+CHAPTER 4+ Aidan The Fierce

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“Told you, mom, she’s the lady father bought home.” Dominic said in an accusing whisper. “Father was holding her in his arms in bridal style when we caught him red-handed.” Xavier announced but Sky paid them no heed. Sky just stared at the woman dressed in denim shorts and a black shirt. Her dark hair was bound in a high ponytail. Her face was bare of any makeup. Her lips were blood red but Sky had a doubt that she wasn't wearing lipstick. Her blood-red lips seemed natural as they matched the color of her eyes, her red orbs that were currently staring at Sky's twin sons. The woman's sole presence screamed power, wisdom, dominance, and trouble~ The moment Sky's gaze fell on the pendant that was dangling from the woman’s neck she gulped audibly. Sky's eyes widened slightly when it dawned on her who this woman was. Years ago when Sky had come to the Dragon Realm for the first time she had passed the 'Fountain of Spirits' where she had met the late Queen of Dragons and the mother of Marek and Aidan. The late Queen had locked an identical pendant around Sky’s neck too but the only difference was that Sky’s pendant held the miniature of Marek's Dragon form while this female's pendant held the miniature of Aidan’s Dragon form. Sky had no doubt that this female was Aidan’s fated bride~ “I have always wanted to meet you.” Sky whispered. ”Just wanted to know what a woman looked like who had turned a King into a wanderer." At her words, Aidan's bride's lips curved in a slight smile but she still didn't look at Sky and strangely Sky wasn't offended in the least. “I think mom is in shock.” Xavier shared a look with Dominic. “Yes, it must be difficult for her to digest that her husband brought home a female who is more gorgeous than her.” Dominic whisper yelled at Xavier but everyone heard them loud and clear. “That’s enough you punks!” Sky yelled at her teenage boys who were more like toddlers than teenagers. “I don’t know when they are going to stop embarrassing me in front of everyone.” Sky grimaced, her cheeks turned red as she looked away from Aidan’s bride and glared at her sons. “Both of you out.” Looking at Marek she ordered. “You too.” “I swear hun I don’t even know her.” Marek tried to explain in a panicked voice. “I said out.” Sky pointed at the door. Both Xavier and Dominic sighed in disappointment because the ass whooping of their father they were anticipating didn't happen. Nothing upsets the twins more than a failed strategy. When Marek and the kids left Sky walked towards the door too but before leaving she squeezed Aidan’s shoulder in assurance. ”I guess she’s your date for tonight.” She gave Aidan a gentle smile before closing the doors behind her. Leaving Aidan and his mad bride alone. Aidan gazed at the woman who was sitting proudly without any remorse in front of him. His Dragon was pacing inside his mind like a caged beast, ready to pounce at her at any moment. “What do you think of yourself? Do you think you can leave me as you wish and came back after years when it pleases you? Do you think I’m a toy? Am I joke to you?” Aidan growled in bitterness. His fists clenched when he saw his bride assessed him from head to toe before mumbling distractingly. ”You look delectable enough my dragon king. I almost forgot the effect you had on me.” Ines's carefree attitude was fueling Aidan's anger. She was acting like she hadn't left his ass alone and naked in the Queendom of Queen Amber where he had seen her for the last time twenty years ago. And now she was back as if she hadn't left him sleeping in the bed, taking his clothes with her too. And even after that, he had searched for her in the deadly wastelands that surrounded Queen Amber's Queendom like a fool, risking his life for a woman who maybe didn't even care if he was dead or alive. "Why are you doing this Ines? Why are you testing my patience like this? You wanted to run away from me. You wanted me to let you go. Now when I'm finally living fine without you why are you back?” Aidan demanded while trying to keep his temper at bay. This woman had an ability to bring chaos in Aidan’s mind and soul~ “I wanted to run but I never wanted you to let me go. I didn’t want you to give up on me.” Ines whispered with sadness. Looking at her left side she whispered to an invisible person. "He thinks I don't care if he's alive or dead. Why would he have such cruel thoughts about me?" She pouted like a little girl. Reading Aidan's thoughts and then discussing them with her invisible friends was Ines's old habit that didn't bother Aidan anymore. His bride's madness was normal for him or maybe he was equally mad for loving her to a point of losing his own self. “You came here for me?” Ignoring her conversation with her invisible companion Aidan asked. Hope laced his tone. Maybe she was back this time. Maybe she won't leave him this time because this time she came to him on her own. But his hopes were soon crushed by Ines's next words. “Who said I came here for you? I didn’t come here for you.” Ines frowned at him. Aidan laughed at her words. His bride had the audacity to