The Meeting

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Alisha`s POV: I woke up my hands tied together and my ankles tied together on a bed, I tried to move but the pain from my stomach was too much to bear. I looked down and some had healed thanks to my wolf, she was doing her best to heal me while protecting the twins trying not to use too much of my energy. *In her mind* "Athena please tell me the twins are okay?" I said to her. No response. "Athena?" I said again. Again no response. Great now I cant even talk to my wolf I thought to myself. Just then I heard footsteps coming closer, I pretended to be asleep as the door opened. I hear footsteps in the room coming closer to me I did not move one inch. "I know your awake, you do not have to pretend your asleep. I am a hybrid half witch and half wolf, I can sense certain things like when your awake." She says to me. I still did not move, that only pissed her off and she slapped me making me jerk up and look at her with with anger filled eyes. "What do you want?" I asked with anger surging through me. "It is time to make a phone call my dear, I am going to untie your hands but not your feet. I am going to let you call your mate, and you will say everything I wrote down nothing more nothing less. If you try anything funny I will kill one of your babies while they are inside you, as of right now they are both still alive. Do you understand?" She says to me. Understanding my kids life at stake I nodded my head in agreement. She hands me a phone and dials James`s number, while it rings she hands me a note. James picks up the phone by the third ring. "Hello?" He says. "Hey baby." I say to him. "Alisha!!, Where are you? Are you okay? Tell me where you are so I can come get you!!" He says in an urgent tone. "Listen James, Listen closely to what I am about to say." I said to him. "I am listening baby, tell me." He says in a sweet tone. God I miss his voice, his touch, his everything I thought to myself. "Alisha?" He said. "I am here baby, listen I am sure you have seen the video footage from your office, the girls name is Elizabeth." I said reading the note that she gave me. "Okay," He says. "She is related to you and wants to meet up alone with you and just you, if you do not meet with her alone then she will kill me, and the kids. She says that we are not far but we are far enough that you would not make it here in time to save me." I said to him on the brink of crying. "Calm down baby, I will not let anymore hurt or pain come to you or our kids. Where does she want to meet?" He asked sweetly. Just then she took the phone from me and started out of the room. "Wait, let me say goodbye at least!" I screamed as she left the room shutting the door behind her. Elizabeth`s POV: I sensed she was awake, now it was time to contact the Alpha for a meeting. I walked down the hall and into the room, she pretended she was asleep. I slapped her making her jerk up and look at me her eyes filled with anger, I told her to make a call to her mate and do exactly as I said or I would kill one of her kids. She did exactly what I asked now it is my turn, I took the phone and walked out of the room with her screaming to say goodbye. "Hello James, I hope you are doing well." I said sweetly. "What do you want? Who is this?" He asked. "As your mate said my name is Elizabeth, I am related to you and if you do not want your mate and kids to die then you will do exactly as I say." I said to him a little irritated having to repeat myself. "Where did you want to meet?" He asked. "How at the pond where you and Alisha first realized you were mates?" I asked him. "Why there?" He asked me. "Because I said so." I said to him. "Fine when?" He asked irritated. "How about in three hours?" I said to him. "Fine see you then." He said. "Oh and James." I said. "What?" He said to me with anger in his voice. "Do not forget come alone, or I will kill your mate and your kids." I say to him before hanging up. Now its just a matter of time I will kill them both in the same place, and then I will kill my father and run their empire in to the ground I thought to myself smiling. James POV: I woke up to my phone ringing, it was a private number so I answered it. "Hello?" I say "Hey baby." Her sweet voice rang in to my ears "Alisha!!, Where are you? Are you okay? Tell me where you are so I can come get you!!" I say to her urgently sitting up in bed. "Listen James, Listen closely to what I am about to say." She says to me. "I am listening baby, tell me." I say sweetly. God I miss her voice, her touch, her everything I thought to myself. "Alisha?" I said. "I am here baby, listen I am sure you have seen the video footage from your office, the girls name is Elizabeth." She says to me as I listen intently. "Okay," I say to her trying to think of who Elizabeth is. "She is related to you and wants to meet up alone with you and just you, if you do not meet with her alone then she will kill me, and the kids. She says that we are not far but we are far enough that you would not make it here in time to save me." She said to me sounding like she was on the brink of crying. "Calm down baby, I will not let anymore hurt or pain come to you or our kids. Where does she want to meet?" I asked sweetly. Just then there was a commotion on the phone and I hear her scream asking to say goodbye fading out, just then another voice who I assume was Elizabeth came on the phone. "Hello James, I hope you are doing well." She said sweetly. "What do you want? Who is this?" I asked. "As your mate said my name is Elizabeth, I am related to you and if you do not want your mate and kids to die then you will do exactly as