Chapter 55 : Things Left Unsaid

1995 Words

*Eliza* I'd simply unlocked Abel's door and walked away, not bothering to shut it behind me. I was not making any more deals or bargains with the men in this realm, not anymore… never again. My footsteps echoed through the house as I climbed the grand stone staircase to the second story. I passed a maid who was bustling by, a basket of laundry clutched to her chest. She gave me a kind smile and a bob of her head as she passed, tilting her head down the hallway from which she'd come to where a door was slightly ajar, light spilling into the darkness. I glanced back at the staircase, half expecting Abel to be hot on my heels, but he wasn't. I walked into our room, finding Scarlett sitting up in the bed, her knees tucked into her chest. The hair around her face was damp, and her brow w

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