12 | I Want You Kane

1013 Words
Kane Augustus's POV "What are you smiling for?" Dallas asked, as I walked through the doors of our house. My smile dropped and I frowned at her. "Why did that asshole bring you home?" I asked her. "He'smyboyfriend." I looked at her like she grew two heads. "What?" I asked in confusion. "He wasn't just my date! He's my boyfriend!" She yelled and I frowned. "Dallas," I growled. "I'll explain later. Look, just go do whatever you normally do. I'm going take a nap," she said while walking away. "You better explain later!" I hollered then rubbed my face in exhaustion. I figured I would take a nap also, so I was well rested for My Beauty tonight. She was in for a big surprise, in more way than one. After I stripped down to my boxers, I climbed onto my bed and pulled the blanket over my body, letting the warmth engulf me. I shut my eyes, praying for a good dream to come my way. Perhaps one about Adelina. My body relaxed and the darkness consumed me. "Adelina," I whisper into her ear. "S-stop," she stutters and I smirk. "You know you don't want me too," I tell her while planting kisses on her neck. "Tell me you want me Beautiful. Tell me I can have this perfect body," I growl, pinching one hardened n****e, before sucking on the other. She moans loudly and grips my hair tightly. "I want you Kane. I want you," she whispers and I smile down at her, placing my d**k against her wet folds. "Good," I tell her and thrust deep inside her, not bothering to take it slow. I pound into her at an erratic pace, enjoying the feeling of her tightness. "Kane!" In a flash I look down and see Adelina has disappeared. "Kane?!" My name is shouted and I look around, not spotting anyone. What is going on?! "Kane!! Wake up!" My eyes snapped open and Dallas was standing over me with an amused expression. "What?!" I snapped. "Dude, you been sleeping all day!" She said in annoyance. "And you were moaning," she said in disgust. I looked at the time and cursed. It was already nine thirty. "Take my wallet and car to go get you some food. I'm going shower," I told her and walked away before I withdrew what I just said. I heard her squeal then my door slammed shut. I chuckled and turned on the shower, letting the water get to the right temperature before stepping inside. The steam filled the bathroom while I bathed myself. My thoughts were on Adelina the whole time. Why was I drawn to her? What made her so special? She's all I thought about. I craved her touch. Her kisses. Seeing her smile. Everything about her drove me wild with desire. I just had a f*****g s*x dream about her for gods sake. I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower, grabbing my towel that was hanging on the rack. Once I dried my body, I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked over to my closet, opening the door. After pulling on my boxers and jeans, I shuffled through my shirts and settled on a loose long sleeved one. "I'm back!" Dallas yelled and I grabbed my phone. Heading downstairs, I walked over to the kitchen and sat at the island next to her. "Mc Donald's? Really?" I asked with a laugh. "Yes dude. I got you some nuggets," she said with a shrug. "Thanks baby sis. Will you be okay being alone for a while?" I asked her before shoving a nugget in my mouth. "Where you going?" She asked with a smirk. "Out," I replied with a grunt. "To meet Adeliiinnnaaaaa," she sang and I shoulder bumped her. "Shut up. And no, I'm just going out. If I happen to see her then very well. If not, then oh well," I said with a smirk. "Eww. I don't need details," she said laughing. "Yeah yeah yeah. Well I'm going. Love you. Call or text if you need," I told her then placed a kiss on her forehead. "Love you too!" She chirped. I grabbed my keys and wallet from her then headed out of the door. "Here I come, Adelina." I hopped inside of my car and headed to the bar that I first met my beauty at. I pulled into the parking lot a few minutes later and shut my car off. Adelina's car was parked a few cars over and I smirked. "Perfect," I whispered before getting out and heading to the bar's entrance. As soon as I stepped inside, I felt her presence. Looking to my right, I spotted Adelina laughing with her cousin. I followed the melodic sound with a smile on my face. Carlos smirked as I neared them, but Adelina never noticed. I stopped directly behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her back against my front. "Missed me?" I asked quietly. She turned her head and smiled. Like a real f*****g genuine smile. "I did," she purred and I laughed. "How long have you been here?" I asked her with concern. "Long enough to be drunk enough to f**k you right here and now," she whispered in my ear. I growled and tightened my grip on her. "Adelina," I groaned and she smirked. "Want to get out of here?" She asked seductively. I glanced at Carlos who nodded and winked. "You guys have fun!" He said and took off in the direction of his very own target. "Baby, you'll regret this," I whispered and she pouted. "Please Kane. I need you," she whispered with need. "Fine," I said and pulled her out of the bar with me. As soon as we got in the car, she passed out. I shook my head and chuckled. "That's what I thought," I whispered to her unconscious figure. "Always ruining my plans, My Beauty," I mumbled and kissed her forehead before taking us both back to my house.
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