School Club

2239 Words
DAWN’S POV What should I do? Even though I manage to narrow down the clubs which pique my interest, there is still so much to choose from. Should I go joining the track & field club since that was my choice back in the middle? But I promised myself that I would try to pick something other than track and field after graduating from middle school. “Should I join the boxing club?” I asked no one in particular. What intrigued me to join this is because of senior Swan’s picture on the brochure- she looks so cool. “Umm, excuse me.” The girl who sat in front of me turned around when I tried to make a conversation with her. “Yes?” “I’m sorry for being a bother, but which club did you join?” The girl looked at the brochures on my table and pointed at the Taekwan-Do club. “Senior Charlotte was a convincing captain when she demonstrates a few moves for the applicants. I fell in love with her strength when she tried to break four tiles with a single stroke of her hand.” Oh my! I never knew Charlotte was that good. “Not only that, she even spars with senior Cataleya. The match ended with a tie.” Oh! Does that mean senior Cataleya is also a member of the Taekwon-Do? “From the brochures, it seems you’re interested in the martial arts club. Have you entered any clubs of the same nature back in middle school?” I shake my head, no. “I used to be a member of the track and field club. But now I wish to enter a different club. That is why I’m a bit confused. With the deadline approaching, I’m getting nervous.” My classmate hummed. “Do you want to visit all these club rooms before choosing them? It’s best to see what they do before choosing one, right?” Wait, that’s a great idea. But going alone is weird. “Maybe I should. Thank you for the suggestion.” I smiled. “I was thinking of going together. Since you haven’t explored the school campus alone, it would be better to go with someone who knows the way around. I can also introduce you to the clubs which is not on your list. Well, if only you would like me to.” That would be a great help, though. “Thank you so much.” I smiled. My classmate looks at the time before telling me to get myself ready. “Since I’m not busy at the moment, let’s go. I’ll introduce you to some of my friends. It’s not a bad idea to be an acquaintance of a few influential people.” My classmate smiled before dragging me to meet a group of her friends. “I’m sorry. I didn’t even know your name.” I feel bad for saying this. “Oh! Haven’t we introduce ourselves? My name is Medea. And I know who you are- Dawn. Nice meeting you. Also. Don’t worry. Don’t be nervous about meeting my friends- they’re good people.” Medea smiled. Is this okay? *** THIRD PERSON POV “Hello! Anyone home? I’m here to collect rent!” Swan Clarkson shouted after she kicked the door open using her foot. “What the bloody hell are you doing in my house! GET OUT!” Mr. Roman shouted when he noticed Swan barged into his home with a law enforcer group that works for the Clarkson family. “Oh, is that the right thing to say, Mr. Roman? Because according to this file in my hands, it’s you who should be leaving this home. Everything that belongs to the Roman family belongs to me.” Swan smiled before showing a document that has the current head of the Roman family signature. “Pack your things and leave this place immediately. If you refuse to do so, I will have to take legal action against you, Mr. Roman. That wouldn’t be ideal for your image, am I right?” Swan smiled. “That is blasphemy! You can’t do this to me! You forged that document! It’s a fake document! It’s impossible for my father to simply let go of all the work he has done for the family! I will bring this matter to the court of justice! You can’t do this to me!” Swan watched the law enforcer dragged Mr. Roman and his wife. “Young miss, what should we do next?” Swan turned to face her driver. “That was easy. I was expecting them to beg for mercy. But they didn’t. I wonder why.” Swan looked up at the top stairs when a half-naked man and woman suddenly appeared before them. “What is the meaning of this, Miss Clarkson? Why are you making a ruckus in my in-law's house? Are you adamant about making your life a living hell, Miss Clarkson?” The man said, while looking at me. That woman beside him- that must be Dawn’s mother. “What is the meaning of- oh my. To think that someone who supposed to be the next leader of the Enigma Clan to be this stupid.” Swan laughed. “Watch your words, Miss Clarkson. Do not think highly of your connection within the black market. You’re nothing without your family name.” Swan takes a few steps up the stairs. “Do not challenge me. I can bring hell to your clan with a simple flick of my finger.” Swan smirked. “You’ve been doing something without your mother’s approval again, did you? What will happen if I inform Gabriella that you’ve been harassing a student from Volin High? Rebecca Roman, this is all your doing, am I right?” Rebecca released her partner’s hold and walked down the stairs. “I have never met someone as rude as you, Miss Clarkson. But what you're saying right now can be considered as slandering. You haven’t been alive as long as we are. Don’t test us, little girl.” Swab scoffed before pushing on Rebecca’s chest before laughing at the woman who dares to say such a thing. “Sure... do whatever you want.” Swans offered. *** THIRD PERSON POV "This is a flower arrangement club. I am not s fan of this club since I am far from being a patient person." Medea explained as they walked into the clubroom. Dawn was astonished by the displayed flower arrangement made by the students. The president of the clubroom greeted Medea with a smiling face. "Good to see you, young miss. Have you finally consider joining my club? It'll be an honor for us to have the young as one of the club applicants." The club president smiled upon seeing Dawn. "I am here to accompany my friend. Besides, I've chosen my club but thank you for the offer." Medea smiled. Dawn gave the president a small smile. "I see. From your appearance and demeanor- you must be the scholarship student." Dawn nodded, but she kept her head down. "Don't be shy. I am not judging you based on your background. I judged someone by their worthiness. Judging one background is