Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 Kyveli sighed and rested her head on her delicate fingers. The trip was long, far too long. Visiting these foreigners had been a rash decision at best. She was caught in the moment of wanting to see those felines everybody on that planet was so obsessed about. “I’m bored. Take us back,” she instructed the Teddy Bear beside her. “At once, your Brightness,” it nodded and gestured an instruction. The spaceship turned around instantaneously, not that the passengers noticed anything, and plotted a course back for Ekrignontes space. A red face popped up on screen. “Kyveli, what do you think you’re doing?” Kyveli sighed, audibly this time. What a bore. “Father, how lovely to see you. Not.” “Listen to me, you have to carry on with your journey. It was your decision to visit those savages in the first place!” Her father was in a meeting room full of his courtiers. He preferred it like that, but Kyveli liked a modicum of quiet. No more than fifty people around her at any given time, any more was simply too taxing. “I changed my mind,” she shrugged and spun around on her throne. It was a lovely carving of jade, tweaked at a microscopic level to make it easy on the bum. But they had missed a spot and her sensitive skin could feel the imperfection. She moved around on her throne. “No, you changed your mind the first time, when I told you to visit your cousin. Suddenly you decided to visit Erp or whatever it’s called. You need to learn to appreciate things.” Father brought up his fists before him. “Well now, you have started something by announcing your visit, and you have to go through with it.” “I don’t have to do anything,” she said and crossed her arms. Her father got angry. “You will listen to me,” he spat out. “Or what?” The advisers behind her father cowered in fear. “Do you forget who you’re speaking to, young lady?” He was furious now. The courtiers cried out loud now and updated their wills. He turned around. “Shut up!” And of course, they did. “Seems you’re busy. I’ll do what I want, anyway, don’t bother. Bye, daddy…” She hung up. Her own court, just twenty people, kept checking their comms. She turned to them and waved away with her delicate hand. “Oh, come on, Daddy’s not gonna divide over something this small. Relax.” “Of course, your Brightness.” “Yes, your Highness.” “As you say, daughter of the stars.” She took in the adoration for a moment. Then she was bored again. “Teddy?” “Yes?” the Teddy Bear next to her asked. “Take us back to Earth. I decided I do want to see those felines after all.” “Setting course, your Brightness.” And the spaceship turned back towards Earth.
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