
1181 Words
This the edited and new version my story "Billionaire's Acting Wife" Montreal Property #3, Saven and Akeelah. Kung nabasa nyo na yon, okay lang na basahin nyo muli ito dahil may idinagdag ako. Salamat! - Sorry if this whole chapter is English, but this Tagalog. I'd plan to write this one in English but suddenly change my mind. Hindi ko na ma- translate into Tagalog. Thanks, and Godbless! - Prologue - A beautiful smile curved on the lips of a 12-year-old boy as he looked at the young girl, whom he thought was years younger than him. She was very beautiful, smiling innocently as she walked along the seashore, her long curly hair freely dancing in the breeze. Unaware, she continued to walk, while his gaze followed her from behind the coconut trees. He couldn't help it. He just couldn't take his eyes off this young girl. It's his second day at the resort. This is the first time since Safara left that they've had a family bonding again. But he didn't pay attention to his siblings because he was following this young girl. He suddenly ran towards the young girl when he saw her stumble. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked, with concern in his tone. She lifted her face to him, and their eyes met. He knows that she is pretty, but she's even more beautiful up close. How lovely it is to behold her deep, expressive eyes. She doesn't speak; she just stood up. And without a word, she ran away. He just shrugged as he continued to watch her leave. Is she really scared? ----- The young girl is bothering his mind. Her beautiful smile is always on his mind. So, when he saw her again, he started following her once more. This time, he wasn't hiding; he intentionally showed his presence. Their gazes often met. When he smiled at her, she would shyly look down as if feeling embarrassed. "Boys, make sure you've packed all your things. We'll be leaving soon. All your stuff should be ready." Their mom said. She had just recovered from severe depression due to the loss of their sister. "Everything's ready, Mom," said their eldest brother, Seighfred. He's the eldest among their six brothers. He's the second one. "Me too," said Simon, raising his hand. He's the one next in line after me. "Very good," their mom said. "Have you three packed your things?" She pointed at the youngest ones, the triplets. If only Safara hadn't gone missing, she would have been the youngest and the only girl. "We're going to do it, Mom," said Sancho, the eldest of the triplets. "We? I'm done, you know," said Savino, the second of the triplets. "Mom, can you just pack my things for me? I'm the youngest," said Santinir, the laziest among them. "Santie baby, you're a big boy now, you can do it," their mom said, with a hint of tenderness in her voice. "Mom, stop calling him 'baby,' we're the same age," complained Savino. "We're not. You're a minute older than me," said Santinir. "Whatever. Acting like a kid," Savino retorted, rolling his eyes at Santinir. He ignored his siblings' banter, particularly the triplets. He took out a ring from his bag. He bought it yesterday when they passed by a jewelry shop with their dad. They were out for a stroll yesterday. "Where are you going, son?" his dad asked as they crossed paths. "I just have somewhere to go, Dad," he said, almost running in haste. "Hurry up and don't go too far, we're leaving soon," his dad called after him. "Yes, Dad!" he replied, not turning back to look at his dad. ------- He spent almost an hour searching for the young girl. He found her sitting on the sand, smiling as she played with the sand. He took out his cellphone and secretly took a picture of her.He felt overwhelming joy. He captured her smiling while facing him. Her smile was beautiful. He would carry that smile in his heart forever. He would plant it in his memories. He glanced at the ring he was holding. It was contained in a small box. He also wrote a letter. - To the girl with the curly hair, You've not only caught my attention but also stolen my heart. Someday, I'll locate you, and when that day comes, I'll make you, my wife. Don't settle down just yet; wait until we reunite. I vow to search for you. P.S. Hold onto this ring as a symbol of my commitment to you. From the young man who admired you from a distance. - He read the letter again, smiling as he folded the paper. The only problem he had now was how to give it to the young girl. He glanced at the sarong she always carried. It lay on the ground, along with her other belongings. He thought of a way to leave the letter and the ring for her. After placing the letter and ring on top of her sarong, he quickly hid again. He waited for her to notice what he had left for her. However, before that could happen, three kids suddenly pulled him. "What's up?" he complained to the triplet siblings. He didn't understand why they were pulling him. "We're angry at you, bro. Because we were the ones tasked to find you," said Sancho. He seemed annoyed. "We're heading home, and you're wandering around everywhere," added Savino, also seeming irritated. He secretly regretted not seeing the girl's reaction when she found his gifts. He wasn't sure if the girl had received the letter and the ring. But he hoped she did. ------ "Her name is Faith Mauricio. The only daughter of Fred and Farah Mauricio. Actually, her parents are the owners of that resort you mentioned. Her family migrated to Australia years ago," his hired private investigator told him. He wanted to know the identity of the girl who had been his inspiration for the past few years. It's been 5 years, but her beautiful smile still remained vivid in his memory. A smile that had brought light to his dark world. He looked at the picture inside his wallet. It was a photo of the young girl playing on the sand, smiling brightly at him. "I'll wait for your return to the Philippines, my Faith, and I'll marry you immediately," he said firmly to the picture. "You are mine, my love." - - Saven jolted awake. He always dreamed of that young girl. The girl who has the most beautiful innocent smile. The girl who stole his heart from the moment he saw her. How did her innocence become tainted by evil? He never once thought that the young girl was now his wife, Faith. His b*tch, heartless, and cheating wife. He loves her, so he endured martyrdom for her. He also didn't want their family to fall apart because of their only child. He endured being with a wife who didn't care about them, just so his daughter wouldn't lose a mother.
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