Chapter 16

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POV: Lacey I just got home from school. I had two exams today to take. It's exams week but thankfully it's finally the last day. We have prom tonight. Pheobe and Alana are comes over to get ready. I'm going with Pheobe since Elijah can't go. That would be weird for a 28 year old man to go to a high school prom with me for a date. The werewolves at school would understand because Elijah is my mate but the humans wouldn't so to keep up the illusion that we are human he can't go with me. Elijah is completely fine with me going with Pheobe. If I went with another boy he would have had a problem with that. "You bet I would." Elijah links me hearing my thoughts. "Yeah yeah jealous. I'm going with Pheobe." I link back. "Where are you anyway?" I ask him in mindlink. "In my office. Why do you need anything?" He links back. "No I just missed you and want a kiss." I link back. I head up to his office. "Then come get it." He links back. Oh I intend to. I open Elijah's office door entering the room. "Hey. How did you do on your exams." He asks. "I guess I did fine. I won't know until the end of next week." I answer. "Now about this kiss you wanted. What are you going to do about that." He teases. I walk to him behind his desk where he sits bending down laying my lips on his. I end up sitting in his lap straddling him as he deepens the kiss. I lower myself down on my knees in front of him and unzip his pants taking his member out. He hisses from the feeling of me grabbing it. I lower my mouth to the tip circling my tongue on the the tip. I suck just on the tip at first before going down further. "Lacey" he moans out grabbing my hair in his hands holding it up out of my way. I reach down and rub myself between my legs under my skirt. He thrust up into my mouth in to my throat causing me to gag. He starts to expand in my mouth so I know he's close. I suck just the tips hallowing my cheeks sucking hard. His grip on my hair get tighter. He climaxes in my mouth and I swallow every last drop sucking just a little bit more to make sure I get every drop of him. Elijah pulls me up kissing me. "Hey Alpha... oh I am so sorry." Dylan walks in with out knocking seeing us. That is so embarrassing. I blush. "Serves him right. He should have knocked." Elijah says. "I should go. I have to get ready for prom and you should see what Dylan wanted." I tell him. "Is that all I get. What if I wanted you?" He says. "Tonight." I say with promise. "You better." He warns with anticipation. I go up stairs to mine and Elijah's bedroom to wait for Pheobe and Alana. Devon will be meeting us here and driving us to the school. Our school didn't spring for anything fancy to have our prom at this year so it will be in the school gym. While I wait I go ahead and take a shower. After my shower I come out the bathroom wrapped in a towel. I just throw on one of Elijah's shirts and a pair of panties and wait for my friends. An hour later Alana and Pheobe show up. "Hey girl." Alana says entering the room. "Hey guys. So I was thinking for Alana we just curl your hair and do a half up with some flowers. For Pheobe we just curl it since your hair is short." I say. I'm good at hair so I will be doing their hair. Pheobe's hair is about chin length so leaving it down would be the best for her. Alana is good with make up so she will be doing our make up. Pheobe will do my hair and Alana's make up. "Yeah that sound great." Pheobe says. The girls lay their dresses on the bed while I take mine out the closet and lay it next to theirs. I start on Pheobe's hair first with my small curling iron. I spray some heat protection in her hair then start cutting sections of her hair. Alana does her make up while I do Pheobe's hair. "How about we do a dark lip for you with a natural eye look." Alana suggests for Pheobe. "Well I do like my dark red lipsticks." Pheobe says. Pheobe's make up is normally on the darker side. A knock sounds from the door as im curling her hair. "Come in." I yell out. The door opens and its Elijah. "There you go teasing me again with those legs." He say seeing me only in his shirt. " ladies." He acknowledges Alana and pheobe in the room greeting them. "Alpha." They both bow their heads to him in respect. "What do are you doing in here?" I ask him. "I just came to get to let you know that a few warriors will be acompaning you tonight. Don't argue either. Its just a precation." He says. "Elijah whats going