not a chapter 69i

551 Words
Casey pov: “I like your name very much. And I like you too”, Zara voluntarily took her hand and shook it making both Aurora and myself to be surprised fir a second. But like I thought, Aurora didn’t pull her hand back in fear instead just looked a little taken aback by our little brat's enthusiasm. “Do you have any family members you wanted to go to?. Are you heading some where dear? “, I asked. Aurora looked a little sad hearing the word family but soon she shook her head negatively. “which pack you are from?”, I asked her again as it was a custom or more like a normal thing for us to get to know from which pack they were from, for security purposes. Looking at her all silent, I asked the next question, for which more or less I have the answer to it. “Are you a rogue? “, I asked finally, making Aurora to sit still like a statue. Her posture was so stiff that she looked like a frozen ice doll. “It’s okay sweet heart. Even if you are a rogue, it doesn’t matter”, I answer her unasked question. The moment I said those words, her tensed shoulders sagged a little and she looked a little relaxed. “ If you didn’t have any place to go or stay, you can be here as long as you like. Just consider this your new crash place, Aurora “, I said to which she only nodded her head in agreement. ‘guys…. Enough of playing the spy play role. Come inside and let me introduce you guys to her', I mind linked the guys who were busy sticking their ears on the room’s door. The next second, the door opened and the guys came in like a parade. Looking at them coming inside, Aurora was startled and she subconsciously moved back and grabbed the comforter with a tight grip. “Sweet heart. Don’t be afraid. I asked these guys to come in, so that you can get to know them”, I said slowly making her relax a tad bit. “Aurora dear. That guy in the right end, that is Clint, and unfortunately he is my mate. And the others are Kevin, Zander and Zion. You can ask any help from me Or from those guys “, I introduced each one of the guys formally. “well guys.. This is Aurora. And from now on she is going to stay with us in our pack as a guest. So treat her good and behave yourself well in front of her”, I said to them playful yet serious tone. “ pleasure to meet you Aurora “, Kevin said being his diplomatic self. Well the other guys only waved and smiled at her. Except for Zion. He only had a blank face and nodded his head at her saying “ welcome to the pack”. “Yeah!!!!!. I am so happy that you are going to stay here. And you look like you are around my age. Can you be my friend? “, Zara yelled in happiness and asked Aurora who looked dumbfounded by Zara’s crazy self. ****
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