Chapter 6

1019 Words
He pushes the wet hair from your face and smiles as he rub your cheek and you let him do whatever he wants. His body was sweaty and his shirt was wet from all the sweat and wet hairs falling on his forehead uhich was extremely hot! You didn't showed any expression as you blankly stare at him. He kisses your forehead as he pulls you in his embrace Jungkook: Don't try to leave me again love.. You pushed him and without looking at him you tried to get down of bed but he was fast as he pulls you up in his arms. Jungkook: It will hurt if you walk right now He said as he takes you to the washroom where you wanted to go. He puts you down and without arguing this time he leaves and closes the door himself. You cleaned yourself and took the towel to cover yourself as you looked at the mirror and tears formed in your eyes. You: Have I become a slave for him now...? You didn't realised as jungkook knocked on the door. Jungkook: Love? Are you done? You clenched your fist at his voice as he enters when you didn't answer. He noticed you crying and this time he can't say you not to cry because he realised he f****d up. Jungkook: Wear this clothes and come out for the lunch , You haven't ate anything since morning. You: You don't have to be nice with me , I am your slave right? Wait not slave s*x slave Jungkook : Y/N! *He yelled* You: whats wrong?? You just bought me to f**k and satisfy yourself , If you wanted than there were so many girls out there who are ready for that but why me ?? why did you ruined my life?!? Why?!? You didn't realised and he was already in front of you as he harshly grabs your jaw. Jungkook : Because I f*****g care for you and I only want you! And ruined your life? I did it because I can't see you suffer with your so called step father who treated you like s**t! I had no other option then to pay amount for you! l didn't bought you here to treat you like a s*x slave and satisfy myself! yeah I agree l forced you , I did because you are mine and I want you not as my slave but as my wife!! Because I f*****g love you!!! You can trust me with everything , I promise to give you all the happiness love , Just be mine that's all I want!!! You looked at him shocked and disbelief as he speak again: Wear this clothes now or you will catch cold He kept it beside the sink and went out. You took the shirt panty and the short he bought for you and wore it as you got out of the washroom. It was still paining while walking but it was bearable. You didn't moved as you looked at Jungkook who was sitting on the bed with a dish. Jungkook smiled : Come here You obeyed him as you sit on the edge of the bed to keep distance. He chuckles as he moved and sits beside you Jungkook: Here He said and was about to feed you the food but you didn't wanted to eat as you kept your mouth shut. Jungkook arched his eyebrous and softly said: Love... You didn't said anything again as he grabs your jaw and forcefully feed you. Jungkook : Chew it *He gritted as you did what he said* He smiled: Good girl He was about to feed you again as you grabbed his wrist and took the plate from him and ate it all by yourself. He sat admiring you and when you were done he carresed your cheek. Jungkook: Rest okay , I will back after having my lunch. He said as he took the plate and leawes the room. You can't cry anymore as you laid on the bed in your deep thought. You: he eally loves me...No he doesn't.. He is a f*****g criminal I can't trust someone like him and after what he is been doing... Never.... You drifted into sleep and after sometime jungkook came back as he noticed you curled up in the bed and couldn't help but smile and admire you. He laid beside you as he kisses your forehead and covers you with the dovet. After four hours in the evening you woke up as you panicked when you saw jungkook's face closer to yours but he was sleeping. You couldn't help as you stared at his beautiful features but snapped back when you realised what you are doing. You were about to get up but noticed that his arms were abouve you. You wanted to throw his hands away but you didn't wanted to disturb his sleep either because you don't want to have any interaction with him right now. You looked and him and recall all the things he said , You slapped yourself mentally and thought: Stop y/n don't forget what he did to you... don't fall for his words After laying without moving for a while you noticed him waking up as he greeted you with his bunny smile: Good evening love! You moved to the other side as he pulls you in his chest : Still angry? You didn't answer as he answered himself: Guess yes.. He kissed your cheek leaving you surprised as he got down of the bed He wore his shirt and said: Ask the maid if you feel hungry okay? He left without waiting for your response. Time skip at night You sat on the bed thinking about how much amount did he paid.. You were just curious to know. After sometime jungkook enters and smiles when he notices you. He sits beside as you asked him: How much did you paid? You said with a straight face without looking at him Jungkook: Love I told you let's no talk about don't have to know.
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