not a chapter 61i

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Somewhere in the neutral lands: Aurora POV: It’s been a few hours that I have been running. I don’t know where I was going but I know for sure that I was running in the opposite direction of the violet moon pack. Since I was already weak to begin with coupled with the pain due to the beatings I got from Andrea and her minions, made it difficult for me to run constantly. Since I was confidence enough that I was far away from the violet moon pack, I breathed a sigh of relief and decided to rest for a few minutes. As even if I wanted to pursue my running, my body protested against it making me yield to my body ultimately. I looked around and after conforming that I was not near any pack territories and that I was in the neutral non claimed lands, I found a tree and sat beneath it, leaning against it’s trunk in tiredness. Then I opened the small school bag I brought with me and took out the chocolate bar from inside it. It was given by Frederick. When he knew that I was running away, knowing that it might put him in trouble, instead of stopping me, be just helped me to run away. Then he gave me money and these chocolates to me. “I bought these chocolates to give you. So take it with you “, he said while stuffing these chocolate bars along with some nutrition bar, which he loves to eat, into my hands. He and his parents, Aunt Tara and Uncle Thomason were the only ones who treated me like a human in that pack. I ate one of the chocolate bars and thought about the time when I went to say goodbye to Aunt Tara. Flashback: A few hours ago, in the violet moon pack: I heard the sounds of the foot steps coming from behind the door and as the sounds got closer, my heart began to beat rapidly as if it was hell bent on exposing my real intentions. The moment the door opened and I saw aunt Tara’s face, I was immediately surrounded by a peaceful atmosphere. She was like the soothing medicine to me. Seeing that it was me, aunt Tara gave me a million dollar smile and hugged me into her embrace surrounding me with her warm motherly love. “Hi honey. What a surprise. What brings you here at this hour, my dear baby? “, aunt Tara shot out several questions at the same time. “stop with your enquiry, sweet heart. Let the kid come in and give her a moment “, uncle Thomson said from behind his mate while rubbing my head softly like he would do to me when I was a little kid. I gave a small smile to him grateful as I really wanted to get inside their house. As I don’t want to be spotted by others and get reprimanded for this from the Alpha aka my father. “Oh sorry dear. I got excited seeing you here. Come inside”, saying this, aunt Tara dragged me into the living room and made me sit on the sofa. “You ladies enjoy your time talking. I shall go and bring something to eat for you guys”, uncle Thomson said and disappeared into the kitchen. Aunt Tara released me from her hold and look at me eagerly. All of a sudden, the relaxed expression on her face disappeared and a sad and concern expression took it’s place instead. “are you okay honey?. Did someone said Or did something to you?. Are you hurt anywhere?. Do you need any medicine for pain??. Is that why you came to our home? “, Aunt Tara asked in her over excited tone, all in a single breath. The meaning behind her words hit be sharply. Her words say that every time I was hurt and needed something, either some medicine or her comfort, I always went to her. And her words were 100 percent true. All these years whatever I needed, and in my most critical times, I always seeked her presence. She filled that void that I had due to the loss of my mother Lily. Thinking that I was going to lose another mother figure, again, made me even more emotional than I already was. I tried my best to swallow my grief as I don’t want her to worry about me. I was brought out of the thoughts that were running inside my mind by a little nudge. I turned to my left and saw Aunt Tara who was eagerly waiting for my answer. “no aunt Tara. Nothing happened to me. No one said nothing to me”, I lied through my teeth, hoping that she wouldn’t be able to see through my lie. “I was there when you came out of your mother’s protective stomach and I have been watching you grow up since you had your diapers on…..So tell me what is the real reason for you coming to see me now at this late hour. What was so important. Does anyone bother you. Are you in trouble. Do you need anything dear. Don’t try to deny and tell me the truth dear. I am here….i am here for you”, Aunt Tara asked again, as she was not convinced by the excuse I gave to her. “no Aunt Tara… . Its nothing “, I stressed the last word more. “then, why are you here, out of no where dear. That too so late in the night??“, she asked me suspiciously. “I felt lonely.. I missed mom, Aunt Tara. So… I… . I just”, I stuttered and before I could come up with the full lie, she hugged me tightly, enveloping me with her warm motherly love. I just bit my lips stubbornly, as I didn’t want to cry out loud and make her sad too along with me. “it’s okay sweet heart. I am here. I will always be there for you like your mother. So whenever you feel like you miss her, just run to me, my dear baby girl “, she said as if reading my inner thoughts and hugged me even more tightly. I controlled my tears and only sniffling sounds could be heard from me. After a few minutes, I came out of my little comfort zone and looked at aunt Tara who looked at me and smiled with crystal clear tears that were threatening to fall down from her big eyes. She quickly wiped her unshed tears and wiped my face with the sleeve of her shirt. “Now stop crying, my dear Rory”, Aunt Tara cooed and made a funny face making me to smile. Just then, uncle Thomson came from the kitchen with biscuits and juices. *** happy reading.... well mother's love is always the best. whether the kid is blood related or not, she treats everyone with the same attitude and affection.
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