947 Words

XIVDiane and Finn rode together all that day, and the next. Diane, at least, seemed happier now Whelm was gone. They came across very little destruction, and she talked excitedly about seeing her family again. Despite all his gloom about losing Whelm and the reader, Finn had to smile at the sight of her. It was good to see her laughing again as she recounted tales from her girlhood. He'd visited her home several times and always received a warm welcome. He couldn't help wondering about Whelm, though. Would the ex-master be pursued? Would they ever see him again? If not, how was Finn ever going to assemble another spindle reader? Perhaps he couldn't. Some of his hope from the day before ebbed away. The light was fading to grey when they rounded the foot of a round hill and saw fires blazin

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