Negotiating with the DEVIL!

1693 Words
Taking a long breath, Valentino immediately turned her way to the dark alley, which ended at the mountain city. And she only stopped when her eyes fell on the vast golden gate which was shining brightly after the darkness of the roads. It was shining so brightly as if it was made with the real gold, making her heart race madly. While staring at this gate, she was getting flashbacks of her past and how she swore never to enter here or see HIM, seeing him was something that she never wanted to do but...but he's the one whom she need now. ‘Isn't there a saying, the enemy of the enemy is a friend? No, he won't be my friend, but he can surely be my end. I knew one step of mine here would take everything away from me. That could be my life too. But for my revenge, I would happily die.’ She thought with her eyes locked at the gate. Inhaling a deep breath, she entered the gate but she was immediately stopped by a huge hulk-like man glaring at her. "There is no enter without permission." He stated with a blank and cold tone. The deep roaring tone was like a clap of thunder in this dark silence, and it instantly twisted her heart as she took a step back, but suddenly her wolf growled from her inside. 'No Valentino, not now. You have to do this. For your father and for your revenge, you need to see him. Don't forget that only he is the only one who can be fruitful to you!' hearing her wolf, Violet, she gulped the fear away and stared up at the man's dark eyes as she said In a dead cold tone. "I want to meet the ALPHA KING ALVAREZ." Hearing Valentino, immediately his eyebrows squinted as obviously since they live in the human world and not many people address the alpha as king over here. "Identity." He asked in a heavy tone while she didn't know what to say. ‘How should I introduce myself? As a girl who rejected him 7 years ago? No, he will definitely make thousands of pieces of me if I dare to mention that part. I just hope he doesn't remember my face.’ She thought and said in a cold tone, "You can just tell him Valentino Rossi is here to see him," Valentino was trying her best to hide her hands which were shaking. She said her full name for him to know that she is a ROSSI, one of this best Alpha's daughters. And the guard also looked surprised after hearing her, as everyone knows her dad but they don’t know her. Thankfully, he didn't ask Valentino any other questions, just turned silent as she could guess maybe he was talking to his KING through their minds, and as expected, after a few seconds, he moved from the gateway and said, "You can go inside." ‘I won't lie, I was surprised as I really thought alpha will reject seeing me in a second since he never met me as a Rossi, that night, he was too drunk to remember my face anyway.’ Thinking it, Valentino took a breath as she slowly started walking towards the mansion, which was almost five hundred meters away from the gate, but she could see it was giant like a ship making her more scared. Even her wolf was also scared. 'Will we die tonight, Violet?' Valentino asked her wolf because her heart was beating like mad. 'It's better to die in the hand of the Alpha instead of those jerks. Gzz* I still can't believe you rejected him. I wish you had gotten your wolf so that I could have beat you until your butt turned red!' Valentino heard Violet scolding her, but how could she make her understand that she was way too young to accept him? 'And I don't think he will kill us unless he remembers your face.' Violet said, making Valentino scoff. 'Don't scare me. I'm not that young teenager now. I got a mature lady-like body and face. There's no way he'll remember me.' Valentino said and finally stood in front of the mansion as she reached the door. She could see hundreds of guard wolves in the house in human form, but surprisingly, no one stopped her. Taking a breath she walked in with her chin up and stern face as if she was not scared of anything. ‘To be honest, I'm not scared because I have already lost everything. I only had my dad, and I lost him too.’ Valentino thought. Walking inside the mansion, she was surprised to see how giant it was, but even before she could see anything properly, a maid came towards her. "Alpha ordered you to come to his study room. Follow me." She said and started walking with her eyes stuck on the floor while Valentino just followed her until she left her in front of a door and asked her to go inside. And just from standing behind the door, Valentino could smell something strong scent making her understand that he's inside. ‘Should I just run away? If he remembers me or my face then... I'm doomed today’ Valentino thought and closed her eyes in the frustration. ‘Just do it. It's better to get killed in his hands than those jerks!’ her wolf scoffed as she was already pissed off because of Valentino’s past decisions. Valentino also left a long breath and without wasting time, she gently knocked on the door. And after around five seconds, a stern, cold husky tone came from inside. "Come in." Valentino walked inside of the door as she had left all her hesitation behind the room because now she would meet him as the dome of Jayden and Avery for killing her father, for accusing her to be the murderer of her father’s death and snatching her throne from her. The moment Valentino walked inside, she saw a giant Greek-god-like body standing near a French window with his back facing towards her. Just by the site of his back, she knew he was Alvarez, Alvarez Rodriguez, their greatest LYCAN KING. Silence........ Silence......... Silence....... The temperature of the room turned down as soon as she walked in while he remained silent, making her more anxious. But she couldn't stay silent, as she opened her mouth and said, "Thank you for allowing me to see you, Alpha." He still didn't turn toward her, making her irritated. ‘Can't he just listen to me once?’ "What do you want?" Finally, he said, making her heart clench as his tone was colder than snowfall. But she had to speak out. So, taking a breath, she said in her stern tone, “I heard you’re cursed and never going to have a mate? Then why don’t you mark me as yours,” Again she got no response from him for a minute which made her uncomfortable. 's**t! Was I too bold? He must me thinking I have turned mad because of Jayden's betrayal! No, it won't work. I have to explain.' and Valentino as about to say something else when he finally turned towards her with his battling ocean blu cold eyes as if they'll make a hole in her body. However, surprisingly, he didn't utter a word but only kept staring at her, making her arch her brow in confusion with a questioning gaze. Slowly, he started walking towards her while she was staring at him without moving a bit as if his eyes cast magic on her. He walked in front of Valentino, keeping an inch of distance between them. His right hand raised to her face as he slowly started stroking in the air making her breathing heavy. ‘To be honest, I was left stunned as I didn't realise what he was doing at first. I just kept staring into his lust filled eyes which were not even an inch away from me. He started bringing down his fingers to my jaw and going down slowly, still touching the air. And just by looking at his rough fingers, I swear I started feeling tingly between my legs, making me curse my wolf for melting into his touches. I wanted to push him away or take a step back but just under his dusky intense gaze and stroking in the air was making me hotter with each time! I could feel a rush of wetness between my thighs. I wanted to feel those hot and rough fingers on my skin and in that private hole of mine. Fu*k! What I am even thinking!! Oh Lord, how am I going to negotiate with this DEVIL if he is able to make me wet just by stroking his fingers in the air? You are so f****d up, Valentino!' Valentino screamed in her mind both in emotional and s****l frustration, but she was happy that she maintained her stern expression in front of him. While the bubble of her thoughts broke when she heard his low and deep chuckle just in her ear, making her shiver and gasp in ecstasy as she never knew he knows how to smile?! “What do you even have to offer me?" He snorted at Valentino’s face, making her grit her teeth after hearing his arrogance. ‘Can't he act like a proper wolf for once? Is he a Demon or what!?’ But still, she maintained her expression as she gave him her deadliest smirk and said, "My body, it’s enough to satisfy you and your hungry beastly wolf, my King.” She knew he was cursed. Yes, he got cursed by the moon goddess for his cruelty, as he can't get any mates. Even she knew he got hundreds of omega's to have at night, still she tried to negotiate with him. ‘Yes, negotiating with the DEVIL for my body’. Suddenly she heard his scoff before he said, “Body? I have seen a lot. Why don’t you become my bedmate and my Luna for our entire life??”
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