Chapter 14

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POV: Elijah My alarm goes off at five am as it does every morning. I had forgotten to turn it off last night. What can I say I had other things on my mind. I quickly turn the alarm off before it wakes Lacey. She Lays curled up against me with her head laying on my chest peacefully sleeping. I lay holding her close to me. Last night was amazing. We are now fully mated. I can now not only feel her emotions I can feel her. I can hear what she's thinking and know where she is at all times. I will be able to find her anywhere she goes. I watch her sleep until I fall back asleep. I slept for about an hour and a half more before I woke again. Lacey is now awake. I can feel her staring at me while my eyes are still closed. "If you stare any harder I might disappear." I tease her opening my eyes to her gorgeous blue one. "Good morning." She says. "Good morning love." I kiss her lips softly. We stay laid there for a little while longer before we get up and go down for breakfast. "How about pancakes with maple syrup for breakfast this morning." I suggest. She looks at me like I'm crazy. "Uh no. I can only eat pancakes on special occasions or holidays." I says reminding me of her family's tradition. "OK how about waffles then." I say. Thats when Jack walks in. "Waffles are cheating." Jack and Lacey say at the same time. I scoff. "OK you two are no fun. And you don't think this morning isn't a special occasion?" I ask Lacey. She knows what I'm talking about. Today is the first day that we are fully mated and she is mine. She blushes. "I guess it is so I guess pancakes it is." She says. "Yeah you could have warned me last night." Jack says. The whole pack knows what we did last night. They would have felt it. Lacey seems to have forgotten that part by the expression on her face. "Oh yeah baby girl we all know." Jack tells her. "I take it your not working today." Jack says to me. "Nope. I did make a promise." I tell him. "OK. Well can we at lease look at what's on this card first. It's killing me not knowing what my mate died for." Jack say and I understand him. I couldn't imagine what I would be like if that was Lacey. "Dont think about that. I'm fine and here with you." Lacey links me. "Yes. We can do that while we wait for breakfast to be done." Jack and I go upstairs to my office while Lacey stays in the kitchen. I push the SD card into my laptop to see its contents. Before I open the file I call Brandon and Dylan in to my office for this. They should know whats going on. Lacey being my Luna now should to but she can hear and see it through our mate bond so she doesn't have to be in the room to know and not to mention this is her mother were talking about. She should know why she had to watch her mother die. I just hope it helps her get through it. Even though it happened eight years ago she is still not over it. She could really use some closure. Brandon and Dylan enter my office. They sit down while I open the file. Right now I'm the only one that can see whats on my laptop. In the file is photos and videos. There are witness statements and victims statements. Financial statements are also in the file. Phone and text conversations. This file has everything. It would take a few days to go through but from what I can see Marcus was involved in a lot of criminal activity. He traffics omegas and abuses omegas in his pack and so much more. "What is it?" Jack asks sounding desperate to know. I turn the laptop around to show them. "I'm sending this to the werewolf council. Marcus needs to be taken down." I state. They all agree with me. "Lacey you ok?" I ask her in mindlink. I know she saw and heard. "Yes." She said sadly. "Today I have a promise to up keep to Lacey so do not disturb me unless it can't be helped." I order. "I guess she's skipping school today then." Jack says not very happy about the school part. "Oh one day isn't going to hurt anything and I'm sure that the school isn't expecting her to show up today anyway. I promise she will be there tomorrow." I tell him. Jack sighs. "If miss thing graduates without summer school from being late and missing several classes will be a miracle for her." Jack says. "Hey I have not been late or missed that much" Lacey defends herself. "Really then explain why I got a call almost every other day about your attendance record this year." Jack tells her. To be honest I do have to agree with Jack. My Lacey is always late for everything. I've had to take her to school several times in the past few weeks because she was running late. She narrows her eyes at me knowing that I agree with Jack. I smirk back. She knows its true she just doesn't want to admit it. "Oh come on Lace. Devon complains all the time about it. In fact wasn't that one of the reasons why you two broke up to begin with." Brandon says. Devon is his son and yes I know lacey was once with Devon. "Yeah but he was always so early for everything." She complains. "Face it Lacey you lost this one. Just admit your always late and your attendance record shows it." I tell her. She rolls her eyes. "Never, breakfast is ready so hurry or I'm eating without you." She says leaving with hmph. I guess thats my cue to get down there. Getting down stairs i see Lacey at the front door with it opened. "Go away!" Lacey yells out. "What is going on?" I ask coming up behind Lacey only to see a red haired girl that I haven't seen in years. Maya. "Elijah, its so good to see you. Your mate here isn't very nice. All I wanted to do was catch up with my old friends now that I'm back." Maya says acting innocent. "What friends. You have none here." I tell her. "We were once friends Elijah or have you forgotten. Don't you just remember all the good times we had together. I don't know why you want to be with a little child or did she trap you into this." Maya says smirking towards Lacey. My wolf wants to come out and rip her to shreds but I calm him down. "Maya you will not speak of Lacey in that manner. Now do not go anywhere near her again. She is my mate and there is nothing you can do about it." I say slamming the door in her face. "Are you ok?" I ask her worried. I know Maya upset her. I can feel it and I can feel the doubt she put in Lacey towards herself. She doesn't answer me and just goes to the kitchen and sits down. "Lacey what did she say to you? What happened?" I ask a little hard demanding an answer. I don't mean to be so harsh in my tone but Maya upset her and I need to make it better. "Nothing. She just said she going to do whatever it took to end our bond and she didn't reject her omega mate so she could come back and not get you back." Lacey tells me. It appears Maya is going to be a bigger problem than I thought. "Lacey don't listen to her baby. She could never end our bond. I would rather die than not be with you. You are mine only and I only want you." I tell her. "I know. I'm just worried of what she might try next. What if she doesn't back off?" She expresses her worry. "Dont worry I'm going to fix it. Now let's eat. Then we'll go back to the room and I'll make you feel better." I smirk. "And just how do you plan on doing that?" She ask full well knowing what I mean. I can't help it. I need her again. I want her. "I think you know." I say. She doesn't say a word after that she just eats her pancakes finishing before me. "I'll be waiting for you" she says with a teasing tone. The little minx is planning something and she blocked her mind so I can't see what she has in store. I hurry to finish eating so I can see what she's up to. "I think someone needs a lesson on what happens when they tease me little minx." I say entering the room to see she is on the bed with her legs wide open playing with herself only wearing my shirt. I growl snatching her fingers from her core and replacing it with mine. "Someone's in trouble now." I taunt her. I doubt that any clothes will be needed today for us.
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