chapter 3

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Delphine pov I sat quietly in the backseat, watching the buildings blur as we drew closer to the Silvercrest Pack. The driver was chatting nonstop, rambling about his life, but I wasn’t in the mood to listen. I shoved my ear pods in, making sure he caught the hint through the rearview mirror, even though I had no music playing. My mind was too busy, drowning in thoughts of the past and the uncertain future waiting for me. I was going back to the place where everything fell apart—the Silvercrest Pack. It had been three long years since I left, yet it felt like a lifetime. The news of Alpha Martin’s death hit me hard when I first heard it. He was like the father I never had, the one who paid for my tuition in California. No Alpha would’ve done that for a mere Omega, but he did. Maybe it was because I was once his son’s fated mate. But that was all in the past now. I had made my decision. I was going to make them pay for the pain they caused me. Even in California, I couldn’t escape hearing about Jeffrey and Isabelle—now the inseparable lovebirds living the life I should’ve had. As we approached the pack gates, disbelief washed over me. Three years had passed, yet so much had changed. The guards stopped our car, one walking over to talk to the driver. I rolled down my window, forcing a polite smile, but the guard didn’t return it. He asked for my ID card, and I hesitated. A card? Since when did we need ID cards to enter our own pack? “I’m from this pack,” I said, trying to keep my tone steady, but he looked unconvinced. “I’ve never seen you before,” he replied, giving me a blank stare. I studied his face, realizing I knew exactly who he was—he hadn’t changed at all. “It’s me, Delphine,” I said, hoping it would jog his memory. He stared at me as if I were speaking another language. With a sigh, I resorted to something I never wanted to say. “Weirdo,” I muttered under my breath, making air quotes with my fingers. That was the name they all knew me by until Jeffrey tried to change the narrative when we became fated mates. Just then, it was as if he received a mindlink, completely ignoring me as he stepped away from the car. After a few moments, he returned, a different expression on his face. “The Alpha has given you permission to enter,” he said, still eyeing me strangely. Then, as if it finally clicked, he added, “Wait… Delphine? Is that really you?” I nodded, unsurprised he didn’t recognize me at first. Three years had changed a lot. “You’re not wearing glasses anymore,” he pointed out, his voice uncertain. “That’s why I didn’t recognize you.” I gave him a half-smile. “Yeah, I switched to contacts.” “You look… different. Pretty,” he stammered, his words tripping over each other as if he wasn’t sure how to phrase it. I just smiled and thanked him, even though his compliment felt more like an insult. As if I wasn’t pretty before. The car rolled forward, and soon enough, we stopped in front of my house. The driver sped off the moment I got my luggage out. Standing there, I felt a rush of memories slam into me. This place… so many moments, so much hurt. I didn’t want to see Isabelle, not after all this time. She hadn’t bothered to check on me during my years in California. But why should I be surprised? She was always like that. And Jeffrey… he was going to pay. Tomorrow was Silvercrest Day—a celebration of the pack’s achievements. And I had my own plans for the event. I was ready. My eyes were already set on Alpha Japhet, Jeffrey’s brother. I’d been preparing for this day for a long time, gathering every piece of information I could find. This plan was going to work. There was no room for failure. Are you really going through with this? Ash, my wolf, asked quietly. It feels like a bad idea. Trust me, I whispered back. I know what I’m doing. Finally, after standing there for a few more minutes, I opened the door to the house, stepping into the past once more. As soon as I opened the door, my eyes locked onto Isabelle and Jeffrey. Memories from three years ago rushed back, but this time they weren’t tangled up in any awkward positions. Isabelle looked the same, maybe a little slimmer, while Jeffrey had grown a beard. “Delphine, is that you?” Isabelle said, standing up and striding toward me, her eyes scanning me like she was sizing me up. She reached out, touching me lightly as if checking to see if I was real. Meanwhile, Jeffrey didn’t say a word. He just turned and walked away, his jaw tight, clearly angry at the mere sight of me. That cold silence between us said everything I needed to know. “You’ve really changed, Del. I almost didn’t recognize you,” Isabelle chirped, her voice dripping with that same fake sweetness I’d known my whole life. I’d spent years reading between her lines, and I knew this was just more of her manipulation. It was exhausting, really, watching her pretend like she cared instead of just showing her true colors. I didn’t say a word, just forced a smile and headed straight to my room. As I unpacked my clothes, Isabelle followed me in, lingering in the doorway like she owned the space. “Why didn’t you call me while you were in California? For three f*****g years, Del...” she said, her voice rising in that familiar entitled tone. Without looking at her, I calmly replied, “Last time I checked, you have a phone too, Isabelle. You could’ve called me.” She scoffed, clearly caught off guard by my response. “Del, it’s not what you think, it’s just...” I didn’t even let her finish. “Isabelle, please, drop the act. It doesn’t suit you.” She smiled, leaning casually against the open door, her fake innocence slipping away. “Anyway, I just thought you should know… Jeffrey and I are a ‘thing’ now. We’re together.” “Whatever,” I muttered, refusing to give her the reaction she was fishing for. “See you at the ball,” she said with a smirk. “I won’t be around for the next few days.” She popped a piece of gum into her mouth and started chewing obnoxiously as she left the room. It grated on my nerves, but I kept my expression blank until I heard the door click shut. Once I was sure she was gone, I let myself fall back onto the bed, letting out a long breath. This was it. Seeing them together again, knowing they felt no remorse—it only solidified what I already knew. I was going to get my revenge, and nothing was going to stop me.
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