chapter 27

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Third Person Pov : “ Get lost, you little bunny.. I am leaving you today, out of generosity. A real man should not pick on girls, and little kids”, Clint said so dramatically, while dusting his hands. Both Casey, and Zara laughed out loud hearing the change of words that came out of Clint’s mouth. “Who was the one, that chased a 'little girl', around the whole pack House two days back for the last piece of pizza??. Kevin??. Did you know about him??”, Zander asked Kevin slyly, and looked at Clint meaningfully. “ I think some random brave, and man enough guy, Zan “, Kevin rebuked, and he too looked at Clint. Clint only shrugged, and snorted as if he was not the one, about whom both of his friends were talking about. “Wise move, babe. Wise move”, Casey said, and dusted the non existent dust on Clint’s shoulder. Zara, who got escaped without getting caught, grinned from ear to ear. Zion, who was watching all these little exchanges between his little family, from the corner of the room, shook his head, but he had a small smile playing at the corner of his thin lips. Just when everyone was about to exit the kitchen, in came a forty year old looking, muscularly built man, Kenny velds, along with his mate Clara velds, the ex beta, and the ex beta female of the Night Howlers pack. They are the parents of Clint velds, the current gamma of the pack. Followed by the ex beta couple, another couple looking like they were in their early forties, entered the kitchen too, to have their morning breakfast. The latter couple was none other than the ex gamma couple, and the parents of the current Delta, Kevin Clark. It was Ronny Clark, and his mate Maggi Clark, the ex gamma, and gamma female of Zion’s father. “What happened in here??. What made to gather everyone here at the same time? “, Kenny velds, Clint’s dad asked with a confused face, while looking at all the younger ones in the kitchen. “what did I miss in here?. Seems like something interesting was going on in here', Ronny Clark, Kevin’s dad asked echoing the thoughts of his best friend. As both of the elder ranked wolves had keen senses to catch on to stuffs quickly, and more than that, they had seen enough things while the boys were growing up, to know that the younger one had made a scene in here without even thinking deeply. “Looks like it’s the deed done by our little sweet heart “, Clara, the ex beta female said with a smile, when she looked around, and saw their little Zara using Casey as her shield. “Nothing big. Seem like our little girl had played house, and showed her extraordinary skills in the pack kitchen “, Maggi Clark said while inspecting the kitchen counter, which looked like some had fought a war in the kitchen. “You are very smart, aunty. Your prediction was spot on. That little prankster, played with my delicious foods, and now I have to starve. Poor me”, Clint said in a low voice, as if he was greatly wronged, and even pouted his lips for extra effect. He really made himself look like a five year old kid, who was greatly wronged. “Jeez… . I never knew, from whom did he got this over dramatic gene from. Dear moon goddess, When did I give birth to such a drama queen?”, Clara said looking at her son, who was making an innocent puppy dog eyes. “I know from whom he got it from. You too know that person very well. Turn your head left, and take a good look over there”, Kenny velds said with an unknown glint shinning in his eyes. He held his mate’s shoulder, and turned her body to the left, making her look at the mirror hanging on the wall. Seeing her own face on the mirror hanging on the wall, the confusion on Clara’s face disappeared, and an annoyed frown formed on her matured looking face. “get lost, you old man… you will be cuddling with your favorite pillow in your cosy little sofa today”, Clara nudged strongly in Kenny’s stomach, making everyone to laugh at their cute exchange. Even though they were mated for more than 15 plus years by now, yet they both were still young in their hearts, and they both loved each other very dearly. It was the same case for Ronny Clark, and his mate, Maggi too. As both the older couples loved their counter parts very much. Both the elder couples were an example to the whole pack on how much they love their other counter parts, aka their mates, and also how they respect them as their equal. “Now… my dear sweet heart, what were you doing in the kitchen, to make you look like you have worked in a mine factory? “, Kenny velds asked Zara, as she still had some black marks on her forehead. Before Zion could wipe them clearly, she was chased by Clint, and the following drama unfolded. “yes dear. Come here. Let me see your face”, Maggi called out, and brought Zara near her. Then she began to wipe Zara’s face, and arms thoroughly. Others in the kitchen went to the dinning room, and sat on the dinning table, and Mrs. Jimmie, the pack cook went ahead to cook some food, so that the guys won’t starve. She began to take out all the ingredients including the veggies, and meat that she needed for making the breakfast, and started to whip her magic around the kitchen. Since the alpha family did not have their parents as they lost them in their early age, these two ex beta, and ex gamma couples were sort of a parent figure to the alpha siblings. And most importantly, for the little sweet heart, Zara, as she was the most pampered one by the elder couples, as she was brought up by them since she was a very little kid. Zara was just an year old, when she lost her mother to the clutches of death. From then on, both the beta, and the gamma females were the ones, who took care of her, and aided to all her needs. As Zara was brought up by both the mothers, she was not only close to her own brothers, Zion, and Zander, but also she was very close to Clint, and Kevin. And both the guys took Zara as their own little sister. Pampered by everyone around her, and most importantly, all the guys loved her the most, and was overprotective of her. Not to mention that Zara was the only girl in the family, and the youngest one in the family, gave a lot of advantage to little Zara. She was the Apple of the eye for everyone in the family. “what did you do, sweetie? “, Ronny asked Zara, while smiling at her warmly. While Clint was still pouting, and complaining about his break fast. “I have a surprise for you guys?”, Zara said excitedly, while grabbing the attention of everyone present in the dinning room at once. *** happy reading ❤❤❤. luv u all
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