Chapter 1

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Boom! Crash! Lighting and thunder surround them. The rain pour is heavy. The mother and daughter pair are trying to make their way through the storm to home. They have trouble seeing with it being so dark with no sunlight able to get through the clouds. The mother hears a growl. She knows this is her end. She hides her pup behind a bush so the wolf can't see her or hurt her. Her last words to her daughter, "Remember you are my heart, Evan the frame of my heart and your father the center of it. I love you my sweet girl." The mother leaves. The little girl watches her mother through the branches of the bush. A giant black wolf attacks her mother and there is nothing she can do to stop it. She watches as the wolf kills her mother leaving her lifeless. She waits for the black wolf to leave so she can run to her mother. She crys and screams hugging her mom wishing she could come back to her. Suddenly someone grabs her from behind and she screams. Beep.... Beep..... Beep..... Lacey wakes from her dream to her alarm clock. Well it was more memory than dream. She opens her eyes only to close them again from the blinding brightness of the light. Lacey blinks her eyes several times adjusting to the light. She gets up and goes to the bathroom tripping over her book bag for school. "There you go clumsy Lacey" she says aloud to herself. Lacey gets up off the floor and goes to the bathroom. She does her business then takes a shower. She turns the water to as hot as she can stand it. Lacey hops into the shower under the hot spray of the shower. She washes her body with her strawberry body wash. Since she washed her hair last night she doesn't wash her hair this morning. She rinses her body off of the soap then turns the water off. Lacey wraps a towel around her body going back to her bedroom. Lacey grabs an outfit out from her closet and dresser. She put her bra and underwear on. She wears black crisscross crop crop top hoodie with a pair of high waisted black leggings with two white stripes going down the sides. She puts on her pink high tops. Lacey then adds some rose gold rose stud earrings along with rose gold tear drop dangle earrings. She of course wears the locket her mother gave her before she died. Lacey never takes this locket off. Once Lacey is dressed she puts her hair in a ponytail with a few braids going through it. She does some natural make up, just some foundation and a black winged eye liner. Lacey looks in the mirror at herself to make sure she looks good. Lacey has to look her best at all times. Her father, Jack Wilder is the beta of the pack after all. Lacey has an older brother. His name is Evan. In the mirror Lacey see a girl that is five foot and three inches. She has blonde hair and blue eyes with a round face. Her skin a beige color and a button nose. Her body is curvy with a 36 C cup bra size and round hips. She has a few freckles on her nose spreading to her her cheeks a little. Lacey doesn't like her freckles. Lacey determines that she looks fine and heads down stairs for breakfast. "You don't have time for that." Evan her brother tells her as she takes items out the fridge to cook breakfast. "What? What time is it?" Lacey asks him. "Its 7:45" Evan answers her. "Crap! I'm going to be late. Why didn't you come get me?" She complains at him. Evan rolls his eyes. "Just grab a banana and let's go. Come on I'll drive you." Evan tells her grabbing his keys. Lacey grabs the banana hurrying upstairs to grab her bag for school. She runs out to the car getting in. School starts at 8:00. Its now 7:50. It takes ten minutes to drive to school. They will be cutting it close. Evan drives as fast and safely as he possibly can to get Lacey to school. She is 17 years old and in her senior year of high school. She will be 18 in a few days. Unfortunately Evan will not be there and nor will her father. Evan starts college tomorrow. He leaves in the morning. Jack has been helping the lightning pack and has been away for almost a year now. While Jack has been away Evan has looked after Lacey. Now that Evan is leaving Lacey will be staying with Elijah. Elijah is the alpha of their pack, the Stone Thorn Pack. She's known him her whole life. He's her father's best friend. Lacey has secretly had a crush on Elijah since she was fifteen years old. Elijah is 37 years old and six foot two inches. He has chocolate brown eyes and black raven eyes. He has the typical Alpha build, broad shoulders, abs, pecks, muscles. Lacey gets to school getting out of the car. She hurry in not stopping at her locker just going straight to her home room. She sits next to her best friend Alana. Alana was born a Zeta. Zeta's are elite warriors of the pack. They have an elemental power and are first in line in case of an attack. A pack has thirteen ranks. First and highest rank is the Alpha who is the leader of the pack. Next you have the Beta. A Beta is second in command to the Alpha. He helps the alpha run the pack. Then you have the Gamma. Gamma is third in command. He is the head warrior and protects the Luna. Fourth in command is the Delta. Deltas run security in the pack and are in charge of the warriors. His job also consists of protecting the elder and pack council. Elders and council are ranked as Epsilon. They keep pack records and history. They help the Alpha make decisions in the pack. They also have the power to take away an Alpha's rank but that rarely happens. That's only if an alpha gets to out of control and not treating his pack right. Sixth is Zeta. Seventh is Eta. They are the healer or doctors of the pack. Some are even midwives. Eighth we have Theta. Thetas are trainers. They train the pack warriors even the elites. Number nine would be kappa the warriors. They help protect the pack. Rank ten is Omicron. They are the hunters. They provide food for the pack. Sigma is next. They are trackers. Sigmas have an advanced sense of smell. Upsilon is number 12 they are worker or just members of the pack. The last and lowest rank of a pack is Omega. Omegas are the most important rank to the pack. They take care of everything in the pack. They keep it clean and stable. They take care of the pups while the parents are off at work. They make sure everything runs smoothly. A pack could not function without Omega. The bell rings signaling its time to switch classes. Lacey goes to her locker and puts her things in it. She only grabs what she needs for her next class. Meanwhile Elijah is running his pack. The Lightning pack had called them for help. The Stone Thorn pack and Lightning pack are allies. The lighting pack was having a bit of a rogue problem. Well bit may be the wrong word. It's been almost a year that Jack has been there along with the warriors he sent with him. Since Jack is gone he has to rely on Brandon his Gamma and Dylan his Delta to help pick up the slack. Elijah has also been preparing for the stay of Lacey in his house. Evan will be going away for college so Lacey will be staying with him for the time being. The Alpha lives in the pack house. The rest of the pack lives in their own homes or in provided housing. There is a building set up like apartments provided for the Zetas and Kappas. Of course if they want they can live in their own house if they please. Most do when they meet their mate. The same goes for all other ranks. Elijah has never met his mate. This is odd for werewolves not to meet their mate by now. Elijah is 37 years old. Normally wolves meet their mates by the time they're 22. Elijah has thought of finding a chosen mate. In fact there was one but he found she was to power hungry and just wanted to be Luna. He couldn't have her as his Luna or be with her being like that so he broke up with her. A month later she went off to travel around. He hasn't thought of her since. If he doesn't find or choose a mate then the Beta will take over and become the Alpha. Elijah trust Jack and Evan so he has no problem with that situation. Although he would like to have a mate to love and cherish it hasn't happened for him. There have been many times where he's thought his mate might have died. That thought pains him. Elijah's job as the Alpha and leader of the pack requires him to make the final decisions on things. He makes sure everyone is doing their job. He stays in shape so he can fight for his pack. The Gamma may be the head warrior by title but the true head and top warrior of a pack is the Alpha. Elijah does basically the job of every rank does. He is a very busy person. He even does the job of the Luna which is dealing with the omegas and caring for the pack like a mother would its child. He plans the event of the pack such as Lacey's Birthday. This year she wants to go to the lake house so Elijah arranged for her to do that and have her little birthday party there with her friends. She didn't want the whole pack there which was fine by him. Preparing the lake house was easier than planning a party. Planning events is Elijah's least favorite thing to do as Alpha.
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