Chapter 23

1097 Words
Lorenzo's POV After the opposition saw that their leader had no way out, and that we had killed all of the Ihowtons that they had brought, they all took off. Blood and bodies were everywhere. After El was led away, no doubt to the dungeons by Kaipo's gamma, some castle administrators came to hand out clothing and take names so they could assess the losses. Wheelbarrows were rolled out so the Ihowton corpses could be transported for burning. From what I can see, we did very well with minimal, if any, losses. I grab a pair of shorts and look for King Kai. I see that he is helping to carry out supplies. "Great job, man. A lot of people were saved because of you and your brother." he says, patting my back. "Anything for the new King of the Alphas." I tease him. 'Alpha Lorenzo? Are you okay? Your mate refused to leave. She attacked me and ran away.' Shit. "Zinnia is missing. She ran away." "I'll help you look." Kaipo and I split up to look for her. I search the outskirts of the castle and he goes inside. God, I hope she is safe. She must have been scared. I should have introduced her to Dariel first. 'Your Luna dropped an air conditioner on my head and ran away. I don't know where she went.' She did what? "Alpha Lorenzo, the King found her. They are in his office." a guard who is part of the New Moon Pack lets me know after searching for a while. Thank the Moon Goddess. This girl is so much trouble. She's IN so much trouble. I can't believe she attacked my Gamma. What was she thinking? I rush into King Kai's office and see her standing there, disheveled and frowning. "Zinnia! When I couldn't find you, I thought you were taken. I can't believe you attacked Dariel! You have got to be the most badly behaved girl I have ever met!" When she turns to me, she immediately looks in shock and covers her mouth. I guess I must be quite a sight after battle. She is surprised and I look for the disgust in her eyes, but I don't find it. Instead, she rushes over to me and hugs me. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was this serious." My heart melts. She is touching me. This is the first time we've touched and it feels so good to touch my mate. I gently cradle her face to calm her thudding heart and when she sighs, I sink into my mate's body. "Well, this is all very moving. Hey, you guys should take a shower together, so you can stop trailing enemy blood all over the place." he says, no doubt annoyed by our affection since he hasn't yet found his own mate. "I'm not gonna lie, I forgot you were here, but I'll be-" "Can we use your bathroom?" What? Kai looks at me and then back at Zinnia and nods. Before any more words come out of my mouth, Zinnia grabs my wrist and rushes me out of the room. I'm so curious about what is going on in her head, that I don't say a word. Once we get to the bathroom, she leaves me to turn on the shower. She spends the next few minutes running around, setting up a bath. My curiosity is fully peeked as I watch her bend over to see if the temperature is okay. She seems a bit nervous as she turns the water off, but she continues to push forward. She can't possibly have in mind what I think she does. "Let me clean you up." She proves me wrong once again. I don't break eye contact with her as I stand up. When I reach for my shorts, she turns around and doesn't move until she hears me settle into the warm, bubbly water a minute later. My mate is so sweet, caring and shy, it is impossible not to smile at her manner. She turns toward me and her medium completion has a kiss of red. She holds the washcloth and wets it at the sink. She sits down at the edge of the tub and I can feel the heat in the large room rise by 100 degrees. "Um, keep still." she says softly, barely above a whisper. She starts to wipe my face with the warm cloth, cleansing the blood from off of me. I close my eyes and just enjoy the feeling of my mate taking care of me, even washing my hair thoroughly. She gently touches me where I was hurt and, although I am almost completely healed, she sighs. I hear her breath catch in her throat and when I open my eyes, I see tears. "What's wrong, mi alma?" She sniffles and shakes her head before she begins to speak. "I was mad at you because I felt like you disrupted my life when you came. I... just... wanted you to go away. But then I almost lost you today and it's my fault because it was my old Alpha who attacked you. I didn't mean it. I'm so sorry." Her voice shakes as she continues and some tears fall from her eyes. I hate seeing her upset like this. She shakes her head as she touches my bruised cheek. I pull myself up to the edge of the tub and lean into her. Her scent is so fragrant from this distance and her pouty lips are so enticing that I am drawn to their warmth. When I finally touch them against mine, kissing my mate is better than I could have thought. Kissing her makes me think of all the good things there are to come and I'm thankful, so thankful that she will be a part of my life now. "We got off to a rough start, but that's all over. You and I are family now." I tell her. I lean in to give her another kiss, but her body stills and I can see that her eyes are glazed. I can't wait to mark her so I can talk to her in this intimate way. Oh, the things I want to say to her. She sighs deeply once she comes back to me. "The King wants everyone to be in attendance for a meeting in ten minutes." "Well, maybe if we skip it, he won't notice." I whisper, going in for another kiss. "He specifically told me to make sure we are there."
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