on? Did something happen. You were fine with me just going alone with Pheobe. Plus Devon will be there." Something is off with him. I feel him worried but thats all he's allowing me to see in the mate bond right now. "Dont worry. Its all going to be fine. Nothing is happening." He says and I know he's lying. "Elijah why are you lying? What is it?" I try to pry it out of him again. "Lacey just drop it and do what I say please. It may just be a false alarm anyway." He says. "Is there going to be an attack?" I ask worried. He looks away when I ask thats. I take that as answer enough that we are. "Lacey just go to your prom ok. All will be fine. The best thing for the pack right now is for you not to be here." He says. "Is this about me? Why? Its not about my locket is it?" "Lacey I beg you to stop. Ok yes it is which is why you can't be on pack grounds right now. So your going and thats final or so help me I will get Jack in here." Did he just threatened to get my dad on me for not listening to him? I weigh my opinions. I don't want to drop this and let it go. If the pack is being attacked them Elijah could get hurt or worse. He could then get my dad and well let's just say I'm more afraid of him than Elijah. So I drop it even though I don't want to. "Fine but I'm not happy about. That was low of you using dad against me like that." I tell him not happy at all. "And yet he would agree with me. He wants you to go too." Elijah tells me. "Just be careful and stay safe." I tell him. "Always." He says pecking my lips. "I'll let you girls finish up here." He leaves the room. The whole while Pheobe and Alana stayed quiet in our whole conversation. "Are you ok Lace?" Alana asks. "Yeah just worried." I admit. "Dont worry Lacey. I'm sure everything will turn out in the end." Pheobe encourages. It might would work if it not been about me. It's Alpha Marcus. He's attacking because he wants my locket. Granted he wants whats inside the locket which isn't inside it anymore. Elijah has my locket right now. He didn't want me to wear it in case Marcus figured it out. He wanted to keep the locket hidden. I do Alana's hair next while Pheobe does her make up. After I curl her hair I put it up in to a half up updo placing flower hair pieces in the back of her hair. Once done with Alana they work on me next. Pheobe does my hair up in a bun with a gem hair clip at the top of the bun. We then put our dresses on zipping each other up. My dress is a long blue tule dress. "Luna I have your results in" Shelby links me. Shelby is Dylan daughter and an eta. She's a doctor for the pack. I'm a little late so I wanted to make sure all was well. "What are they?" I ask. "Congratulations Luna. Your pregnant." I freeze at hearing this. Pregnant. My hand goes to my stomach. Alpha pregnancy go fast. I'm carrying an alpha baby. Those normally last like two and half to three months. So catching it this early isn't uncommon. I'm even more worried about tonight now. Do I tell him now or do I wait? Will he be happy? Does he want pups? I have so many what ifs racing through my mind right now. "Lacey you ok?" Alana asks seeing the worried expression on my face. I'm not telling her about the baby yet. I'm telling Elijah first. I just nod that I'm fine. I wonder how dad is going to take this. We go down stairs together. Elijah smiles seeing me. Dad is there with his phone taking pictures already. "Dad seriously I'm not even allowed the way down the stairs yet." I tell him. "Goose this is your last prom so let me have my moment." Dad says. We pose for a bunch of photos for dad. I take one with Elijah. "Hey goose anything you want to tell me?" Dad asks. I look at his confused. He shows me the picture I took with Elijah and my hand is over my stomach. Its like a way a mother would do not a oh my stomach hurts hold or just having your hand there type of thing. I smile at. "I just found out. Elijah doesn't know yet." I link him. He smiles. "So I'm going to be a grandfather. Don't worry I won't say a word." He links back. "So your happy about this?" I ask. "Yes of course. That kid is going to be so spoiled." He links. I laugh. "Whats so funny?" Elijah asks. "Hmm, oh nothing." I say waving my hand about. Elijah looks at me suspiciously. "I guess we should get going. Elijah and dad walk us out to the car. We all pile on careful of our dresses. Two cars follow us. One in front and the other behind us. I just hope tonight goes well.
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