I say." She said to me a little irritated having to repeat everything. "Where did you want to meet?" I asked. "How at the pond where you and Alisha first realized you were mates?" She asked me. My eyes widened in surprise how did she know we were there that night, was she watching us I thought to myself. "Why there?" I asked her. "Because I said so." She said to me. "Fine when?" I asked irritated. "How about in three hours?" She said to me. "Fine see you then." I said. "Oh and James." She said. "What?" I said to her with anger in my voice. "Do not forget come alone, or I will kill your mate and your kids." She says to me before hanging up. Three hours and I have to go alone, I need to find out who this Elizabeth is. *Meanwhile at Elizabeth`s* *On The Phone* Elizabeth`s POV: "Hey it set up in three hours at the pond in their territory." I say to him "Okay I will meet you there." Male voice says. *Hangs Up* Alisha`s POV: She left my hands untied I wrapped my arms around my stomach and put pressure on what is left of the open wounds she caused on my stomach. My stomach was healing slowly thanks to Athena but I could not talk to her she did not want to use too much energy, trying to protect the twins. She said they were both still alive, at least I know they are both still alive. There was only a little bit of my stomach still cut open, but I do not know what type of internal damage has been done. Just then I heard footsteps again coming closer, the door opened and Elizabeth came walking in. "I left your hands untied, be a good girl and I wont tie them back up. On the other hand I will be tying them back up in a few hours and untying your feet as you will be seeing your mate today." She said before she left the room closing the door and locking it behind her once again. I perked up at the last part, I am seeing James today? Why would you take me yesterday to just return me today? Unless it is a trap! James POV: Two hours had passed by and I was ready to get my mate back, I had people look in to this Elizabeth woman and it turns out I had a sister this entire time I did not know about. She was conceived during the time my father cheated on my mother, I had no idea. What could I have done to someone that I did not even know about this entire time I thought to myself. I still had an hour before I had to meet her and I was going to get Alisha back no matter what. I looked at the clock and saw it was nine in the morning, I had to meet them at ten this morning. There was only one person I could trust to help with things around here and I needed to tell him what was going on, it was Jack I pulled out my phone and called him. *Meanwhile At Elizabeth`s* Elizabeth`s POV: I walked down to the bedroom and she was laying across the bed holding her stomach, she saw me walk in and her eyes were staring daggers at me. "It is time I must tie your hands back up, we will be leaving shortly." I said to her. "No do not tie my hands back up!" She screamed and started slowly back away as I came closer. "Do not fight me I would hate do something that you do want me to do, plus do you not want to see your mate?" I asked her. She flung her arm and slapped me in the face, anger surged through me. I said a few thing and sent a spell at her and squeezed my hand closed. She yelps in pain from her stomach as I kill one of the babies inside her. "Now stop resisting!" I yelled at her. She stops resisting as she is in pain, I tie her hands together and untie her feet. "I will be back when it is time to leave." I said to her as I left the room locking the door behind me. I came back to the room about ten minutes later and grabbed her arm and said a spell making us vanish from the house and appear at the pond. I hold her by her arm, and forced her to the ground. "I was wondering if you were going to come" A male voice said. "Of course I would not back out of our plan" I said sweetly to him. I hear someone walking through the woods and I look at him. "Hurry go shift and hide before he gets here." I say to him. He nods to me and runs off. Just then James comes walking out of the woods. James POV: It is time to head to the pond, I walk out of the room I stayed in while in the investigators combed through our office and bedroom. I walk down the stairs and out the front door, I head in to the woods and start walking towards the pond. It only took about twenty minutes to get to the pond. When I get there I see a woman around my age standing there, I look beside her on the ground looking at me hands tied up blood all over her shirt and bruises and gashes on her face was Alisha. Anger surged through me as I saw her bloody and beaten down. "Well hello James, how are you today?" She said to me smiling. "Why are you doing this? What have I ever done to you? I did not even know you existed until yesterday." I asked her anger evident in my voice. "Calm down now I would not want to hurt your poor pregnant mate now." She said smiling. I looked over at Alisha she was in pain, and I could not do anything about it. "What are you doing to her? Why is she barreled over in pain?" I asked her. "SHE KILLED ONE OF THE BABIES!!!" Alisha screams in my direction. Elizabeth slaps her making her fall to the ground right in front of me, anger surged through me. "I did not tell you to speak!" She screamed at Alisha. My wolf forced his way forward and I shifted and launched my self at her, just as I almost got to her I was ambushed from the left from another wolf tackling me. I jumped back and looked at the other wolf my eyes widening in realization on who it was. "DAD!?!?" I screamed through mind-link.
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