chapter 44d

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In the violet moon pack: Andrea Pov: I threw all the things on the dressing table onto the floor, to satisfy my anger. I broke anything, and everything that I got my hands on. I was feeling so much anger that if by chance, if that slut of my younger sister was in front of me now, I would torture, and kill her with my bare hands. She ruined my lovely life, when she was present in the pack, and now she is ruining my happiness even after running away from the pack. She is just a bane to my existence. I felt so happy, and was very relieved that, that little slut sister of mine ran away from the pack. I thought that now she was gone, she will not be able to seduce my dear fiancé Chance Gary, with all her innocent looking face. I thought that now I have Chance Gary all to myself. But she had to pour water on my face by her mere existence. Fucking screw her. Even after she ran away from the pack, everyone was showing interest in her, and even my dad sent our pack members to track, and bring her back. I have worked, and did everything to make my dad hate her to the bones, and now he was trying to bring her back??. Like… . Why would he do some thing like that?. Can’t he leave her alone, so that we are free from her cursed self. But no…. Even Chance Gary was showing more interest on that slut's topic, and he even stopped talking casually to me in these last two weeks. We didn’t even had some quality time for ourselves, all because of that good for nothing b***h. And more than that, Chance Gary even yelled at me once, saying that I had disturbed him, and stopped him from doing his work. This had never happened to me before. I had never before not got attention, and importance from the other people. Every time, where ever I go, I made sure that I was the center of the attention, and everyone gave importance to me, and only to ME!!. But now even my dad, and my fiancé, the two most important people in my life, both was directing their full attention, and importance on that run away slut, making me to lose my mind. How could they do this to me???. Have both of have lost their f*****g mind???. ***”it was all because of her… .. It was all f*****g because of that good for nothing run away b***h…”, I yelled in frustration, while throwing the makeup stand mirror on the wall. I had made a terrible mistake. I should have done something, and gotten rid of that slutty sister of mine once, and for all, when I had the opportunity. Then she would not have been present now to steal my attention indirectly. Chance Gary had never yelled at me. This was all because of the b***h. Just wait till the members of the search team bring her back to the pack. I will make her life even more terrible than before. I will slowly torture her, making her to wish for death. Now all I wanted to do was to turn Chance Gary’s attention on me again. I had never lost to that b***h sister of mine, even when she was here. And now after she ran away from the pack, I can’t lose to her. Never… I won’t allow it. So I quickly went to the bathroom, and took a nice hot bath. Then I choose the most sexiest dress in my wardrobe, and wore it. It was a bright red colored dress made of latex, and it struck on me, like a second layer of skin on my body. It had a deep v neck, and ended in the middle of my thighs. Then I asked a maid to clean my room in the meantime. I want everything to be perfect, for my little surprise to Chance Gary. I made a romantic atmosphere to my room. And even asked the maid to lit up some scented candles to add up to the mood. After putting on the makeup soon, and when I was satisfied with how I look, I mind linked Chance Gary.. I put on the bright red lipstick, which Chance Gary always likes on me. And like I wanted, he said that was coming, without making up any excuses. I smirked happily that today everything was going on according to my wishes. And after today, with how well I am treating him, I will make him to yearn for me more from now on, and make him to put all his concentration on me, and only me. “let’s get our attention back, and make this moment the most memorable. Wish you luck, baby girl”, I spoke to myself to the reflection in the mirror, and blew to kiss too. The next second, the door to my room was opened wide, and in came Chance Gary in all his full glory. The moment his eyes took in my appearance, his eyes went a shade darker and filled with pure lust for me. He came towards me in a second, and kissed me very deeply making me lose my breath. **’this is what I was expecting to happen. The moment he see me, he should be flat out impressed. The dress had done it’s job more than enough’, I thought, and circled my arms around his neck, and pulled him further closer to me, while deepening the kiss. After kissing me enough, he gripped my hair, and yanked it hard backwards, getting a moan out of me. Well… what can I say. I get turned on, when he was rough, and dominating me. He sniffed around my neck region, and suddenly bit my neck, getting a deep moan out of me. Then he kissed the same spot, and finished it off with a final lick of his tongue. I am sure that a deep hickey must have formed by now. He then moved backwards a little, and admired his art work on my neck, while tightening his grip on my hair a bit more. Moving the stray hair, that fell on my face, to the back of my ear, he leaned down to my level, making my breathing to go haywire. Then he whispered in his dominant voice. “STRIP”, he ordered, and went into his Dom mode, making me all wet, and hot for him at the same time. I slipped out of my dress very slowly, clearly wanting to tease to him. And my little show turned out to be a great success, when his eyes went dark, and his little junior had already woke up, and formed a tent in his pants. But his penetrating stare made me to drip wet, even before his hand touched my hot skin. And just like that, we had a very steamy, and hot night… full of lust. *~* In the Night howlers pack: Aurora pov: As usual I finished my shift in the play school, and was waiting for Zara to come. As she always comes to pick me up saying that she have nothing else to do to kill time. More importantly, she demanded me to stay put in the play school, till she comes. And I too allowed her to come, as I liked her company, and her usual cheery chats. Zara was the type of girl, who can make a conversation about anything for hours. Like that girl can never be quiet, and likes to be chitty chatty all the time. Simply standing, I got bored, and so, I moved around, and walked a little further, and stood under a tree near the play school building, while looking at the park at a distance. The park was filled with little kids of all ages, and they were playing happily. I was lost in my train of thoughts in a few minutes. But all of a sudden, I was brought out of my little world, when I heard the sound of a person clearing their throat. More specifically, a male clearing his throat, that too the sound came from near me. Startled I turned around only to find out, that there was a guy in his early twenties, who was standing right behind me. I turned around fully, facing him. But I was really anxious as to why this guy was standing near me. Apart from the four guys from the private pack house, and the mothers of the kids in the play school, I have not had any other interactions with the other pack members in the Night howlers pack. He was a tall guy with a sandy blonde hair, and dark brown eyes to match. Without saying anything, that guy just rubbed the back of his neck, and looked like he was trying to talk to me.. “Well… . I am Sam. I have seen you many times before. You are the new girl, who came to the pack, and works in the play school, right? “, he asked me, making me to think as to where he was going with all this random conversation of his. “Yes….”, I nodded to him, while thinking. “I am Sam. Nice to meet you. Hmmm. .this is the moment, where you have tell your name, and introduce yourself to me“, he again said with a smile, and extended his hand for a hand shake in my direction. Well, this is one of the things, that I had experience in the Night Howlers pack. And I like it very much. I get to say my name out loud several times, and I was asked, what my name was by others, instead of them calling me with some random mean words. “Sorry. I am Aurora”, I said slowly, and shook his hand. “well… it’s a nice name. Huh.. Do you like this pack? “, Sam asked me casually.. “yes.. Very much. Everyone living here are too good to me”, I said truthfully, with a small smile on my face. “then…. . Well… are you free this Friday?. There is a nice place to eat dinner in the near by human town. Shall we go there? “, Sam asked suddenly making me to be both surprised, and shocked. ‘Is he?.... Is he asking me out, to eat? Eat?.... Like a date? ‘, I thought internally in confusion. But before I could process all of these words, that was said by Sam, our short conversation was interrupted by some noise, or more like someone, from my behind. ***** happy reading ❤❤❤
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