1561 Words

XVIIBaron Rankin stood with the assembled masters and generals of the Temple Guilds upon a rise in the ground, surveying the battle laid out before them. Gram, the Chevalier of the Ostlers Guild, stood directly beside him, holding a spyglass to one eye. Rankin didn't approve. They didn't need to employ the devices of their enemy in this war. He, Baron Rankin of the Guild of Stonecarvers, could see perfectly well how a battle was proceeding with his own eyes. Gram's cavalry units were vital to their efforts, there was no doubt about it, but still Rankin disapproved of the younger master. Too ready to adopt the new ways, that was Gram's problem. Too ready to embrace change. Sometimes Rankin suspected Gram's loyalties were divided. The Ostlers were an ancient and respectable House, but the l

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