2393 Words

XIIThey spent most of the night pulling away the rubble of the ruined workshop. Once again, people came from miles around to help. Even Mrs. Megrim hobbled up to perch on a rock. She watched their progress in silence, a grim look on her face. Finn's mother did what she could, helping to roll away some of the smaller stones before retiring to sit with Mrs. Megrim. When darkness fell, the people of the valley lit torches and carried on working. The smoke from the flames, the cries from the rescuers, all put Finn in mind of the day of the avalanche, when the whole village had come looking for him and Connor. Now it was the other way around: Finn desperately searching for his father. Most of the time, he was too out of breath to talk, but every now and then he stopped to rest screaming limbs

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