The Engagement Party 1

1760 Words
Alfred's POV My parents fancied nothing more than to host parties and get togethers, it was just four of us but whenever they hosted a family get together, there would be so many unfamiliar faces, and more than half the crowd were strangers, people my parents knew from work and where ever. Though the crowd was never an issue, the Dalton mansion could take as many guests as they wished to invite, it was enormous to be precise and My mother would never fail to invite everyone and just anyone, she liked to show off her expensive lifestyle. Her dresses and diamonds, she couldn't do anything without her accessories and she wanted all of her jealous friends to feed their eyes. I even spotted her dog walker and hair stylist earlier. I dreaded these parties, the boring music, the discussions, all they could talk about was their expensive vacations out of the country and job promotions , every one of them pretending. If only there were strippers and beer included I wouldn't miss it for the world. I wasn't allowed to invite my friends to parties like these or anything done in the house, Mother didn't like them very much, they were too loud for her, whenever I brought them around, she would carry a hard frown on her face, glaring at me from different corners. I wondered what my friend, Huey would say about this party. “ Rich people must hate good music,” He once said , I laughed at the welcoming idea of their presence in the party, they weren't too happy when i told them they weren't invited “Perhaps I'll invite them for my parent's anniversary, if mother doesn't drop dead first,” I stared thoughtfully at my glass of wine. I didn't want to be there I felt trapped. Usually when they hosted parties like this, I would hide away in my study undisturbed. But this occasion was one I couldn't fake a headache or a cold over, it was my engagement party after all. I stood at the center of the room, shaking hands with my fiancee standing beside me. The lovely Margret Hamish, she was the daughter of my father's best friend Robert Hamish. Margret was a lot older actually, she was just a few years older, I was in my early 20s. She had beautiful, radiant eyes, brown hair but was a little too slim for my taste. I liked my women younger and full chested, In short I liked them different and Margret was far from my type. This engagement wasn't out of love or companionship, it was for security for both sides. She came from a wealthy family and so did I. Her father was owned a high class real estate company and mine was an architect, they were practically a match made in heaven. I was a writer, a successful one at least for a few years until I lost my inspiration and couldn't write a damn thing over the past two years I've been a dead beat writer. Margret worked under her father and as the only child she was sure to inherit millions along with the family business, who wouldn't want a rich wife?, but I didn't love Margret and she didn't love me either, I was a 24 year old man even though I didn't look it, still living with my parents, I could afford a house but I preferred to live without responsibilities, I wanted to hang out with my guys in a strip club and f**k all the pretty girls, I could do anything, but this surely would ruin everything. “ Smile,” my mother whispered pulling me into a stylish hug, “ Remember my love, this is your party, but not that kind of party so try not to get wasted today”. She patted my shoulder before walking away. I felt sweat running down my forehead, I snatched another glass of wine from the server's tray and poured it down my throat anxiously. “ I never took you as the marrying type,” Regina teased, looking proud in a sleeveless turquoise dress. “Oh give me a break Gina,” I shoved her away and she faced me again “ Margret Hamish? I thought you weren't into older women,” she implied, “She's just a few years older, ” I answered, She handed me another glass of wine. “ Are you trying to get me drunk Regina?” I smiled at her obvious attempt to pull information from me. “ You,re already intoxicated Freddy,” she laughed. “ well I've had a few glasses, is it that obvious?” “It is Freddy,” she smiled “ Can you not call me that today.” “ Why are you doing this?” Regina finally asked the important question the one she'd been itching all day to ask. “ You know me better than anyone in this room,” “And this isn't you Alfred, you can't keep letting them arrange your life for you.” She moved closer, “I know you don't want this.” “ Not everyone is bold enough to be you, not everyone is bold enough to wear snickers in this house ,” I laughed pointing at her white sneakers. “I'll be fine.” I said “You know you can tell me anything Freddy,” she had a worried look in her eyes. Regina was the sensitive one, She in fact was everything I yearned to be. Independent, brilliant, caring and hardworking. For as long as I could recall she stood for what she believed, our parents couldn't control her so they learned to love him regardless of her choices. We were twins but she was the better version of me. “I know,” I smiled “I'm glad to see you're still writing, it's been awhile you know ” Regina mentioned “Writing?,” “Oh yes, I bumped into Jonathan earlier.” she recalled “I guess you are getting better after all.” I glanced around alarmingly before saying “ please excuse me for a moment.” I trotted away from Regina's company, this was my queue to escape the dreadful party. On my way out more people approached me, shaking hands and congratulating me, I felt a sudden irritation grow in my throat. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs and chase everyone out. Then Margret's parents approached me, her parents were a bit older than mine, my father admired Robert Hamish, a proud man, his shoulders stood high as he held a glass in one hand and had the other tucked in his pocket. “I'm so grateful to have you here sir”I shook his hand respectfully. “It's better you than anyone else” he smiled. “thank you sir,” “You know your father and I are like family and this really brings us closer.” “Indeed sir, I am a family man myself,” I said whatever popped into my head, I was told to kiss everyone's ass desperately, especially Robert's, he was the most important man in the room and he looked it as well, effortlessly swaggering about like he knew how important he was. “My daughter is in safe hands, I trust you Alfred.” he shook my hand again before leaving. I scanned the room as I headed for the door in a surreptitious manner, when suddenly I ran into the very person I planned to avoid, Jonathan Davids, my agent. “ Speak of the devil, ” I uttered impulsively. “Congrats on your engagement” He gestured, lifting his glass towards me. “I know what you're gonna say and..” I had no proper excuse, truthfully I had done nothing all month besides going out and getting drunk, the last actually book I wrote was two years ago and I longer found comfort in writing. “ Where's the manuscript mehn?” he let out almost immediately. “I'm working on it just give me till the end of this week” “It's Friday Alfred” he snapped “Then gimme till next week or this month .” I replied “Come on Johnny when have I ever you down?” “ What! all the time” he emphasized. “ trust me this time” “Tell me you at least have something down,” his face wrinkled into an irritated stare. “I do I definitely do” I lied. “The publishers are this close to dumping your ass, they only thing keeping you is the success of your past work ,” “Enough with the business talk, It's my engagement Johnny grab your self some dessert or whatever they cooked up.” “I know but this is serious, and i'm doing the best I can,” “I'm very grateful,” I said, glancing over his shoulder, I noticed a familiar lady standing at a corner was the Madison miller my ex girlfriend. She looked elegant in her peach backless gown and black stilettos, her boobs spilling out of her dress, she held on to her velvet clutch purse. I felt my p***s getting harder as I imagined the dress between her ankles. She noticed my compelling gaze and a approached me in graceful strides and at that moment I thought to myself “why did we end things?” and then I recalled it was my decision to end the relationship. Though there wasn't much to regret since we still had casual s*x every now and then. She couldn't get over me, and I couldn't get over, she was very submissive in bed, had no issues being pulled by the hair or tossed around, she quite liked it, it excited her. I walked away from Jonathan who was still speaking and met her at the corner of the room were she stood, beside the stool with the white ceramic swans, above was a renaissance themed painting of my parents hanging. No one was watching I made sure. All were occupied by my father's endless yacking, he loved the sound of his own voice. “You're getting married, what a shame,” she embraced me sensually, tracing her fingers behind my neck. “I know this doesn't move you a bit Madison.” I replied and she withdrew her arms . “Oh please you know I still have feelings for you Alfred.”
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