Chapter 9 “I’ve always known something about me was just a little off. It was one of those things I just embraced about myself. But now to find out that what I have been embracing was darkness, that because of my DNA I am actually prone to evil desires, let’s just say that I didn’t handle it real well. Okay, maybe that’s putting it a bit mildly.” ~Elora “What exactly does that mean?” Elora asked and then added. “And if you give me a vague guy answer I swear I will mess you up.” “You could hit him with your hammer,” Oakley offered up. Rin choked on a laugh as Cush turned his steely gaze on him. Oakley just shrugged. Tony let out a deep breath. “Okay, dark elves 101 it is,” he quipped. “Dark elves aren’t called dark elves because they like to dress in black and wear really thick eyeline