Chapter 5

1810 Words
  Jackson POV.   I sat among the ranting crowd with a frown, feeling an immense pain in my head. It felt like the more I stayed here, the more the intense pain increased. I tried to strain my ears to know why they were ranting.   "So what we're saying is that this pack needs more protection. We're safe and the only advantage we have is the experience we've gained." One blurted out in sheer anger.   "I don't see any problem with what you say but what about the economy? I'm sure you've been paying close attention because if you were, then you'd know how fast the economy is dropping and how hard it has become for us to survive every passing day without much food." Another chimed.   "Why are you making it sound like everything is over. We're still doing our best and if the economy is dropping, then I'm sure the alpha can't really do much. It isn't as if you expect him to fight our neighboring pack and claim their place." Another reasoned, but everything suddenly became quiet as his last words seemed to strike something deep within them.   They slowly turned their head to look at me with a knowing look. Clearing my throat, as I broke the silence, I spoke briefly. "You think claiming the other neighboring pack would save us from the upcoming catastrophe?" I raised a brow.   They fell silent, trying to figure out how to answer the question, but after a while of thinking, one finally responded. "You can't really blame us if we think they way. Remember, we're still trying to handle a living, and it just keeps getting worse and worse every time. If you ask for my opinion, then I'd advise we do as he says. The people are already suffering, so I would-" he was still talking when I cut him off.   "That's unnecessary because no one is asking for your opinion yet. What else do you all have to discuss," they all paused with a deep frown as they exchanged unpleasant looks.   "I'm a bit sure you heard our complaints. We just said that the pack is suffering, and we need to do something with an immediate effect. The more we delay, the more we put our pack at stake," he said with a conflicted expression, but my face remained but my face neutral.   "The plan isn't bad, but it's quite impulsive to carry out something like that without proper thought." I tried to explain to them, but they seemed reluctant to agree.   "I know you want us to think rationally, but I'll people are suffering, and it's either we fight for possession over the other packs, packs like middle forest are enjoying all the chaos. I doubt they even care about the vampire that has gone feral. They are hunting us, and we're the only one at the receiving end of all of these attacks. I'd advise as well that we found a way to get to safety," he started with a worried look.   I waved, dismissing his admission. "That's insufficient reasons to plan an attack to hunt a pack. You all just complained about the lack of resources, and now you're still risking the lives of our pack. Isn't that more than being impulsive? Now what I want from you all is to calm down and rethink about what you really want. Do you really think risking our lives just for the means of survival is worth it? I'd advise you all to rethink before doing so," I replied before standing up unceremoniously.   They stared at me in utter shock, not expecting the sudden end of discussion, and as I stood up, I called off the meeting. "There's no need to push further with this case. Let's talk about something else next time." I said with a stern voice. They parted their lips to retort, but I quickly shut them up with a stern look.   They quickly bowed as I made my way out of the meeting room. Just then, someone rushed towards me and bowed her head in respect. "Alpha, I have news about the lady you're looking for.   "What's that?" I asked with a frown, not actually in a good mood for any news, but upon hearing the words she said, I became very curious to know what actually happened to her. I've been desperate to get feedback ever since I instructed them for the search.   "What about the news? What happened?" I asked earnestly.   She lowered her head even more before responding. "The news is, she…" she trailed off looking worried about her response or was it fear I sighted in her deep brown eyes as beads of sweats covered her forehead. She was clearly nervous, which made me realize that whatever it was that she was about to say wouldn't be pleasant.   However, she was just leaving me in suspense with how slow she was. I felt the urge to force the words out of her mouth as my heart beat faster in the sudden silence. I didn't know what I would do if something bad happened to her. She was the main reason I found a purpose to live. She was the only one who mattered to me.   Unable to take the silent shy further, I finally snapped with a frown. "What are you saying? What happened to her and what is the news about?" I asked, urging her with a worried expression.   "Well, the lady is dead." She said with a stern voice, but her face showed concern.   I frowned as I tried to comprehend what she just said, but nothing was flowing through my head. Until the world seemed to slow down and finally I digested her words. My eyes widened in shock. "What did you say?" I asked, and she parted her lips to speak, but I turned back, walking away from her without waiting for her to reply.   As I made my way outside, the world seemed to slow down while I tried to comprehend what just happened. Did I hear correctly, or were my ears playing tricks on me?   Well, I couldn't wait for her to confirm that because the fear of confirming what I heard grew as I walked further. I met a servant on my way to my room. "Get a bottle of alcohol," I ordered without looking back.   My questions swirled inside my head as I questioned everything. What was the purpose of leaving again if I couldn't see her anymore. If I was unable to have the choice to be with the woman that I had dreamed of. The thought alone was devastating, and I had no idea when the maid showed up with the bottle of alcohol.   "Is there something you need me to do again?" She questioned and I found myself nodding my head.   "Get me, Juliet," I ordered, and she nodded before walking away. Moments after, she knocked on the door.   "Come in," I drawled, and she contemplative stepped in.   "Yes, alpha. You called for me." She said, lowering her head.   "I want to know what happened. How are you sure that she's dead?" I asked through gritty teeth.   "I learned she died close to the middle forest… I don't know if that is the exact she died, but there's a high she died in the wilderness," she revealed.   My brows knitted together. "Why was she there in the first place," I murmured to myself before waving for her to leave. She bowed then walked away.   Without waiting anymore, I reached for the drink, hoping to find solace in the bottle of alcohol. I sat quietly remembering everything that had happened, and unknowingly I finished the bottle of alcohol.   I was torn between accepting her death and rejecting it. Furthermore, I just wanted to see for myself. Furthermore, I couldn't quite believe it, so I stood up but staggered a little bit.   I quickly made my way to the place where the servant reported she died. My eyes scanned the place, but something caught my ears. I heard sounds coming from close by. My legs immediately rushed to the source and I spotted newly transformed vampires surrounding a young, fragile woman. I instantly transformed into my wolf.   I didn't take the time to check on the woman as a sudden motive to kill grew inside of me, but I didn't take the time to fathom it as I concluded that it was anger fueled by the news I got. Without waiting a moment, I ran through the forest, finding a perfect time to strike and without delay, I jumped out of the thick forest and fought off the vampires that looked perplexed and scared. The fight should've taken longer, but thankfully it ended with the unexpected help from the injured lady.   After the tense fight, my eyes snapped towards the lady and I tried to take note of her features, belatedly realizing she was injured, I became furious. Why?   I couldn't actually tell, but my wolf kept repeating the word 'mate'.   I tried to ignore the strong urge that grew inside mine. My wolf, Lucifer, was more than thrilled. A feeling to connect with her only made me more perplexed. Staring at the unfamiliar beauty, I tried to think rationally. I checked her wounds and realized she needed urgent treatment.   Transforming back, I immediately picked her up in a bridal style, bringing her back to the pack with me. As a few of the pack saw me coming in with her, they frowned and whispers erupted. The servant who sighted me looked bewildered as well, but she acted to the situation. "I'll bring water and a cloth with the medicine for treatment," she said.   I nodded at her while I walked into my room and slowly placed her on my bed. The maid arrived shortly. I dismissed her before I started cleaning her wounds with a frown, slowly getting mesmerized by her beauty. She was curvy, beautiful, and attractive.   Gulping down, I tried to fight off the feeling that aroused deep within me and instead focused on her injuries. After cleaning her up, I sat in the quiet room while buried in deep thought.   Mate. The word still rang in my head, but I was inconclusive. Should I let her stay here? But she was a total stranger.   How could I be enchanted by her beauty when I didn't know her? Maybe I should just reject her and send her away. I should still be grieving after all. Thus this wasn't the right time for a mate, but there was just this feeling that made me weak and confused and as I stared at her soft features throughout the night, I realized how impossible it was to decide.   Perhaps rejecting her would be the best thing to do presently, right?
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