Graduation Day at Reaper Training

1058 Words
I’m Leia Plath, the only daughter of the Reaper King and Queen. As a half-reaper and dark witch, my magic runs as deep and dark as the night itself. My parents, Algar and Elanor, rule over one of the many reaper realms that stretch across the globe. Growing up as the lone girl among four brothers, I’ve always been my father’s favorite. Alex, the eldest, is away training with our dark elf grandfather. My younger twin brothers, Caden and Caleb, are still searching for their own paths. Unlike them, I refused to be just another princess waiting to be married off. Instead, I chose the path of a reaper. After rigorous training, I graduated from the reaper program. Now, I sit alongside my best friend Kia, eagerly awaiting our satin reaper boxes—our sacred tools of the trade. Each box contains cards detailing our targets, a pocket watch for precise timing, and sheer gloves that let us glide unnoticed among humans. Kia’s excitement was palpable as she asked, "Are you excited about seeing your first live human?" I shrugged, a smile tugging at my lips. "They’re just like us, so it shouldn’t be too shocking. Besides, in our line of work, they’re closer to death than life." She grinned, her enthusiasm infectious. I turned my attention to Aragon, our instructor and my grandfather Callon’s husband, who was now distributing the boxes. Aragon approached, his face a mask of pride. He handed me my box with a warm smile. "You’ll start with one collection this week, then two the next, and so on. I’m confident you’ll excel." He placed the box, a silver pocket watch, and the delicate gloves on my desk. I marveled at the gloves’ fragile beauty. Once all the boxes were handed out, Aragon addressed the class. "Remember, young humans, pets, and those who’ve brushed with death can see you without your gloves. Congratulations, you’re all set to begin your reaping." Kia grabbed my hands and danced around, her joy a stark contrast to the heaviness in my heart. My gaze was drawn to the reaper box. I lifted the lid to find a single card: Seth Lockwood, 22 years old, Dorm room 123 at Chow University, 4:11:23 pm, drug overdose. A wave of nausea rolled over me. Kia noticed my pallor. "What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost." I handed her the card. Her eyes widened in shock. "He’s our age. That’s so tragic." I nodded, glancing at my pocket watch. I had forty minutes until the collection. Kia suggested we grab a late lunch. I waved my hand, making the reaper box vanish, and tucked the card, watch, and gloves into my jeans before following her to a nearby burger joint. As I nibbled on a fry, my stomach churned. I pulled out the reaper card once more, reading Seth Lockwood’s name and details. An inexplicable longing washed over me, and I sighed, stuffing the card back into my pocket. "I'm heading out for my collection," I told Kia. She wished me luck, and I laughed nervously as I headed outside. I navigated through the reaper’s side of the world, making my way to the human university. Reapers exist alongside the human world, separated by a thin veil. Some humans with heightened senses might stumble into our realm, but usually, an uneasy feeling keeps them away. At Chow University, I donned my gloves and stepped from the void. I avoided the students and made my way to the boys’ dorm. With thirty minutes left, I reached room 123. The door was locked, but I phased through, manipulating the molecules. Inside, I was taken aback by the collection of minerals and hand-drawn mandalas adorning the walls. A smile crept onto my face. The bathroom door swung open, and a striking young man emerged, passing right through me. I gasped, clutching my chest. He was preparing to inject himself with drugs. Panic surged through me. I couldn’t let him die. Summoning my magic, I transformed the meth laced with fentanyl into harmless vitamin B12. He mixed the vitamin with water, drew it into a syringe, and injected it. I sat on his bed, tears streaming down my face. This human, Seth Lockwood, was mine, though he didn’t know it yet. I chuckled softly at the thought, and he tilted his head. "D*mn, this stuff’s good if I’m hearing things." Now that I had claimed him, he could probably hear and see me. I slipped the reaper card between his mattress and rose slowly. He turned, rubbing his eyes, and looked directly at me. "Um, hello? Who are you, and how did you get in here?" I opened my mouth to speak but clamped it shut. Frustrated, I used my magic to vanish. Back in my room at the palace, I rubbed my eyes, irritated by my impulsive heart. A knock on the door made my pulse quicken. "Honey, it’s your mom. I wanted to check on how your first collection went," Elanor said, opening the door. As queen, she had the ability to track all reapers, so she knew I had been out longer than usual. I forced a smile, lying through my teeth. "It went well. I messed up my pocket watch times because I was nervous," I mumbled. She looked skeptical but congratulated me anyway. Using my magic, I made my reaper box reappear. I lifted the lid to find another card inside: Seth Lockwood, 22 years old, Dorm room 123 at Chow University, 2:15:34 am, blood loss from suicide. Tears welled up as I pictured his lifeless face. My mother plucked the card from my fingers. "Such a waste for a life so young. I wonder if he’s related to the president of Lockwood Electronics." I shrugged, taking the card back. "It’s unusual to get a second card so soon. You must be doing exceptionally well," she said, beaming. "Yeah, me!" I replied half-heartedly. She invited me to the kitchen for a surprise celebratory meal and cake. "It’s not a surprise if you’re telling me," I giggled. "Your dad made the cake. Trust me, you’ll be gobsmacked." "That awful?" She shook her head, playfully mimicking a zip-your-lips gesture. Curiosity piqued, I followed her to the kitchen, my mind still haunted by Seth and the fate I was determined to alter.
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