally I managed to convince her today, that I am not going out for shopping with her. “it’s not fair, Rory “, Zara whined, and pouted like a five year old kid, who was restricted to have a candy. Yes… she, and Casey started to call me using my nickname, ‘Rory'. I just shook my head, and smiled looking at her.. And as usual I listened to all of her chit chats, while returning to the pack house. ~*~ Violet moon pack. Chance Gary Pov: It has been two weeks. Two long f*****g weeks, and still we have no news about her. Damn it. Good for nothing jerks… . Useless bastards. f**k those darn trackers. They can’t even track a girl, who has never seen the outside world even after all these days. Useless fuckers… .. . It has been two weeks, since that sly slut of my mate ran away from the pack. How dare she???. How f*****g dare she, to reject my generous offer, and run away from the pack. How did she have that much guts to run away, and that too when I decided to finally make her mine, once, and for all. What a stupid coincidence was that… Without seeing her, and not feeling her presence near around me for the past few days, has made me to go crazy, as my inner wolf was screaming, and yelling at me, adamantly demanding his mate. My wolf was throwing a temper tantrum, and threatens to take over my body, making me to loose my mind, as to what I should do next to calm my wolf down. As all the trackers of the pack, who we had sent to track her down, came back empty handed without even getting a single clue, as to where that f*****g mate of mine had went to. I threw all the things on my office desk on the floor in anger. All my plan to achieve the power will go down the gutter, if my wolf take over my body, and expose my truth about being that slut Aurora’s mate. All the painstaking efforts that I have put in achieving my goal was in real danger, all due to the action of that stupid woman. 'How dare she. .. How dare she ruin my years of carefully laid plans like this???’, I screamed internally, and threw the paper weight on the desk towards the wall. Just when the paper weight hit the wall, and broke into several small pieces, the door to my office was opened, and in came my friend, Jack. “wow… what made you to lose you mind like this? “, he asked casually, and threw himself on the couch. “don’t tell me that you did not get to lay with your side kick of a fiancé last night??. As far as I know, she is always ready to sleep with you, whenever you wanted. Then what is your problem, man? “, Jack asked me, with a mischievous glint shinning in his eyes. “don’t f**k with me, Jack. I am already f*****g pissed off as it is”, I snapped at him, and sat in my office chair. “is it about that run away slut?. You still didn’t get any news about her? “, Jack asked me, making my anger levels to reach its peak yet again. “Yes…. I could not even get a single news about that run away b***h? “, I said through my gritted teeth. “how was that even possible?. She could not just vanish into a thin air?? “, my friend asked, making me to be annoyed at myself. “Don’t get me started, Jack. It took me so many efforts to instigate our Alpha William against that b***h of his younger daughter, and finally convinced him to send more people for the search party. But all those useless piece of shits came back empty handed “, I said in frustration. It was really difficult for me to make the Alpha hate her more, and touch his ego by saying that he should bring that stupid slave back to our pack, and punish her. But all that brain washing went into the gutter. After two weeks, Alpha William looks like he wanted to stop sending our pack members to search her. But I could not let that happen. Then it will be the end for me. No… never… . “how could that slave slut ran away correctly on the day you planned to screw over her?. Don’t you think that was too much of a coincidence, to believe? “, Jack asked me in confusion. Well, what can I say to him. even I have doubts regarding that matter. ‘is it possible that she had some how predicted, or get to know, what I was going to do to her, or perhaps had she over heard the conversation I had with Jack about making her mine, that day? ‘, I thought internally, and was even more confused than before. “I don’t care about that. It was her good fortune, that even though she was just an hated daughter of the Alpha, I was being generous, and still willing to sleep with her, and wanted to keep her as my hidden mistress. She should have accepted what I had offered her, and should have acted like a good little slut like she was, and slept with me”, I said with my voice full of resentment towards her. “But that slut ran away, hurting my ego, and pissing me off. Now see what I will do to her, once I get my hands on her. I will not spare her. Once I get my hands on her, I will make her life even more hell than before, and make her regret her choice of running away from me. It’s my promise to myself“, I said, and banged my hand on the large office desk making a crack to appear on it. Just then, Andrea mind linked me, making me to smile evilly. She has a great timing, as if she was reading the thoughts that runs through my mind. That was also one of the reasons as to why she managed to remain my girl friend for the longest period of time. “It looks like something evil was cooking in that head of yours, it seems. I can tell by the evil smirk on your face”, Jack said, making me to smirk even more. “ make sure to get some one to clean this room. I am going “, I said to him. “well…go… Go… enjoy your time “, he said, and smiled meaningfully. Well he knows me too well. It’s time to let my frustration out, by f*****g my dear fiancé. 'Well it’s time to get into the role play, and make her scream my name while I screw her hard', I thought, and smiled evilly. *** happy reading❤❤❤
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