Chapter 25

1347 Words
Lorenzo's POV We are alone together. Finally. The scents coming off her as we sit in my car make Nathaniel want to take his mate right here and now in my car. "Where should we start? Tell me about your family." She takes a deep sigh and nods. "Well, my parents were mates. My dad was from the West Moontrail Pack and my mom was from a pack in the Lunaria Kingdom. They were together for a few years before they had me. I am an only child and they were my best friends. One day, our pack was attacked and they were asked to fight. They led me to our bunker so I could stay safe and then I never saw them again. They were killed along with the Luna and some warriors. I miss them every day." She speaks and in my mind, I am transported to the first time I ever went to the West Moontrail Pack. I was just about to turn 17. I had received a letter from New Moon about attending Alpha training, but my father had already talked me out of it. Instead, he was training me to become an Alpha, the kind of Alpha that he was and I never wanted any part of it, but I felt it even more strongly after that day. East and West Moontrail's Alphas had decided to attempt a truce for the sake of strengthening their packs. Since the Alphas were both maniacs, it may have worked. My father woke me up early and dragged me to their pack. I had never been there before and I didn't want to be there that day because, well, I still viewed him as my enemy because of how he had treated my mother. The trip wasn't long, but it felt that way that day. My father and I had finally parked and we walked through the deathly quiet packlands. Some of their warriors were completing drills and we were led into this large shack type warehouse on the outskirts of the lands. Having no idea what was about to happen, I stood off to the side. My father went over to stand by Alpha El. Before them were a group of pack members, an outraged group of people I later found out were considered rebels, including the Alpha's own mate. A wad of spit flies into El's face originating from the woman's mouth. "Silence!" Alpha El commands the members of his pack to submit and uses his aura to quiet the group. "I charge you all with treason and sentence every last one of you to death, starting with you, my mate." What type of Alpha would murder his own mate? I guess I should not have been surprised given that I was a witness to the terrible way my father treated his own mate, my mother, when she was alive. "I have no use for weak or disobedient women." Alpha El grabs his mate by the hair and drags her screaming to the back of the room. He sticks his tongue down her throat, drowning out her protests and slices her stomach open with his claws. He doesn't stop until her corpse is in shreds on the ground. I will never forget the sight or the sounds. The shock must have been written on my face because during the chaos, a woman grabs my wrist, covertly stuffing something in my palm. "I know you're a good man. I can tell you don't like what's going on here. Please, Myzin, my little girl, see that she gets this message. I love her!" The woman starts at a whisper and ends in shouts as she is dragged away from me by guards. Myzin. For years, I didn't understand what she was talking about. I tried to get into the West Moontrail Pack to find out, fulfill the doomed woman's last wish. Myzin. My Zin. My Zinnia. "You're awfully quiet." Zinnia says, breaking the silence, "I know it's kind of a sad story, but it was years ago. I'm okay now." "I'm just thinking about how terrible that must have been for a kid. I'm sorry that happened to you. It's all really f****d up." She has no idea just how f****d up. After they are dragged away, Alpha El calls his young son in and commands him to kill the pleading woman and her mate. Because this son is a future Alpha, the command doesn't cause him to act. "This is what it means to be an Alpha. Punish these rebels. They don't want you to take your position as head of this pack. Punish them!" Alpha El and my father had a scheme to take over a neighboring pack. A new, young Alpha had just taken over in that area and they wanted his land. They wanted everyone from their packs to invade that pack and murder everyone from top to bottom, destroy all remnants of that pack so they could have the land. These 'rebels' thought it was a bad idea. The Alpha they wanted to attack was young, but his pack had a reputation for decimating anyone who entered his packlands unannounced. Apparently, the two foolish Alphas had found a weakness they were going to exploit. The 'rebels' made a plan to escape to Goodwill to warn of the g******e, but they were found out. His mate's crime was wanting her son to be safe from her mate's moronic impulses. "No." the young boy said. "Kill them or I'll kill you like I killed your mother." he says into his son's ear, pointing to the spot where his mother lay. Upon seeing her body, the boy goes into a rage and completely tears the couple apart with his claws. My father and I stand by as the warriors and the two Alphas take out the rest of the people. After it was all over and I was alone, I finally opened my hand to view what the pleading woman had handed me, what it was her final wish to give me. An unimpressive, blue necklace with rocks attached to the strings. That night, I decided what type of Alpha I didn't want to be and left my pack for Alpha training in New Moon. Once we get to the restaurant, I can not keep my hands off of Zinnia. I wrap my arms around her, kissing her cheeks. "I am going to make sure nothing bad ever happens to you. I want you to have everything you need. I'll be there for you every step of the way." I tell her even though her skin flames and she says I'm embarrassing her. I don't want her to worry now that we are together and I want her to know she can trust me. My heart broke for her. She had loved the man that killed her parents. She had no idea what really happened that day. I knew I would eventually have to tell her the events of that day, but I wanted her to trust me first. "So, what are you guys going to do to Alpha El?" she asks, out of the blue, after we order our food. Rip his other arm off and beat him with it for hurting my mate. "What do you think we should do?" I respond instead, unsure of where she was taking the conversation. "Well, he is an asshole, but he's been through a lot. I think losing his mate made him a jerk, but he is not that bad. I think you should send him back home and like threaten him or something to not come back." Losing his mate? I would laugh at her ignorance if it wasn't so heartbreaking. "What happens to him is not my call. I can only answer to our King in that regard. El is his prisoner, not mine." I remind her. "Oh, yea. Well, can you tell him for me?" "Yes, I will tell him of your concern. Now, can we please talk about something, anything else?"
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