Chapter 3

1809 Words
  Tana's POV.   I couldn't hide the disbelief look in my eyes as he stared at him in utter shock. Shaking my head in disagreement, I parted my lips to speak. "please, Philip. Don't… do this," I could barely breathe as I gasped in pain. My throat felt like it was on fire, an unquenchable fire. He growled, and his eyes darkened as he tightened his hold as if he were still being lenient.   Behind him, I could see Veronica smiling ruefully. She seemed quite pleased with the sudden declaration. I wanted to beg, but I could barely breathe and the blood in my body slowly turned cold, and my heart beat faster within my left breast.   Fear grasped my heart and tears stung my eyes as I tried to wiggle free from his stronghold but it was obviously impossible to break free from him. However, how could I overpower an alpha?   I knew she wouldn't bother to interfere, as she derived joy from the pain I felt. My vision slowly became blurry and my fear increased. I was scared to die, I couldn't die this way.   Just when I thought it was the end, he pulled me from the wall and pushed me down on the cold floor harshly. I fell back with a groan before I choked and coughed as I quickly gasped. I lifted my teary eyes to look at him as he stood above me with a solemn expression.   I felt so vulnerable under his scrutinizing gaze. He shifted his gaze to someone, and the cold look in his eyes disappeared and was replaced with an affectionate look. I watched as he walked towards Veronica, who still sat on the floor with a painful expression.   She hissed when he touched her injured hand as he lifted her up carefully. The way he handled her with so much care hurt me more than the pain he afflicted on me just now. I felt like smacking the pitiful look off her face as she shifted her gaze to me.   She suddenly pulled herself from his embrace and stalked towards me with a fake facade. "What have you done to deserve such brutality from you? Isn't it enough that you almost stole the man I love? Why are you so evil that you wish to hurt a pregnant woman? I took you as my sister-" she started, but I caught her off.   "We aren't sisters," I muttered with a raspy voice.   She snorted indignantly. "We might not be that close, but I love you," she said venomously, through gritty teeth.   I almost spat blood upon hearing her statement. "Where is the love you claim you have? You stole my mate, and you slept with him behind my back. And don't think there's the word sister in your dictionary because then you'll know and value the meaning?" I snapped, but a cold chill ran down my spine when I felt a cold glare from behind her.   Turning to look at the source, I found Philip glaring daggers at me. He walked towards me so hastily, before I could fathom his next move, he pulled me by the hair and jerked me up effortlessly as he dragged me towards the door.   He pulled the door up and tossed me on the floor like something disposable. His bloodshot eyes stared at me as he called. "Guards!"   A moment after, I heard feet ensuing towards me. The guards bow in respect.   "Take her outside," he ordered without a hint of reluctance. The guards roughly dragged me outside, holding me by the arms with a punishing grip.   "Tana!" I heard my mother's voice from close by. I turned to look at her as she ran towards me. I noticed the onlookers gathering around to witness the scene. I heard murmurs from close by.   "Tana, what's going on? Why are they holding you?" My mother inquired as she neared. I could hear the fear in her voice as she asked. I knew she was scared, wondering what had occurred before this outcome.   "Philip… he…" my voice broke as I tried to make a coherent word. It just hurts, thinking about everything that has conspired to this moment. How do I tell my mother that her only daughter was going to be exiled from the pack and would be a rogue?   The news would likely break her apart. I knew I was the only reason she had been enduring the thorns and snares in this pack. I was the only reason she breathed and lived.   "Come on, talk to me, tana. Why are you even here? Why did you come here?" She asked desperately for an answer. Her gaze fell on my neck, and she gasped in shock, seeing the bruises inflicted by Philip.   "Tana, you're no longer allowed into this pack. You're exiled from this pack and this should be the last time I see you in this pack," he declared in front of everyone.   I could hear gasps and whispers that erupted from the crowd gathered around. Veronica was right beside him and her wound was already dressed. My gaze shifted to another person beside her, and it was none other than her grandmother, Rachel. She smirked at the sight of me being so vulnerable and helpless.   "Oh dear, isn't that too hard for her? I mean, I understand that she committed an abominable crime by trying to hurt my granddaughter and her sister. And such an act should be intolerable and unforgivable," Rechel started with a pitiful expression.   