Chapter 51 : Lost and Found

2151 Words

*Eliza* Everything was terrible. Scarlett and I huddled together, shoulder to shoulder, trying to keep warm. It was dumping rain like I'd never seen. We were soaked to the bones, and had nowhere to hide from the downpour that had started over a full day ago and hadn't let up at all since then. The first two days of our journey had been stupidly easy. The forest was in full bloom, the first signs of summer evident as we walked along the trail for miles and miles and miles. Flowers dappled the rich, emerald-colored moss. The trees were heavy with green buds and freshly unfurled leaves. It smelled like heaven, rich and crisp and green. Scarlett's quiet disposition had been a blessing in disguise, her silent stealth proving useful when it came to catching rabbits to roast over our night

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