The Participants

1251 Words
Somewhere in an undisclosed location, Laban Fund Headquarters. Sanchez arrived at his office filled with several people working on their station. On the walls, flat television screens are mounted, showing the live footage of the whole Metro Manila. The game will commence in three days, and the team has to prepare some arrangements in order for the game to flow smoothly once it starts. Sitting on his chair, in front of his desk, a man in his late thirties walked forward and gave him the tablet. “Sir, these are the six participants joining the game, they just landed in Ninoy Aquino International Airport. They are being prepped and briefed for the game. These are their files if you want to look at them.” Sipping his coffee, Sanchez received the tablet and perused the contents. For this game, there are seven participants, Dreign Saludo was one of them. The other six, are elite operatives around the world. Starting from the United States of America, Alan Smith. A delta force elite soldier who has several tours in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Africa, he has a confirmed kill off over 200 Taliban and Isis. Due to that achievement, he received the title “The Executioner.” A title that is forever etched in the Taliban's heart. Whenever they hear that name or even his presence, they’ll run for their lives. Anastasia Romanov, also known as, The Cold Princess of Moscow. She’s a Russian Spetsnaz responsible for assassinating high-value targets in Turkey and in European countries. According to her file, she’s good at close combat and her specialties are killing her target without her presence being detected. David Hampton. A British Special Air Service, a special forces unit in Britain who also has several tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. His reputation precedes all over U.S and Europe due to him saving civilians and his teammates and he was hailed as a hero for that, even receiving a Victoria Cross, the highest reward ever given to a soldier. However, he has some tendencies of going out of control, the reasons were unknown. Samir Ravi, an Indian Para Special Forces turned mercenary. He is a mercenary for hire, doing whatever jobs are given to him in an appropriate amount. If one wants to silence a political enemy, he’s the one you can call. He is an expert at assassinating his target from the shadows. Sawaya Kayo - A Japanese Special Forces and an assassin for hire. Whoever you want to kill, you can call her and she will execute. No matter how hard the target is, how protected it is, it won’t matter. She can bypass anything due to her tactical intellect and keen insights. Last but not least, Cao Chunhua. A former Chinese Special Forces now turned mercenary for hire. Similar to Samir Ravi, she is well-known for her skills of assassinating her target even in broad daylight. Sanchez, who was looking at their profile, raised his eyebrows after finding out that the participants of this game are elite soldiers from their respective countries, feared assassins, and mercenaries across the world. This won’t be the ordinary game he is accustomed to, where the participants are just a bunch of debt-ridden ordinary citizens running for their lives, scared of meeting the hunters. Sanchez smiled as he anticipated the game in his mind as action-packed. All of them are elite troops, he has high expectations for them. With diverse skill sets, they’ll use every means necessary to win the grand prize of at least one hundred million dollars. It was exciting, Sanchez can’t help but laugh inwardly as he simulated the fight between them inside his mind. The weapons, explosions, public disturbance, everything. In three days, the clients would be so happy to witness an action-packed battle royale game in real life. It won’t be like in the movies, there are no limits other than rules placed upon them. They can do whatever they want as long as they don’t violate the rules. It is exhilarating. But as a Filipino businessman, Sanchez is rooting for Dreign Saludo. He has a shot of winning this game as he is also an elite special force of the Philippine Army. With years of experience and the fact that the game will be held in his home country, there’s no doubt that Dreign will have a low chance of winning. “I’ve seen the files of the other players. You can have this back now.” Sanchez returned the tablet to his assistant, Dereck. “Understood sir. Anyways, I have something to report to you, sir.” Dereck said. “What is it?” “Well, it looks like Dreign Saludo, the one you offered to participate in the game, is already browsing the tablet and are currently shopping for equipment.” “What? That fast?” Sanchez was slightly shocked by what he just heard. He knew from the start that Dreign was reluctant to join the game but due to financial circumstances, he was kind of forced to. However, to think that he is browsing for equipment is a shock. It means that Dreign is ready for the game. “This is going to be an exciting game.” a smile crept across Sanchez’s face, grinning. One day before the game. The participants, or the players, were now debriefed by their respective agents. They now know the rules of the game, the limitations, and what to do during the game. Due to their nationalities, they don’t know the terrain and the geography of Metro Manila. Using the remaining time they have, they studied it, researched it, and even visited some places. Probably looking for the best location to set things up. They don’t know who they are up against, they weren’t given any clue, giving them morale thinking that the enemy is just your run-of-the-mill citizens who don’t know how to use guns. But others are already being suspicious based on the weapon selection alone. Most of the guns available are banned in the Philippines such as an automatic rifles. If this were held in the United States, they’ll be able to use whatever they want, legally. So why is the company that offered them to participate in the game willing to give them a selection of banned weapons in a specific country? The reasons are simple, and all of them came up with one answer: because the participating players in this game are not ordinary citizens. There were only 12 hours left before the start of the game, Dreign Saludo had already ordered his weapons and supplies for the game. He only needs a good rest and sleeps and he’ll be good. Before the start of the game, he’ll meet Sanchez again to get his equipment. He knew that he was getting on something dangerous. But he has no choice, he has to do this or he’ll leave his family in this world penniless. At his side, his wife Allie was sleeping soundly. Maybe because she had a good day earlier. Turning to the side where Allie was facing, Dreign snuggled from behind and then kissed her softly on the cheek. There’s a dangerous game ahead later that can bring him death. He wanted to at least savor the moment of them together. Dreign’s face drew close to her ear and whispered. “I’m going to get us out of this…I swear.” It was a declaration, a promise made, and Dreign is ready to go to war.
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