I could barely believe my ears. Was she trying to reason with him, or was further fanning the flames?   However, she continued with her pretense. "But can you please reconsider it? I think you should give her another child, she's after all young and naive, but if you feel this is the best for the pack, then I won't interfere."   I blinked in disbelief after hearing her ridiculous comment. Veronica used the opportunity to chime in with a pitiful look as well. "Yes, my love. I know you're trying to protect me, but she isn't worth your time. I would rather not pay evil for evil," she added.   Philip clenched his jaw as he stared at me with so much hate. "I can't temper justice with mercy. She crossed the line the moment she tried to hurt you. If she has forgotten her place, then I've taken it upon myself to bring her to her place which is under you. For that reason, I won't renounce my declaration." He snapped.   "No!" My mother yelled, running towards Philip, but the guard held her back before she could take another step closer to him. "No, please. Don't do this to her, please," she cried, falling to her knees in tears. She rubbed her hands in front of her while pleading.   "I know she did bad by coming here, but she would never hurt you and Veronica in any way. She must've come here to seek answers, since you left her without a proper explanation for everything. Please try to understand her, everything happened so suddenly, she never meant to cause you pain in any way and if she did unknowingly, please for my sake forgive her. Don't let my only daughter go rogue, please. I'll do whatever you want but spare her this last time. She'll never disturb you again, promise," she croaked.   I felt weak, watching as my mother begged unceasingly. She looked so weak and helpless, with her only hope on Philip for him to reconsider.   However, he looked adamant. "She defied the leader of the pack the moment she tried to break into my home and hurt Veronica. I'm being benevolent enough to cast her out of the pack without sentencing her to death. I can easily ask for her execution, for her to be beheaded, and her head served on a golden platter to Veronica." He drawled.   My mother trembled in utter fear as she looked at him. She shook her head. "Please, this is nothing less than killing her. She'll die out there in this cold winter. She has no one to guide her, nowhere to go," she reasoned.   He snorted angrily. "She deserves what awaits here out there," he muttered coldly with visible disdain in his eyes. I shudder in both shock and fright. I had never expected him to be this heartless and cold. I had always viewed him as a gentle, kind and thoughtful man.   "Take her further to the edge of the forest and prepare the potion," he ordered solemnly and servants, who heard his commanding tone, shivered before rushing to carry out his order.   The guards pulled me roughly. The sharp edges of the rocks cut through my skin as they dragged me even on the floor whenever I fell weakling, unable to bear the weight of my body with my wobbling legs.   Laughs of mockery from the crowd, and I could see them watching in glee.   The branches dug into my skin as they dragged me through the forest until we got to the edge.   "Here, take this," the guard passed the potion to me. I took it with trembling hands.   "Drink that and end the mate bond we share. I no longer want you as my mate." Philip spoke as I stared at the potion.   I turned to look at him and saw Veronica in his arms, looking at me with contempt. The sheer anger and pain made my blood boil in anger. I clenched my fists tightly as I stared at him. I didn't deserve this, I didn't deserve such ill-treatment from them.   I was already hurt by my father's death, and this only increased the pain in my heart.   "I reject you, Philip, as my mate." I whispered before taking the potion without further delay. I would rather die than be his mate, even in my next life. I saw the flash of shock and disbelief in his eyes.   I drowned the whole content down my throat before looking at him with hate, not minding the bitter taste as I tried not to grimace. I stared at him with a frown, and he seemed shocked, but suddenly, I winced in pain. The pain felt like my inside was being turned inside out. I fell to the ground in pain as the guard let go of me.   I tried to fight the pain as I looked at Philip, his face was equally distorted in pain. "Leave the pack for good," he muttered, trying so hard to conceal the pain.   "No, I won't let you take my daughter away from me. You will regret this, I promise, no let go of me!" she yelled as Veronica pulled her away. I slowly stood up, mouthing I love you to her before walking away without glancing back.
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