Chapter 5

1154 Words
Zinnia's POV The day before Shawn's birthday I had decided to put the events of yesterday in the back of my mind. I just told myself that whatever went on was for the good for the pack. Then, Alpha El mindlinked all of us come to the packhouse at six in the morning to discuss the events of yesterday and I started thinking about it again. I was one of the first ones to get there, so I asked if I could help with setting up breakfast. It was buffet style so I set out the plates, utensils and drinks. Slowly, everyone from the pack filed in. I loved meetings like this. Getting to speak with and see everyone I had grown up with and made connections with throughout my whole life made me feel really blessed by the Moon Goddess to be in this community. What more could a she-wolf ask for? We all speak together quietly, but when those of the pack who are titled or soon to be titled enter the hall, everyone goes quiet. Alpha El stands before us and addresses us. "As you all know, for a while yesterday, we had asked for everyone to be on lockdown because we were under attack. I want to thank everyone for their cooperation. Some rogues entered our territory, but they were taken care of and, thankfully, none of your packmates were lost during the battle." Everyone claps and the Alpha waves Rodney over to him. "Rodney here, our future Gamma, led a group of warriors to the outskirts of our territory and killed seven rogues and we are thankful to have him. That section of the forest will be opened up again once the c*****e is cleaned up." I reluctantly clap along with everyone else as the events unfold around me. I look at KJ curiously as he claps solemnly, half-heartedly. I was out there for hours and I didn't see any opposition or any battling. If by "the rogues were taken care of" Alpha El means "we had a meeting with the rogues and then they drove away," then the story of Rodney killing a bunch of them doesn't add up. What I saw was that while the pack was hidden away, unable to see what was going on, the warriors, led by Rodney, were running drills. I saw no blood and trust me, I was looking for it. I try not to look too deep in thought as I smile despite what is going on around me. Alpha El walks proudly over to his table for the meal. Things have been peaceful for the last five years, and I really had been proud to have him as my Alpha. Now, I just have so many questions. "Is anything wrong, baby?" Shawn asks, as we sit for breakfast. I find myself picking at my food trying to figure out what could be going on. I don't want to ask, but I can't help wanting to understand the obvious lies. "Oh, nothing. Just thinking about that rogue attack yesterday. It's all very troubling. I don't want to see you getting hurt." "I don't want you to worry about that, Zinnia. I was never in any danger." he responds, nonchalantly. I believe him. I'm certain no one was in danger. "We haven't been attacked in years. Did something go wrong?" I try to ask casually. "No, no. Every now and then, we just have to let the surrounding packs know we mean business." he chuckles. "But I thought it was a rogue attack. What does that have to do with the other packs?" Shawn pauses and looks at Rodney, who immediately changes the subject. "So Zinnia, are you going to help with setting up the party later? I heard the girls were all going after this." I again try to put the situation in the back of my mind as Nala, Chrissy Anna and I help to set up the party. "This is making me think about my birthday next month. I'm so excited to find my mate!" Nala says jumping up and down. "Well, you shouldn't be. Most of the girls here don't find their mates on their birthday because there are no matches in this pack." her sister mentions, glumly. "Yea, I believe its 80 percent of the girls in this pack under the age of 22 that don't have a mate yet, but that's not a big deal. I'm sure you'll find him on the annual trip to other packs if he's not here." I try to comfort her. "She's a nerd, but she's right. Those trips aren't really known for being successful lately. Most of the girls come back just as single as they were before they left." It is true. Our pack is full of sad, single girls my age and older. They mostly just get jobs around the pack, but I would be lying if I said that a lot of times the job of the warriors isn't usually just breaking up the fights of the mateless females. When I'm Luna, I'm gonna make sure that those girls visit every single pack in the state so they have a chance at finding their mate. I often find myself thinking about things I want to make better once I am Luna and that's where my mind goes as I continue setting up for the party. As I am alone wiping down some chairs though, I am stopped by our Alpha. I bear my neck as a sigh of my submission when he stops in front of me. "Zinnia," he says, "I am just checking up on my favorite little engineer after the events of yesterday. Were you okay being alone in your bunker? Are you all stocked up on food down there?" he asks, with a subdued smile. His line of questioning catches me off guard, but I do my best not to show it. "I was completely safe and content yesterday, Alpha. Yes, thank you for checking up on me." I smile back. He laughs, catching me off guard, folding his big, bulky arms. His expression drastically changes as he leans into me. "I know you weren't where you were supposed to be yesterday, little girl." he says, stopping my heart. He pulls back to see my reaction and I'm sure my expression is one of shock. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to deceive you, sir. I-I just went to pick up my mail then I was caught outside. I just hid." "Don't fret. If you weren't my son's mate, we'd have a problem. But since you are, I have no issues with you seeing how the sausage is made. You are already part of the machine anyway. Just don't lie to me again, pup. Understood?" "Y-yes, absolutely sir." I say bowing and I thank the Moon Goddess that I am not on his bad side.
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