nothing but a shallow act made by spoiled rich brats. I am far from being spoiled." The president smiled. "Please, enjoy your visit here. Who knows, you might open your heart to join my club. I have something to attend to. Thank you for stopping by." The president excuse herself while Dawn and Medea look around the club room. "So, how is it? Do you think the flower arrangement club is for you?" Medea asked Dawn, who seems to be contemplating. "I don't think so. I am not as elegant as the club members. I'm afraid I would destroy the aesthetic of this club. Let's go to the next club- Taekwan-Do." Medea nodded before they both went to the martial arts building. "How did you ended up choosing a flower arrangement brochure from all the clubs available on campus?" Medea asked as they're walking. "The student who gave me the brochure seems like a nice person- and she was beautiful." Medea was shocked by the reason but chuckled in the end. "Wow," Dawn was surprised to see the number of students gathered around the Taekwan-Do club. "This is a normal occurrence if the club's president is around. It seems senior Charlotte is here today as well. Well, if you want to see what senior Charlotte can do, we ought to get a closer look." Medea grabbed hold of Dawn's hands and led her to where the demonstration is. "THERE IT IS! THE FAMOUS ROUNDHOUSE KICK MADE BY OUR BELOVED PRESIDENT, CHARLOTTE SENA!" Den was surprised when an announcer is making his remarks about Charlotte's moves. Dawn watched as Charlotte smiled at the crowd while they cheer for her. Upon seeing Dawn, Charlotte waves her hands before walking towards Medea and Dawn. "Well, it's nice seeing you with a friend. Hello, my name is Charlotte Sena." Charlotte offers her hand for Mede to shake. "Medea. I am one of your applicants." Charlotte and Medea both shake hands. “Medea- as in-,” Medea placed a finger on her lips when Charlotte about to say something. “I see. Well, it’s good that Dawn finally made a friend here in Volin. Also, welcome to Volin High Taekwan-Do club.” Charlotte excuse herself before going back to the ring and challenged her fellow members to a spar. While Dawn is enjoying herself watching Charlotte sparring with her members, someone came to her mind. “Say, do you know which club Cataleya Volin is in?” Dawn asked. Medea thinks for a moment before shaking her head no. “It’s hard to say since senior Cataleya doesn’t have a fixed club. From what my friends say, senior Cataleya is a genius among geniuses. Meaning she can jump between clubs as much as she wants.” Medea leaned in closer to Dawn. “My friends also mentioned that senior Cataleya is one talented fighter who excels in many forms of martial arts. She never once lose to any challenges that came her way since she entered Volin High.” Dawn didn’t expect that Cataleya would be that kind of student since Cataleya doesn’t show any interest in anything. But little did Dawn know that Cataleya is among the top students in Volin High. “Speak of the devil. Look, senior Cataleya is asking for a spar with senior Charlotte.” As Cataleya entered the ring to join Charlotte, Dawn can't seem to keep her eyes off of them. “Is this normal?” Dawn asked. “Yes. This happened before too. Senior Charlotte seems adamant to win this time, though.” Medea seems excited to see yet another spar from their seniors. “What are you doing here?” Charlotte asked her friend, Cataleya. “Swan told me to be her first since she needs to prepare herself before fighting me. Since you’ve been warming up, let’s fight, shall we?” Cataleya gets herself ready in a stance that most fighters would avoid. “This time, senior Cataleya decided to use a karate stance instead. Last time, senior used a Thai stance which made senior Charlotte had a hard time avoiding and countering her kicks.” Medea explained to Dawn. “Even though it’s not widely used in MMA, but since senior Cataleya is an experienced fighter, she might be able to pull it off. This style allows the fighter to throw kicks out of nowhere.” Charlotte raised her hands to gained Cateleya’s attention. “Are you sure this is okay? It’s just a spar, right?” Cataleya was about to say something when Charlotte suddenly sends a roundhouse kick aiming for Cataleya’s head. Cataleya gets into a crouching state, and little did she know that Charlotte was already on her second move about to strike Cataleya with her famous ax kick. Cataleya managed to catch one of Charlotte's most vigorous attacks with a smirk. “Such an old trick. Do you think I haven’t been reading your moves? Think again!” Cataleya was surprised when Charlotte jumps and twist her body midair to released herself from her hold. As soon as Charlotte landed on the ground, she sends a front kick towards Cataleya. Cataleya managed to avoid getting hit, but the sudden attack made her realize Charlotte is not kidding around. “That stance-it seems senior Cataleya will use Muay Thai to counter-attack,” Medea said. Cataleya smiled before she ran towards Charlotte and gave her a surprise jump kick. Charlotte is barely able to avoid the hard kick when Cataleya sends a powerful punch towards charlotte’s head. Even though Charlotte managed to block it, she can feel her ears ringing from the aftermath. “Avoid hitting my face! I have a banquet to attend tonight!” Charlotte shouted before sending a couple of punches to Cataleya. “Same here! I, too, have to go to that banquet!” Cataleya said while she blocks Charlotte’s punches. Even though Charlotte wasn’t supposed to use her hands to hit Cataleya’s head, she doesn’t care anymore. “Someone needs to teach you a lesson!” Charlotte said while trying to hit Cataleya. “Hah! You? Teaching me?! Dream on!” Cataleya shouted. The two friends were about to kill each other before a Volin guards' group appeared to stop them. “This is your last warning, Miss Sena, Miss Volin. Once again, if you decided to break the rules, I will have to reprimand both of you. Please remember that you’re the Jews of the school. Show some good example to the juniors.” The Volin guard warned both Charlotte and Cataleya. “It’s a tie yet again.” Medea seems disappointed while Dawn is confused about what just happened. “What just happened?” Dawn asked.
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