look him in the eye with her red orbs while saying those words. Rage filled him~ What the f**k this woman wanted? She desired him. She craved his touch then why doesn’t she wants to stay with him? What does she want that he doesn’t have? He was the King of Dragons who was bloody smitten by her. What else does she want? ”I want Cage, one of your subjects. Give him to me and I’ll be on my way out of here.” Ines demanded in a firm voice, reading his mind. Aidan’s right eyes twitched as he shot his bride a dead glare. Cage~ She wanted Cage. She was here for Cage, not for him. The sound of it didn’t sit well with Aidan. His Dragon was so close to losing it. Aidan gave a hollow laugh. “You came here for him?” Aidan laughed again. “I can’t see how me coming here for Cage is funny to you.” Ines stated in a stern tone as she raised a challenging brow at him. She was clearly not in a funny mood. “If you look at it from where I’m standing you will find it funny too.” Aidan replied, all the humor from before was gone from his tone. “Why do you want him, Ines?” Aidan questioned, but when Ines didn’t give him any response Aidan growled low in warning. He wasn't in the mood to play any silly games with her. Eliminating the distance between them, leaning down Aidan cupped her jaw as he gazed in her eyes. “Your tongue is telling me to let you go but your eyes are pleading me to save you.” “I don’t need anyone to save me.” Ines snarled like a wounded lioness. Her eyes flickering from red to black. “Your eyes say otherwise, my witch.” Aidan rasped against her lip. He resisted the temptation to claim her lips. ”And this time I’m going to listen to your eyes because unlike you they don’t hold secrets from me.” Without any warning, Aidan picked her up from the sofa in bridal style. “What are you doing? Where are you taking me?” Ines asked in a startled tone as they exited the guest chambers. She could sense the change in Aidan. “To my chamber, where you belong. This chamber is for guests and you are not a guest." Aidan grunted while carrying her to his chamber. “But I’m a guest here. Let's not mingle in each other's business dragon. Give me Cage and I won't bother you.” Ines protested as she squirmed in his arms. Suddenly Aidan let her down from his arms when his eyes fell on his nephews and the two dragon warriors accompanying them. His eyes zoomed on Cage who was one of them. Like a raged bull Aidan pounced on Cage, delivering a hard punch on his face. A sickening c***k echoed in the hallway of the palace along with Cage’s cursing shrill voice. "f*****g hell!!” “Consider this a warning. If I saw you even looking at my bride I swear to Gold I’m going to f*****g skin you alive.” Aidan growled before walking back towards his bride who was glancing from Aidan to Cage as if she didn't expect Aidan to attack the poor warrior. Picking her up in his arms again, Aidan started heading towards his chamber casually as if he hadn’t just gone berserk on Cage. Holding his nose Cage laid on the floor in shock. “Why did uncle Aidan punched you, uncle Cage?" Xavier asked with a frown. "Remember the other day both of you asked me why we call him Aidan the Fierce?” Cage asked as he looked at the twins. Both devil twins nodded their heads in yes. “This is the reason we call him Aidan the Fierce. He acts with his fists before he thinks it through.” Cage mumbled as he groaned in pain while rolling on the floor. Twenty years ago when Aidan the Fierce had returned to the kingdom of Dragons after giving up his centuries-old chase of his bride he was a completely different person. Calm, tamed, and almost sweet. This was the first time he had lost his temper since his return. And the shocking part was that the devil twins had been telling the truth. . . Cage had Lucas were strolling in the royal garden when Xavier and Dominic had told them that Aidan's bride was in the palace. Lucas and Cage hadn't trusted them. They had thought that the twins were pulling some trick on them so they decided to confirm it with their own eyes. Cage was the best tracker of the Dragon Realm. Even outside the Realm, his skills were unmatchable. Centuries ago he had tried to track Aidan's bride only to come back empty-handed. After that Aidan's bride had become a myth in the Dragon Realm~ The words had spread like fire that Cage hadn't been able to track Aidan's bride. Some people started to believe that Aidan's bride didn't exist if Cage wasn't able to find her because Cage had never failed to track a target. Some started to believe that the Rightful King was under a witch's spell. As time passed the rumors evolved too to a point where people had started believing that Aidan the Fierce was cursed to not have a bride or he was mentally unstable and staying so long without finding his fated bride had made him delusional. But now the Rightful King's bride was in the Kingdom of Dragons. Aidan's bride actually exists and she came here on her own and it seemed like she was bringing all of Aidan’s temperamental traits along with her. Cage groaned again. . . Fuck!! It was going to be a hard time for the Dragon Realm.
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