Chap 2

794 Words
I sat on the kitchen chair and silently scooped for my food while I was surrounded by six maids, waiting for whatever I may order for them to get. While chewing the food in my mouth I couldn’t help to keep an eye on my husband’s scattered armed personnel. I let out a raw smile and gently shook my head. Like I said, this is not new to me. Valjerome is a boss of a mafia group so he has so many staff here in the mansion¾protector and killer. "Be ready." My husband’s voice caught my attention. I turned to him and saw him seriously walking towards my seat. He is now well dressed, a white v-neck shirt and a faded denim pants. I still want to laugh because he acts like he hasn't done anything wrong to me. I continued eating my food, "For what?" I asked lazily. He sat down in the chair next to me and started getting his food. "It is my parents' anniversary. There will be a masquerade ball and they want us to be there," he said formally and started eating. I just nodded and quietly followed him. This is how we are when we are together. Seems like strangers to each other even though the truth is we’re both married. "I'll deliver to your room later what you're going to wear." Valjerome looked at me as he wiped his lip. I just nodded thriftily and then drank water. He was about to stand up from his seat when I lazily leaned against my chair and spoke. "Are we going to pretend that lovey dovey couple thing again?" I asked sarcastically. I saw his jaw clenched as he looked at me. "We're leaving at 11pm," he said instead of answering and then left me alone in the kitchen. Yeah, they were like that¾celebrations at midnight. I faked a laugh and shook my head. "I hope there's always a party," I whispered to myself as I thought that it was only there where he was treating me nicely. WEARING a gold backless dress with a plunging neckline pair with my silver stilettos, I walked down the staircase confidently. Downstairs, Valjerome was waiting, staring at me intently. If I didn’t know him I would think he was mesmerized by my aura. I cleared my throat when I am finally in front of him and averted my eyes, awkwardness suddenly filled my thoughts. "Let's go," I confirmed in my straight voice, I was about to pass him by, but I was startled when he carefully held my arm. I glanced at him. He was staring at me as if he was memorizing all the sides of my face. I held my breath as he slowly approached and pulled a few strands of my hair from my neck. I stiffened even more as he thoroughly tilted his head towards me. What is he doing? I couldn't help, but close my eyes when his breath hit my neck. There’s something tickling my system that makes me goose bumps. I only opened my eyes when I felt a little cold above my chest — a necklace. I blinked several times and unbelievably stared at it. Valjerome distanced himself and looked at me, emotionless. "W-What's this?" His forehead knotted and glanced on the necklace he just put. "You do not know what’s that?" he asked in sarcastic tone. The nervousness and awkwardness I felt earlier gradually disappeared. I rolled my eyes at him and stared again at the necklace. "Thanks," I said simply despite of my hundred thoughts. It was just a simple diamond infinity necklace, but it really means a lot to me. This was the first time he bought something for me for all those years that we'd been married. He usually just deposits money in my bank account and lets me buy what I want to. "Erase that smile of yours. Do not misunderstand that thing. I just bought that to grab attention and show them that I'm giving you gifts as my wife. Let's go." My smile before has faded so quickly after hearing what he has said. I watched him walk out of the mansion. I laughed and looked up to hold back the tears I was shedding. "Yeah right, Jazzie. What do you expect from your ruthless husband?" I murmured to myself and followed him after I composed myself. We had a quiet journey in his limousine. Both of us looked out of the windows and did not bother to touch each other. "Do not go away from me when we get there," he said coldly as he remained his stare outside the window. "Okay," I instantly replied and leaned myself back on the seat.
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